Come on "Irene"

August 28, 2011

Off day from CrossFit... but boy did I get my workouts in this weekend. Yesterday when we got home from our morning workout I decided to start to tackle one of the biggest projects in our house. The Basement.

What I mess. I admit, it is 99% my "stuff" that has been piling up year after year in boxes and tupperwares. Every time I was cleaning upstairs and wanted to make room for something I would box up some stuff and throw it down there. The problem is, that we have been planning to move for what feels like 100 years. The first time we put the house on the market I started packing up all the nick nacky things around the house, as well as all the picture frames and personal items. This was to make our place "more marketable" to people looking. It would have been nice if people actually came to look... alas we didnt sell. However the boxes still remained in the basement.

We listed again a few years later, and the same thing happened. At that point I had bought a bunch of big tupperware bins and started putting things in them so they wouldnt get ruined from the humidity in the basement... the piles grew and grew. I am also a perpetual "box saver" for some reason, when I get something that comes in a box, whether its a shoe box, a computer box, a box we get protein powder delivered in, I save it. Why I dont know... but they also pile up.

I have attempted to clean before. I move some boxes around, toss the things that mean nothing, but it never seems to help. What I was set out to do yesterday (and today) was to actually go through every box down there and either toss or box up for donation. I was not going to just put it off till next time.

Hubs and I went downstairs for a few hours together yesterday after our workout and breakfast and went through everything from boxes of shot glasses and miscellaneous kitchen items, Christmas decorations, Electronics, CD's, nick nacks, you name it! He left for poker night with the guys and I continued through photo albums, boxes labeled "Sarah's Stuff" which god knows what I had put in them, school notebooks, text books and binders...

I gave up around 7:00 and spent the rest of my alone night on the couch watching chick flicks and drinking wine... it was a good day.

We slept in this morning and enjoyed our coffee together. We decided to have the Chocolate Banana Paleo Pancakes again for breakfast and with both of us cooking together we created the BEST breakfast... Paleo Pancakes, Eggs and Peppercorn Bacon... YUM...

Really... it was DYNAMITE!!

So what else to do today but finish what I started. Back down tot he basement I went with a full belly and continued through the boxes. With all the "stuff" we are donating Hubs was inspired to go through his clothes and make a donation pile... I figured I should do that same, so he was nice enough to sit with me while I weeded through my clothes as well.

After a few trips to the dumpster right now I am ALMOST done. I pretty much just have a few school things to go through to decide what to keep and what to toss, and I have to pick up my desk area, but you know what... I am going to enjoy the rest of my night and weekend on the couch.

14 Boxes of everything from picture frames, Playstation, VHS tapes, kitchen equipment, blacklight... candles (pretty much everything)... AND 2 huge contractor trash bags of clothes... all heading out to the salvation army next Saturday for donation....  it feel good to not sit around all weekend... I am also pleased to know that someone else will get to enjoy the things I once did.


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