Two Lives Intertwined
What is the best gift you have given to anyone?
Think about it. Think real hard. I’m not talking about the
latest and greatest video game console… a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant…
or even a fancy new car. I’m talking about something powerful, something that changes
the recipients life. Something that once given, can not be taken back…
something that has no actual “value” but more value than you can even imagine. Life.
Now, I’m a mom. I can honestly say that giving the gift of
life to my son has been the most honorable and life changing gift I have ever
given. I worked to keep him safe while I was pregnant, treated my body with
respect and nurtured him for all 42 weeks on the inside. He was born healthy
and strong and I consider that to be a pretty huge accomplishment.
I’m going to tell you a quick story and please don’t judge.
Its not something I am very proud of, and maybe, if I had some more time to
process or if the circumstances were different… I wouldn’t have made a
different decision. I see now what a bad judgement call it was… Almost 17 years
ago. My brother was killed in a car accident. You can read back through my
older posts to read about the day. The morning, a complete blur. The feeling in
my body, numb. I remember it like it was yesterday. Sitting… staring into the
distance, not even for a second believing that this was really my life. Through
all the people talking and shuffling through my parents house, the phone rings.
It’s the hospital. They want to know if they can “have” Joshua’s retinas. He
was not on the organ donor list. They needed our permission, my parents
permission, to take them.
My parents discussed and came to me. They gave me the choice. They asked me
what I thought. If it was ok. How I felt about them taking a part of Joshua. They
wanted me to be a part of the decision. They wanted me to be ok with it. In my
heart of hearts, I wish I made a different choice. I would have given the
person in need, his retinas. A gift. A gift that would have been life changing
for someone else. A completely unselfish gift that my brother would have given
in a second for someone if he had the choice on his own. I said no. The thought
of his body not being “whole” when I got to see him was too much for me to take
at that moment. I was just processing that I was never going to see his eyes
again… and I took that gift away from someone…
I think about this often. I understand it is in the past. I
can not change the choice that I made. I am not upset that my parents asked me
to be a part of the decision making process. I am glad that they respect me and
valued what I thought without just excluding me in the process. Yes, I was
young… all of the decisions I have made in my life have made the person I am
today. Every minute of my life and every decision influences the next. I am now
an organ donor.
Today I am reminded of this unselfish act of kindness…
giving the gift of life to someone. Someone you have never met….
I am member of an on line community. A group of women who
chat about “everything.” Seriously, everything. If I have a question about a
new place to go eat… what I should do if my kid wont sleep at night… what the
heck this “rash” is or even just a funny thing to share or accomplishment or
event in life… I go there. I have met a few of these women in person. The board
has been in existence since we split off of The Nest after we all planned our
weddings together. It has grown and we have all watched each other buy houses… have
kids… have more kids… graduate from school… get new jobs… struggle with losses,
divorces and family issues. New people join, some people leave… but there is a
pretty solid core.
One of my friends found out that another’s sister needed a
kidney. This brave woman, never meeting the other in person… felt a strong
calling to help, to give the most amazing gift to her friends sister. The gift
of life. The gift of a second chance at living a ”normal” life. She was tested
and found to be a match… and today, the day she gave a piece of herself to her sister… was
the first time they “met.” She put her life on the line to save her friends
sisters life. A friend she met on line… in a forum…
She is one of the bravest people I know. It sent chills all
over my body when I heard that the surgery was a success. She was in recovery
and the sister also, a few hours later… her new kidney is already working hard
in its new body. They both have recovery ahead… but I cant even imagine giving someone
else this gift.
Take a minute and think about what it would be like to have
a piece of you inside someone else. Working, as it was inside of you... its
amazing. To think that people are walking around with hearts, lungs, kidneys,
livers… retinas… that were once in another humans body is just remarkable.
Imagine, your loved ones heart, still beating just in a different body. It’s a gift
that once given, can not be taken back… something that has no actual “value”
but more value than you can even imagine. Life.
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