
Showing posts from January, 2014

Be Not Afraid of Moving Slowly

January 20, 2014 Ever feel like you are just standing still? That you have all these ideas and goals that you are fighting for in your mind, trying to push as hard as you can to get there, than suddenly you stop and look at whats going on and think... "I am going nowhere with this." Life gets a little overwhelming when you set standards and goals for yourself that are ambitious. Its hard to separate the realistic expectations from the "dreams." Not that you cant reach your dreams, or shouldn't try, but you have to hit all the milestones in the middle in order to get there. It takes time and it takes patience, of which I have none. You also have to break down the goals, piece by piece and remember that things wont happen over night and of course, just wanting something isnt enough, you have to fight for it. I think my biggest problem is that I am a "big picture" person. I want the result. I want to take the shortest and fastest way from A to B and...

What inspires you?

January 14, 2014 What inspires you? I mean really think about it. What gets your heart racing, your gears moving and your urge to fight, drive and complete something revved up? Clearly, we all have different inspirations and clearly, different things motivate for different reasons to reach different goals. But, have you ever really thought about the things that motivate you to keep you going every day? I have been through some tough things in my life. I am lucky enough to have an amazing support system and I know I am going to be bias here, but the most amazing parents god put on this planet. Between the two of my parents, growing up, I had more inspiration right in front of my face than I even knew. To be honest, I didnt take advantage of that until I was an adult. I didnt know what I was looking at. I didnt realize just how much they inspired me until it was all put to the test. Until I had to look at my own life and think "I need to call my mom" or "what would my ...

Nothing Will Work...

January 9, 2014     I love so much about this image its hard to even cover it all... but the message, that is what is key!  Hard work, dedication and determination are keys to making something you set your mind to become a success. You put the time in, you will see the results. You want to make a change in your life, you have to work for it.  You want to get better, faster, stronger... work, work work!  Some of the best things in life are the things that can not be given to you. They are the things that you earn, the things that you work for. These things are so much more rewarding than something you can buy at a store or get as a gift. They are the things that cost you sleepless nights... extra hours at the office... time away from your family... a night out with friends that you "cant" drink... ripped hands and random bruises... but the reward, man, the reward feels so damn good.  Fight for the things that you want for yourself mentally...

You Need a Plan

January 8, 2014 Everyone knows how hard it is to just decide to make a drastic change in your life and then stick with it. I mean come on, who dosent know a smoker who has tried to quit but cant give up that cigarette after a meal, or someone who has yo yo dieted more times than they can count (guilty as charged). Of course we also know the people who have signed up for the gym than gone a few weeks, maybe a month or two... than they just dont have time for it anymore. We are people of routine. You really have to work hard to break those habits if you want things to change. I had to do it... and I am struggling to do it right now for two very different reasons to reach two very different goals in my life. I think the real key here is making a plan. There has to be a plan in place to accomplish anything you set out to do. Going back to the whole "if you don't practice you wont just 'get it' one day," or "if you dont study the knowledge isnt going to just ...

Sink or Swim

January 7, 2014 I am sure every person has heard the term "sink or swim." Think about it... in reality we face this scenario every single day of or lives. We make the choice every morning to "sink or swim" the second our eyes open and our mind starts going. Your feet dont even have to hit the ground. Am I going to have a good day or a bad day? Am I going to wake up with an attitude or am I going to give this day a shot? Its a personal decision. What I am thinking about really are the times in life where you feel like this in a situation that you may not have put yourself in, but have been put in by someone else. You feel as if you have been tossed in the water and you are flapping around trying to figure out how to tread the water so you can live to see another day. Will someone come to help you? Will you sink to the bottom like you have weights tied to your feet? Will you do the doggy paddle and just keep your nose above water until you get to shore... or will ...

New Kicks

January 6, 2014 Today was an interesting day for a few reasons. I woke up with a great mindset, albeit I didnt sleep really well. I partook in my "normal" routine for the morning and headed to the gym. I was pretty excited to start this new training cycle and really pumped for a 1RM front squat! Like the first day of school I talked about yesterday, I was even all hooked up with  my new kicks! Hubs and I had a little bit of fun at the Reebok outlet this weekend!! Two pairs of Nanos and a pair of Oly's each and we are ready to go! What was the problem? I have come to learn that I do not perform well if I do not eat enough the day before a workout, I find this happens on Mondays a lot. I am by no means making excuses because, it is what it is, but weight was feeling really HEAVY today! Squat session went ok. I was working with some of my favorite squat partners and we were off. I felt pretty good and we were moving right along. M has given me some squat technique...

