
Showing posts from September, 2014

Mama's New Shoes

September 12, 2014 Here I am, one more week into this new adventure. Hard to believe that I am 18 weeks today. Things have been going pretty well so I haven’t had much to post about. This week I have really noticed my cardio endurance slipping. I get winded much easier than normal… even before pregnancy my endurance wasn’t very good… so this is getting tough. I am doing my best to keep my eyes off the clock and just keep pushing forward through he workouts. I do have to admit that it is much easier said than done. I am still really enjoying all the lifting. We are in an Oly cycle at CFW right now so I am hoping to come out of this with some improved lifts. As far as adjustments I haven’t made many. When we are working on back squats through this cycle we are focusing on high bar back squat so my weight is much less than my 1RM to begin with. I have been sticking with that lower number to use for my percentages, still squatting below 90. For my snatch and clean ...

The Questions

September 5, 2014 Here we go! I reached week 17 in my pregnancy today. Holy crap... where is the time going?! I had an appointment this morning and was basically told that the Little Monster not only has a strong heart beat but is also doing backflips and burpees in there left and right... she could tell that by wooshing noise the doppler made every time it moved. She used the words "very active" and asked if I had felt any movement as of yet... and what do you know, I have! Amazing to say the very least! The sound of my baby's heart beat is just a sound that will never get old. There is just no way to describe my emotions. Everyone has known about my pregnancy now for almost two weeks.The happiness and excitement that everyone has for Hubs and I and our families when they hear or when they see us for the first time is just so awesome! We continue to get more and more excited with each "congratulations" and hug or handshake! Honestly, I still cant even bel...

Forget Chapter... We are Starting a New Book

September 1, 2014 Saturday June 21st Hubs and I found out our lives will be forever changed. We are going to be parents! A tiny life has begun... I have had a lot of "feelings" in my life, but the one I had that morning when the second pink line appeared on the test... that is a feeling I can not even begin to describe and certainly one I will never forget. A tiny life, a tiny human, my child... growing and changing by the day, inside me...  A love more powerful than I ever thought imaginable fills my heart. So completely overwhelming and scary, yet completely awesome at the same time! We waited quite some time to announce to our family and friends and once we felt the time is right, we announced at the gym and than on the book of faces. Today I am letting the blogging world know, sorry your the last to be informed. Today, I am 16 weeks and 3 days. Already well into the second trimester. Its been quite some time since I have blogged last. I started to feel like my posts...