Giving Thanks

November 30, 2014

I feel like a broken record every year at Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving happens to be my favorite holiday. No, its not because it is the "gateway" to Christmas... No, it is not for the sales that happen the next day. No, it is not because of the day off from work, the long weekend or the food... in fact it has nothing to do with all of that. Thanksgiving is a day I can sit back and take a real look at everything I have to be thankful for. It makes me sad that too many people let the day fly by without thinking of what its really about.

I woke up this Thanksgiving morning with a warm heart. It happened to land on the same day that my Grampa passed away just a few years ago. I decided to take that emotion positively to make me smile. Yes, I miss my Gramp, he was an amazing man... but I thought of all the memories, the life he lived and was so thankful that I had all those years with him in my life. I will never ever forget dancing with him to String of Pearls at my wedding... his face was priceless! This one came from a JAZSF tournament years ago... but one of my favorites!

I started to think about this Little Monster and how much my life already has and is going to change. Just with this little life already fluttering (ok punching and kicking) away. At just 29 weeks, he/she is the most important person on the planet. The most perfect little being... "perfect" to anyone but me I dont care... but perfect to me. How thankful I am that my little one will have whatever life I am able to provide it with and more. That he/she has so many wonderful people who are already thinking of them, loving on them and not so patiently awaiting its arrival. It has no idea! Thankful that I have had so many people in my life that support me, love me and care for me. Words and thanks can not even come close to how I feel. I would not be the woman I am today without each and every thing I have gone through in my life. Good, bad, happy, sad... I am who I am because of it. I am thankful for the support and the life I have been blessed to live. 

Happy Thanksgiving.


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