Would you like a margarita?
July 23, 2012
Today was a rough day. A perfect reminder as to why I choose to live the lifestyle that I do 99% of the time. Alas there is that small 1% of the time when I let myself go a little more than usual, yesterday, one of those days!! Hubs and I had an excellent day up at Salisbury Beach with our friend KP, T, H and their families (we missed you J). When we arrived I was a little stressed, had an emotional morning and KP said the magic words "would you like a margarita?"
After a FABULOUS day, lots of well needed laughs and smiles, quite a few drinks, some delicious ribs an antipasto salad and sun, sand and sparklers Hubs and I needed to head home because we had to work today. Let me tell you something... I had to be in work at 6:30am to leave with my big boss and another co worker for a meeting... and wow... I was feeling those beverages, thats for sure!! After only a few hours of sleep (more like passing out) and not enough water I was a hurtin unit. The car ride to the city in the back seat of my boss's car, not exactly a fun place when you arent feeling so hot.
I do not regret the time we had Sunday, but it just went to show me that I dont really "need" to have that much to drink to have a good time. Sometimes I let myself get out of control and forget that its been a long time since the days when I would slam back tequila shots and a bunch of beers. My body certainly processes alcohol much differently than it used to and the couple of hours that I use to be out of it has now turned into a day or more. Not worth it. Fun, fun fun, but not worth feeling like crap the next day!
I was dragging ass allllll daaayyy at work after my meeting. Thinking about the fact that I had signed up for the 5:30pm class at CFW and how badly I wanted to sweat out the hangover. Honestly, as much as I was worried my performance would suck, I really wanted to just get there and get it all out. I was not going to bail, I was not going to let one day of drinking overtake me. NO EXCUSES. Its my own fault that I put myself in that situation and I would be really mad if I missed the day at the gym because of boozing on Sunday, I will not let that happen.
The WOD was hard. No questions asked. It was hard to get moving since I was tired... and I was concerned that I was going to reek like tequila through the whole workout... but eh, we all stink every now and again right? I was determined to suck it up and push through no matter what.
Thats exactly what I did. So the way this AMRAP worked was different than we are typically used to. That was a nice change and also a good way to mess with my head to keep going. We started with a 400m run, than came in and went right to the pullup bar. I wound up doing Nicole (rather than "Chesty Nicole") because I am just now kipping pullups so trying to get chest to bars without dropping would have me running a million miles and getting no pullup work in. What you had to do was connect as many pullups as you could and as soon as you dropped (let go of the bar) you had to go for another 400m run. I have to say, I thought I would have done a lot more running than I wound up doing.
I was VERY pleased with myself. The first three rounds I was able to connect and kip 10 reps! This is huge for me. On the 4th round M told me to get off the bar with the tape and work there, since we know grip is my issue, not strength, so if I want to get better at it, I have to keep working at it. At that point I was exhausted and doing my damnedest to stay on the bar even if I had to hang than re-kip to get up there. I strung together 6 for the rest of my 3 sets to finish the AMRAP.
Proud of myself, yes. Happy with my performance, yes. My pullups have come a LONG way and I just have to get past the mental block about hanging onto the bar. Once I let myself drop its hard to keep going, but in a "normal" WOD I have the option to jump back up for singles, not today! I really liked the format as it pushed me to do what I need to work on most with no excuses. I have said it before, you have to work at the things you suck at to get better at them. Soon, soon, I will not suck at them!! I can feel it!!
3 Rounds
- 20m Shuttle Run
- 5 Wall Balls
- 10 Lunges
- 15 Ring Rows
Half Flight Simulator
10-20-30-40 double unders
WOD: "Chesty Nicole"
20 Minute AMRAP
- 400m Run
- Max Chest to Bar Pullups (I did kipping regular pullups)
(10, 10, 10, 6, 6, 6 = 48 Rx Nicole)
"Graduated" to one abmat with a 10lb plate from 2 abmats
And for your viewing pleasure... the ladies at the beach!!
