The Open 2014 is in the Books
April 4, 2014
Well, now is as good a time as ever to share my thoughts on
the 2014 CrossFit Open. I have been asked about my thoughts, read other peoples
articles and listened to other peoples thoughts/complaints through all 5 weeks
of the open as well as after the last workout was posted. Now it is time to put
my half answers and random thoughts into some sort of order.
This year was extremely inspirational and at the same time extremely
challenging for me. There are so many factors that had my emotions pulling in
every direction imaginable. It took a lot of deep thoughts, talking strength and
courage into myself and remembering why I do “all of this” on a daily basis to
keep my head in the game and my confidence high enough to move forward.
The Open is such a motivational time of year. During a mere
5 weeks, its amazing how many people find something in themselves that they
never knew existed. What is even more amazing is to actually witness it happening
to them, or actually being the one its happening to! Some people dig deep, they
get to a place that they have never pushed themselves to… some people
experience their first “competition style” workout… some complete one rep of
one movement that they couldn’t do just one day before. There are tears of
frustration, anger and pain… but also many many tears of joy. For every disappointment
there are 10 smiles and personal goals achieved. Every high five, sweat stained
floor, ripped hand and sore muscle contains a piece of someone’s 2014 Open story,
a victory, big or small.
I have to be honest, when I saw the hundreds of complaints that
flooded the CrossFit Games website after the first workout of The Open was
announced, a “simple” couplet of double unders and snatches, I was shocked. I
continued to be shocked week after week after each announcement when people
would find anything and everything to complain about… the reasons why it was a “bad”
workout for The Open, or how so many people CAN’T do something in the workout.
Wait a minute… isn’t “CAN’T” the word that we as
CrossFitters are not allowed to have in our vocabulary? Don’t we coach every
single person who walks through the door of a CrossFit gym that they are going
to be able to do things that they never thought possible and they should never
use the word “CAN’T” again. They should
leave the negativity at the door and they should at least try something first
before saying that they “CAN’T” do it?! What happened here? Why are “we” all of
a sudden a bunch of people who complain about a workout?
At CFW, I can say that I didn’t hear many complaints. I did
hear people concerned that they weren’t going to do well… maybe they were insecure
that they “don’t have double unders” or “never did a chest to bar before.”
These reactions are common, usual and appropriate… first because they did not
contain the word “cant” but, mostly because they were followed with encouragement
by someone who might have been in their shoes at one point. I know I shared the
story of how I got my first chest to bar pullup just a day before I had to do 12.5
during my first Open in 2012. Of course I was terrified when that workout was
announced… I barely had a pullup without a band at that point… but my coaches
and my friends were encouraging and supportive. Isnt that what CrossFit is all about?!
I was so excited to see the looks on people’s faces when
they did conquer their insecurities, when they let go of their fears of things
they could never do before. There were many who got their first double unders,
or strung together a few for the first time, some who never put 65lbs over
their head before for an OH Squat, some who finally got that first box jump to
a 20” box, deadlifted 225, or just made
it through 14.5. Because those workouts were so challenging, so many people
were challenged to do that thing we talk about all the time… they were forced
to “get comfortable being uncomfortable.” They were able to turn the “Ive never”
into their very own story of how they got their first during The Open 2014… how
cool is that?!
For me, personally, my comfort zone was stretched in a lot
of different directions. I had my moments of fear, anxiety and insecurity… but
I also had my moments of pride, confidence and hope. I cried my own frustration
tears, I cried my tears of pain… but what I remember most and what I will bring
forward in my training are my happy tears. Those moments where I dug deep and
did what I knew I could do, where I wouldn’t allow my brain to let my body stop.
Those moments where I was inspired by the “firsts” happening around making me
remember I had more “firsts” in my future as well. Those moments when I laid on
the floor completely spent after the time had expired or when I completed the
work to make the clock stop… where I thought to myself, “yes… that is why you
do ‘all of this.” That feeling, that emotion… I cannot explain it, I can only
feel it.
Keep pushing, don’t give up… you will feel it and you will
never want to stop feeling it.
The Open 2014 is in the books.
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