
Showing posts from March, 2016

Live It

March 16, 2016 Wake up. No really. Wake up. Life is short. Live it. Live every single day like it might be your last. Understand that you control what makes you happy. You control how you look at things in your life. You control how you want to face every single day and every single situation. Why spend life mad, frustrated, envious or disappointed? In just a moments time, your life can change forever. We have no control over that. If your life ended today, would you be happy? If someone was taken from your life today, could you say you had your best times with them? Did you leave things unsaid to anyone?  Are you proud of yourself? Do you do the things and act in a way that makes your life awesome? You should! Facebook has been reminding me of past moments. You know, it gives you the option to see your memories and things you posted in the past. With the more recent memories, my heart flutters with all things “Mama” when I see last year’s posts of Z at just a

They Remember What You Are

March 4, 2016 Well, here we are. Opens season 2016. I am a week behind, as the first Open workout was released last Thursday and the second last night. I have to be honest and say that I actually, somewhere inside me, wasn’t sure if I wanted to compete in the Open this year. I didn’t sign up until the Monday before the first WOD was released. I would be lying if I said my ego had nothing to do with it. It certainly did. I know I am not where I was two years ago, the last time I competed in the Open. I had my best year that year. I felt amazing and had really honed in on most of the skills I needed to actually compete at a higher level at Regionals. Now, a year after having Z, I feel like I am struggling with things that use to come easy to me… in addition to the things that I have struggled with in the past. I was afraid. I didn’t want to put myself out there and look like a fool. I didn’t want to fail and I didn’t want to disappoint those in the gym that are constantly cheeri