What inspires you?

January 14, 2014

What inspires you? I mean really think about it. What gets your heart racing, your gears moving and your urge to fight, drive and complete something revved up? Clearly, we all have different inspirations and clearly, different things motivate for different reasons to reach different goals. But, have you ever really thought about the things that motivate you to keep you going every day?

I have been through some tough things in my life. I am lucky enough to have an amazing support system and I know I am going to be bias here, but the most amazing parents god put on this planet. Between the two of my parents, growing up, I had more inspiration right in front of my face than I even knew. To be honest, I didnt take advantage of that until I was an adult. I didnt know what I was looking at. I didnt realize just how much they inspired me until it was all put to the test. Until I had to look at my own life and think "I need to call my mom" or "what would my dad say if this happened to him?" They inspire me to be the woman I want to be. They inspire me to be a strong, independent person who dosent take shit from anyone. They inspire me to work hard, and taught me that though nothing is free in this life you have the power to get and do whatever you want. They inspire me to someday be the best mother I can be to my children if I am blessed to have them. They inspire me to be me. That if people done like me, thats ok. If people hate, thats ok. I am who I am and there are plenty of people out there who love and care for me. Dish it out... love people, care for people, make people smile... there is nothing better.

Over the last few months I have been laying pretty low on the "competition" side of the CrossFit world. The last comp I did was the 3G Throwdown at The Taj in Boston. Since than I have attended three competitions as a spectator Some of the ladies (and gents) have participated and I love to go and watch. Yes, some people think that its a little crazy to "waste" a day watching a competition that I am not participating in... but if you are looking for a source of CrossFit inspiration... well my friends, you should attend a few comps. If you are a competitor take a competition off and go observe.

Whats amazing is that the emotions are all still there. You know what the athletes are feeling and what goes through there head just as they are meeting with the judge to check in in their lane. You know the thought process about what to eat and when... and how to get in a good warmup before your event. The thing is, as a competitor we are really focused on ourselves the day of a competition. Yes, we are there to cheer on and encourage our gym, but you really dont have the time to take in the emotions that are all around you. When you are there watching... there is so much to absorb. There is so much to be inspired by.

A few CFWers competed this weekend for the first time. When I arrived at the event I couldnt help but be so excited to witness their first experience in competition. I can remember how I felt at my first comp and I could feel the energy from them... the nerves, the excitement and the urge to pee every 5 seconds!! It was all there!! These ladies were fierce! I saw sides of some of them that I have never seen before. They were amazing to watch and laid it all out on the line. They worked as teams, helped one another when they needed it and communicated perfectly. Really, they showed what a great facility and family we belong to at CrossFit Wachusett.

I sit back and think about it... how inspirational it is to me to see their performances. It makes me think of that drive, that determination to get better every single day. It reminds me of my beginning, where I have come from, where I am going and what I have left. They inspire me to push harder, get better and work faster. Their hard work and drive makes me want to be a better me. I know they were not just an inspiration to me, but to their husbands, children, brothers, sisters, friends... the list goes on! You ladies should be proud and very very pleased!!

Thank you ladies for inspiring me. Now, what inspires you?!


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