
Showing posts from April, 2015

Treat Life Like a Band-aid

April 17, 2015 Its time for an update. All I could think of when trying to come up with a title for this weeks blog was a band-aid. There is lots to write about... the arrival of our "Little Monster," who decided to arrive exactly 2 weeks after his estimated due date, what the last week of pregnancy was like, how the delivery was... all the "details." Than of course there will be the post about what life was like the first week home, how Hubs and I are adjusting, the things I cant live without, the things I never thought I would think/say/do, that I now think/say/do... but not today. Today, I need to write about the "now." I should first introduce you to our Little Monster. "Mr. Z" arrived on February 26, 2015 at 1:40pm. He was 8lbs 2oz and 20.75" long. He came into the world with his hand next to his face (awesomesauce) and is absolutely perfect in every single way! Mr. Z @ 6 Weeks Old Now, what on earth is this band-aid talk. ...