Screw Normal...

January 5, 2014 Is it odd that I couldn't wait until today? Today is the start of the first full week of the new year. Its first full week back to work after the holidays. The first week that my "regular" schedule isn't interrupted by a holiday, a day off or a snow day (hopefully). The first week of tracking my food. The start of a new training schedule. The start of a study schedule for my exams. It feels like the Sunday night before the first day of school. I am excited, I am nervous, I am ready.  Back on a schedule... dare I say, back to "normal?" I am not sure I want to say "normal." I am not even sure I know what "normal" is. I am pretty sure that I, myself, am not "normal." Even more than that, I don't think I want to be "normal." However, after saying "normal" that many times in a row, I now know it is one of those crazy words that makes absolutely no sense the more you say it... and may not ac...

Winston Churchill Said it Best...

January 4, 2014 Well, as I said, it has come time to face my fears. Take something in my life I have been afraid to do and hit it. Hit it hard. Stopping only when I have reached my goal. You see... last year I was killing myself for the Open. I was stressed, but I wasnt focused on the things that I couldnt do... I was focused on getting better at the things that I already could do. This is a constant struggle for a CrossFitter. Who wants to swing around on the pullup rig working on toes to bar when there is heavy weight that can be thrown around?! Or if gymnastics is your thing... how fun is it to work on your snatch technique when you have the butterfly pullup to perfect? In my head I knew that there were things I needed to get better at, but I feared if I let my strength (my safety blanket) slack, that I would be totally useless... what good would it be for my gym and the team if I couldnt hold up to the things they counted on me for? The biggest problem and my biggest "fear...

No Fear

January 3, 2014 In case you  missed it yesterday, the blog is still the same blog... just needed a little facelift for the changes in 2014!I got tired of looking at the black page with the grey backing. This is a little more "me" and a little more upbeat for the adjustment I am working on with myself. I was on the interwebs this AM on the book of faces when I stumbled across this phrase... it struck a chord for me after I conversation with my Pops the other day when I took him out for his birthday lunch on New Years Eve. Now, I am not typically one to "give up" and I certainly not afraid to push myself to my limits... however I would be lying if I said that I was never afraid. I sometimes have a fear of the unknown, don't we all? I sometimes also have a fear of starting something new, simply due to my fear of failure. I have said before that failure is my 100% biggest fear in life... personally I consider that to be both a blessing and a curse. More of...

You Better Recognize

January 2, 2014 Well, that was nice. Its the first time today that I wrote the date without having to correct myself!! Go me! Don't adjust your browser... it was time for a "new look!" So, one of the things I struggled with in the last few months is actually really hard for me to admit. I am going to go ahead and do it anyway even if it may seem as if everything I have written about before is hypocritical, please understand it was not. I believe and feel every word I write on here. Maybe, (I hope) it will prove that I am actually "human" and that even "strong" people have weak moments. That sometimes people fall down... its just a matter of getting back up, brushing off and taking a step forward. I think, honestly, not writing and not expressing myself really did a number on my happiness. I was letting life go quickly and was back to living the "groundhog day" lifestyle that I promised myself I would never allow to happen to me again....


January 1, 2014 Here we are. January 1st. A new year. The day when millions of people decide "today is the day" to start something new, to set goals and to stick with them. Facebook and other social media sites are flooded with people posting statuses that their "healthy eating" is going to start today. Gym memberships go through the roof by virtue of sales, free trials and zero start up fees. People say they will "keep in touch" with others. They might decide that they are going to "quit" something... smoking, swearing, drinking... whatever the case may be. I am a huge fan of goal setting, but the thing that I find to be a huge pet peeve (and I can say I have even been guilty of it myself) is when when someons "resolution" is preceded or followed with the phrase "I know I say this every year but.." Not to mention the reasoning behind waiting until January 1st, or the first of the month, or "next Monday" to start p...