Learn to Love the Grind

May 8, 2017

Its not too often we take time to slow down. Our world, our daily life, or jobs... time passes so quickly and suddenly we look back and say "what happened to the last month/year." We set out to do something and we want immediate results. We send an email or a text message and want an immediate response. Often times we feel let down if we don't get that quick turn around... we pretty much give up and assume whatever it is isnt that important, or shouldnt be that important.

This has of course become the norm with todays technologies. I remember back when I would call a friend and get a busy signal... and have to *gasp* wait until whoever it was to get off the phone so we could talk. Now, today... not only do we have call waiting... but we just call on a cell, leave a message or a text message... and await a response. If mom is on the home phone, no worries... we all have cell phones. I also remember the only way to communicate (aside from a really long distance call) with my friend in England was to write her a letter. With FB and IG... I pop on line, not even needing a computer because I have access from my phone... and see what is going on with her and her kids right with the swipe of the screen. Your playing a game and need to know the rules... no problem, google it. You want to hear a song someone is talking about or see a video or movie trailor... no problem... its all on the web. Instant. No waiting... instant gratification.

I feel like its so ingrained in our life stlyes to have instant results that we often forget what its like to have to work for something. For me... there is nothing more satisfying then working hard at something and finally succeeding. Its more satisfying then being given a task and being able to do it right off the bat. I feel like the challenge, the grind and the time put into something makes it all the more rewarding when the goal is reached. 

The past 3 weeks I have been on Avatar and My Fitness Pal tracking my macros. Everything I have consumed has been tracked. I have not cheated, I have not veered from the plan... and I am seeing results. The challenge now, is to stick with what is working... then make alterations to make it even better. There are certainly days that I struggle with, where I want pizza or ice cream, or the damn nutella seems to be calling my name from the cabinet... but, if I want the end result, I have to work towards the prize. It is not instant. I can not "will" myself to my ideal body/weight goals. There is no magic pill, one exercise, drink or food that will make it happen. It takes time and it takes work, I have to trust the process. 

One of my post baby goals was to get my muscle up back. I had them, for about 3 months leading up to my pregnancy with Z. I struggled long and hard to get them the first time. I knew after almost 3 years of not having them it would be difficult to get them back. I had to evaluate, set a plan, focus and work hard if I wanted to reach my goal. 

I talked to Chris and with a combination of skill movements he showed me and a few I took from my previous success... I went to work. For 4 weeks I stayed off the high rings completely. Not many kids can pick up a bike with no training wheels and ride it without a second thought and not crash. This was not a sprint. I drilled, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after the WOD. Each coach would give me tips and critique my drills. I would incorporate their tips and work harder. I would alternate between all of the skill movements every day. It sucked. I wanted to get up on the high rings, I wanted to attempt, I wanted to just get them... I'm strong enough dammit. But no. I had to trust the process. 

Last weekend I did some skill work then hopped up to the high rings. I spent quite a while, countless attempts and couldnt seem to connect. Called it a day. This weekend, yesterday, I was going to give it a go again. I progressed through the drills. Between each low ring drill I hopped up to the high rings to kip. Finally, after a few drills, I went for it. I got up and over! Holy shit! I think I got ahead of myself, I lost my tension and fell through. I could TASTE it... I was really upset that I had got that far and failed... however, there was a fire burning. 

A half a million attempts later and it was one cue that clicked. I did it. I got a muscle up.


Was it easy? No. Is it going to be easy now that Ive done it? No. Were the drills fun? A good time? No. Did they leave me wondering if these "crappy drills" are going to work? Absolutely. However, I loved every minute of the challenge. I loved the drive and the grind to get to hit that goal. If I wanted it, I knew I had to work at it. It would take time, focus and determination. The results would come. 

Trust the process. 



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