
Showing posts from December, 2012

Snatch Balance

December 1, 2012 WARMUP Row 250 3 Rounds - 10 Spiderman - 10 ATW - 10 Swuats SKILL/STRENGTH - 3 Stop Cleans (5X5) 75, 85, 95, 105, 105 - High Hang Clean from Box (3X10) (widen feet, jump wide, open hips) -Snatch Balance 5X5 @ 55 .


November 30, 2012 WARMUP 3 Rounds - 200m Run - 10 Spiderman - 5 Strict Pullups - 10 Air Squat - 10 Back Extensions 2 Minute Shoulder Opener GROUP: Snatch (keep wider stance and knees out) WOD: Wanted 3 Rounds for Time - 40 Double Unders - 20 KB Swings (1pd) - 10 OH Squats (75) (7:31Rx) OLY: Snatch, 1 every 30 seconds for 6 Minutes 100lbs .


November 29, 2012 WARMUP 3 Rounds - 10 Around the World - 10 Wall Squats - 10 Pushups SKILL/STRENGTH MU Transitions - 5 X 5 with Red and Green Bands Pullups - 3 X Max Strict - 3 X Max Kipping .


November 28, 2012 WARMUP: Row 250 3 Rounds - 10 Grasshopper - 10 Lunges - 10 Shoulder Dislocate - 10 Wall Balls Row 250 WOD: Twister 12 Minute AMRAP 15-12-9-6-3 - Pullups - Front Squat (75) Burpees for the remaining time (5:36 + 75 Burpees Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH Back Squat - 12 Minute 5 X 1 165, 205, 230, 240, 245 <----PR

Gas Pedal

November 27, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 200m Run - 10 Ring Rows - 10 Spiderma - 10 Broad Jumps - 10 ATW WOD: Gas Pedal 3 Rounds for Time - Row 500m - 20 Toes to Bar - 1 Minute Rest (12:57 Rx) OLY: 1 Clean Every 30 Sec for 6 Minute 130lbs .

Two Pair

November 26, 2012 WARMUP 3 Rounds - Jump Rope Circuit - 10 Air Squats - 10 Inchworms - 10 Pushups WOD: "Two Pair" 10 Minute AMRAP - 10 Snatches (55) - 10 OH Lunges (25) (8+12 Rx) STRENGTH: 10 Minutes for 5X3 Push Press (85, 95, 105, 125, 145) .


November 22, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 22 I am thankful for my family. Happy Thanksgiving. Do something you have never done before!! I will report on the Run for the Diamonds tomorrow!! Today is Thanksgiving and its a day I am so thankful for. I was blessed this year to get to spend it with my PA family! I havent been in PA for Thanksgiving since I was 1 year old, so this was a treat! I was thrilled to get to see the people I love and adore that I typically only see over the 4th of July. We had a wonderful day filled with many many memories!


November 21, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 21 I am thankful for vacation days! Headed to PA to see the fam, run a race, celebrate Thanksgiving, watch two amazing people get married... and make memories! WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Lunges - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 10 Pushups - 10 Spiderman - 200m Rum WOD: The Decender for time Row 500-400-300-200-100 KB Swing (1pd) 25-20-15-10-5 Pullups 25-20-15-10-5 (17:55 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH 3 Rounds - 10 GHD - 10 Superman - 10 Hollow Rocks .


November 20, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 22 I am thankful for my body. I think we all have a tendency to take our body for granted. We never really think of the things we have that others dont. We dont really understand that some people live in pain on a daily basis. We try to understand eating disorders and why people can do things to their body that we ourselves might not be able to imagine, but its hard unless you are the one in the situation. Having the mind to take control of your body and teach yourself the things you need to be healthy and strong is the first step and a difficult one if you dont have the eduction or mindset to do do. I have been on all sides of this... and still struggle at times. I had the time when I looked in the mirror and was almost ready to give up, just do whatever and complain, complain, complain... as if that was going to help. I had the time when I worked really hard at the gym, but still pumped my body with crap... again... not going to...

Loaves and Fishes

November 19, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 19 I am thankful for the local food pantry. Tonight I took some time after work to volunteer at the food pantry in Devens MA.My office did this last year and I wrote about my experiences. It was such a eye opening night for me that I really wanted to do it again. This is the same organization that we ran the 5K road race for a few weeks ago. I was thrilled when I found out that I wasnt going to miss the date to volunteer for my trip for Thanksgiving. Again it was one of the most humbling and rewarding things I have been able to take part in. I am really looking forward to heading over there for their Christmas date this year. Already all signed up!   Take a moment to think about your local food pantries at this time of year... and all times of the year.  WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Jump Rope Circuit - 10 Air Squats - 10 Scorpions - 10 Back Extensions - 1 Rope Climb WOD: Open 12.3 18 Minute AMRAP - 15 Box Jumps (20) -...


