
Showing posts from January, 2015

I welcome 2015 with open arms. I am ready. Lets do this.

January 4, 2015 I am sitting here the last day of my "staycation" that I was lucky enough to end 2014 with, thinking of not only the year past, but the year we have ahead of us. We have the 2009 CF Games playing on the Google Chromecast and Hubs is making up some breakfast. I think the Little Monster likes CF already as he/she is responding with lots of pokes and stretching in there. For me, its still hard to believe that I closed out 2014 at 34 weeks pregnant. Last new years eve, the thought of having a baby was not in my immediate vision of the future, it was in the future, just not sure when. I was so focused on the CF Open that was coming up and my goals that revolved around that, it just didnt seem like something that would happen for us. Now... with just a few weeks left before I get to set my eyes on this little miracle and we get to hold, squeeze and kiss it all over... I cant imagine me life without it. Yes, this is me... looking forward to being a Mama. Hubs a...