Today was a rough day. A perfect reminder as to why I choose to live the lifestyle that I do 99% of the time. Alas there is that small 1% of the time when I let myself go a little more than usual, yesterday, one of those days!! Hubs and I had an excellent day up at Salisbury Beach with our friend KP, T, H and their families (we missed you J). When we arrived I was a little stressed, had an emotional morning and KP said the magic words "would you like a margarita?"
After a FABULOUS day, lots of well needed laughs and smiles, quite a few drinks, some delicious ribs an antipasto salad and sun, sand and sparklers Hubs and I needed to head home because we had to work today. Let me tell you something... I had to be in work at 6:30am to leave with my big boss and another co worker for a meeting... and wow... I was feeling those beverages, thats for sure!! After only a few hours of sleep (more like passing out) and not enough water I was a hurtin unit. The car ride to the city in the back seat of my boss's car, not exactly a fun place when you arent feeling so hot.
I do not regret the time we had Sunday, but it just went to show me that I dont really "need" to have that much to drink to have a good time. Sometimes I let myself get out of control and forget that its been a long time since the days when I would slam back tequila shots and a bunch of beers. My body certainly processes alcohol much differently than it used to and the couple of hours that I use to be out of it has now turned into a day or more. Not worth it. Fun, fun fun, but not worth feeling like crap the next day!
I was dragging ass allllll daaayyy at work after my meeting. Thinking about the fact that I had signed up for the 5:30pm class at CFW and how badly I wanted to sweat out the hangover. Honestly, as much as I was worried my performance would suck, I really wanted to just get there and get it all out. I was not going to bail, I was not going to let one day of drinking overtake me. NO EXCUSES. Its my own fault that I put myself in that situation and I would be really mad if I missed the day at the gym because of boozing on Sunday, I will not let that happen.
The WOD was hard. No questions asked. It was hard to get moving since I was tired... and I was concerned that I was going to reek like tequila through the whole workout... but eh, we all stink every now and again right? I was determined to suck it up and push through no matter what.
Thats exactly what I did. So the way this AMRAP worked was different than we are typically used to. That was a nice change and also a good way to mess with my head to keep going. We started with a 400m run, than came in and went right to the pullup bar. I wound up doing Nicole (rather than "Chesty Nicole") because I am just now kipping pullups so trying to get chest to bars without dropping would have me running a million miles and getting no pullup work in. What you had to do was connect as many pullups as you could and as soon as you dropped (let go of the bar) you had to go for another 400m run. I have to say, I thought I would have done a lot more running than I wound up doing.
I was VERY pleased with myself. The first three rounds I was able to connect and kip 10 reps! This is huge for me. On the 4th round M told me to get off the bar with the tape and work there, since we know grip is my issue, not strength, so if I want to get better at it, I have to keep working at it. At that point I was exhausted and doing my damnedest to stay on the bar even if I had to hang than re-kip to get up there. I strung together 6 for the rest of my 3 sets to finish the AMRAP.
Proud of myself, yes. Happy with my performance, yes. My pullups have come a LONG way and I just have to get past the mental block about hanging onto the bar. Once I let myself drop its hard to keep going, but in a "normal" WOD I have the option to jump back up for singles, not today! I really liked the format as it pushed me to do what I need to work on most with no excuses. I have said it before, you have to work at the things you suck at to get better at them. Soon, soon, I will not suck at them!! I can feel it!!
3 Rounds
- 20m Shuttle Run
- 5 Wall Balls
- 10 Lunges
- 15 Ring Rows
Half Flight Simulator
10-20-30-40 double unders
WOD: "Chesty Nicole"
20 Minute AMRAP
- 400m Run
- Max Chest to Bar Pullups (I did kipping regular pullups)
(10, 10, 10, 6, 6, 6 = 48 Rx Nicole)
"Graduated" to one abmat with a 10lb plate from 2 abmats
And for your viewing pleasure... the ladies at the beach!!
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