Mama's New Shoes
September 12, 2014
Here I am, one more week into this new adventure. Hard to believe that I am 18 weeks today.
Things have been going pretty well so I haven’t had
much to post about. This week I have really noticed my cardio endurance
slipping. I get winded much easier than normal… even before
pregnancy my endurance wasn’t very good… so this
is getting tough. I am doing my best to keep my eyes off the clock and
just keep pushing forward through he workouts. I do have to admit that
it is much easier said than done. I am still really enjoying all the
lifting. We are in an Oly cycle at CFW right
now so I am hoping to come out of this with some improved lifts.
As far as adjustments I haven’t made many. When we
are working on back squats through this cycle we are focusing on high
bar back squat so my weight is much less than my 1RM to begin with. I
have been sticking with that lower number to
use for my percentages, still squatting below 90. For my snatch and clean and jerk I am doing the
same. I have stuck with a number that I was consistently hitting
through the first trimester rather than my true 1RM to base my
percentages off of. I want to keep getting better with my
form and technique, but strength is not necessarily something I am
focused on right now. Achieving a new 1RM can wait. Hopefully my
strength numbers will not change much once I get back into training when
the little monster has arrived.
All week I felt great. The workouts included wall
walks, toes to bar, chest to bar, dubs, deadlifts, pistols, burpees,
thrusters, running… am I missing anything? I have made no modifications
made to any of my movements thus far. However,
even though I know that the baby has plenty of cushion in there, I
walked down my burpees because for some reason I am not ok with slamming
to the ground for each one. This sucks because it certainly makes me use
my arms more tired on every burpee, so going from
burpees to wall walks… not too much fun. But, I made it. I have noticed
all the pulling of my body weight movements are a little more
challenging with less core strength and a little more wight on my body.
Again, I am just pushing (or pulling) through. No
real complaints aside from being out of breath after a 400m run during
the warmup!
For me, my mindset has played a huge roll in this
pregnancy thus far, I think. I mean, I know I have been pretty lucky to
not have had any sickness that lots of women endure through the start
(or all) of their pregnancies. My life feels like
it is where it should be. Hubs and I have been super positive and we
are trying to keep the momentum moving forward with all walks of our
lives, from work to the gym and at home. We are smiling a lot, laughing a
lot and just enjoying each other and our lives.
Yes, there are suck ass moments, but that’s a part of life.
Mama's New Shoes & Fancy Pedi!
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