Yes She Is

November 16, 2012

22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 16
I am thankful for my kick ass friend and hairdresser!

She is amazing, fantastic, and one of the best people I have been lucky enough to meet! We have been together for as long as I can remember. She has seen me through my first perm (hello 80's), all 4 proms starting my freshman year and continuing through graduation... my wedding day and everything in between! Convinced me to get highlights, wax my eyebrows, chop my hair for locks of love... twice, and with every step I trust her 100%!

Thanks Jen! You are one of a kind! Keep kicking ass!

3 Rounds
- Row 250m
- 10 Walking Lunges
- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 Hollow Rocks
- 10 Toy Soldiers

WOD: Barbara
5 Rounds for Time
- 20 Pullups
- 30 Pushups
- 40 Situps
- 50 Squats
(42:28 Rx)



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