November 18, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 18 I am thankful for the Patriots! Sundays during the fall and winter just wouldnt be the same without football!!

Beer and Friends

November 17, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 17 I am thankful for our growing CrossFit Community! How many CrossFitters can you fit in the Wachusett Brewery? Ummmm... about 40... and than some! We had a fantastic CFW gathering tonight! What a great time with lots of fantastic people! I love that we grow every day! Keep kicking butt CFW! WARMUP: Row 250 3 Rounds - 10 Walking Lunges - 10 Inchworms - 10 Around the World - 5 Pullup - 5 Pistols Frog Stretch SKILL/STRENGTH Front Squat - 1RM 155, 175, 190, 200, 205 (PR), 215 (fail) .

Yes She Is

November 16, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 16 I am thankful for my kick ass friend and hairdresser! She is amazing, fantastic, and one of the best people I have been lucky enough to meet! We have been together for as long as I can remember. She has seen me through my first perm (hello 80's), all 4 proms starting my freshman year and continuing through graduation... my wedding day and everything in between! Convinced me to get highlights, wax my eyebrows, chop my hair for locks of love... twice, and with every step I trust her 100%! Thanks Jen! You are one of a kind! Keep kicking ass! WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Row 250m - 10 Walking Lunges - 10 Ring Rows - 10 Hollow Rocks - 10 Toy Soldiers WOD: Barbara 5 Rounds for Time - 20 Pullups - 30 Pushups - 40 Situps - 50 Squats (42:28 Rx) .


November 15, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 15 I am thankful for continuing education.

Thirty TWO

November 14, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 14 I am thankful for a special treat. Today I turned 32. Its kinda funny... I have to actually think about my age when someone asks me how old I am because I cant really believe that I am over 30... let alone 32. Not that being over 30 is a bad thing, or I am old or something... because I know that I am not. Sometimes I just feel like time is passing by but I am staying the same age. Clearly, thats not the case! I can say that I felt amazing last year on my 31st birthday, I was on the up and up... getting my shit together and heading in the right direction. I have to say, 365 days later, I am feeling even better than I thought I ever could. If you asked me at 30 how I was feeling it would be a totally different story. I am so happy and proud of the changes I have made in my life. Now, that special treat... this was my mission on the way home from work. Hubs was stopping at the store to get the good to make me an incredible Birth...

Yeah I Said That...

November 13, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 13 I am thankful for my boss. I do realize how lucky I am that I can say that. I have an amazing job, an amazing boss and some really great amazing co-workers... WARMUP: Row 500m 3 Rounds - 5 Pushups - 10 Spiderman - 15 Abmat Situps - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 5 Wall Balls Row 250m WOD: Troth 15-12-9 for time - Chest to Bar Pullups - Clean (105) - Ring Dips (red band) (10:39) SKILL/STRENGTH Push Press 5 X 1 105, 125, 135, 145, 155 (PR), 165 (fail) .

Black Cherry

November 12, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 12 I am thankful for polar seltzer. Another one of those "sounds petty" ones... but its true. I am thankful that this delicious satisfying drink came into my life when I went paleo. I went for years without drinking any soda at all. Eventually I was drinking Diet Dr Pepper and Diet Coke like it was going out of style and I was going to miss the last 12 pack. Not good. When Hubs and I stopped eating crap we ditched the soda cold turkey... and picked up a pack of black cherry polar seltzer. It made making the switch to paleo so easy and its a nice bubbly drink when the need rises. It also comes in cans so we often bring it to parties where we know people will be drinking when we dont want to drink. Its nice to have the can to hold while people are socially drinking. Give it a shot! It works and there are lots of great flavors to try out! WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Jump Rope Circuit - 5 Pullups - 10 Inchworms - 15 Air Squats ...

Mom and Dad

November 11, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 11 I am thankful for my Mom and Dad. Not only do I owe my life to them, but I owe the fact that I am the woman I am today because of them. Together they create the perfect unit to parent, love, care, teach, play, laugh, hold, discipline, stand by, mold, encourage... and any and all things beyond that that a parent should be for their children. They love each other with every ounce of their being. They stand behind one another through all walks of life and are the perfect example of how two people can fit so well together. They are the strongest two people on the planet. I love them, respect them, cherish them and look up to them with every single day of my life and I happen to be the luckiest daughter in existence because they are mine. Mom and Dad came out our way and we spent the day together to celebrate both our wedding anniversary (a little late) as well as my and Hub's birthday. We went to brunch and than watched the Pa...

Date Night

November 10, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 10 I am thankful for date night... ... and I will leave the details to your imagination! WARMUP: Row 500m 3 Rounds - 10 Squats - 10 Pushups - 10 Shoulder Openers Row 500m WOD: "Morrison" 50-40-30-20-10 for time - Wall Balls (14) - Box Jumps (20) - KB Swings (1pd) (25:20 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH Butterfly Pullup Work .