Walking on Walls?

August 26, 2011

Ask me two weeks ago if I would have been able to "walk on walls" I would have told you you were NUTS. In fact one of the first days Hubs and I were at CFW we saw someone doing them, wall walks and I was secretly thinking... good lord... I would be terrified I would fall on my face!

When I arrived today, I had no looked at the website so to my surprise (and shock) I saw T doing wall walks. Fear went straight through me. However, I had to get into the mindset of "I can do this!!"

I was tired. I woke up tired... didnt really get a good nights sleep last night. I hopped right onto the row machine for the 1K row... and completed the rest of the warmups. When I was done T had finished and I was ready to get going on the Strength and WOD.

Strength was squats. I love squats... almost as much as I love deadlifting (this is for real... they are my favorite exercises). So my 1 RM was 185lbs. I and I were both kinda convinced that my 1RM was higher, like we found with my deadlifts, but we had to start somewhere. I started with 1 warmup set of 5 reps with just the 45lbs bar... than we added weight and I did a second warmup of 5 reps at 135lbs.

I was ready to start the 3-3-3... so we added weight and I was able to get 3 at 155lbs, 3 at 165lbs and 3 at 175lbs. I was trying not to "wimp" out and add 10lbs at a time. According to the CF calculations I should have a 1RM of over 200lbs. We shall see.... on the next CF Challenge day!!

So, after that was out of the way... my legs were tired, but I had to push through it. K had me practice a walk... this picture is pretty much what a wall walk is...

You start at the bottom of the wall and walk your feet up while you walk your hands back, so the image above she is coming down off the walk. When you are up there, you are upright and your hands about about a foot off the wall.

I started the WOD and my legs were already tired. I used both the 24" and the 20" box for the jumps. I was intimidated by the 24" box, and my legs were so sore it was hard to get up there. K wanted me to do at least 5 of the 15 jumps per mod with the 24" box. So thats what I did. I moved to the 20" box and finished them.

The wall walks, all I can say is HARD... and a little awkward. I think the more I work on it, the better I will get at them. Its just an awkward movement and the idea behind holding in my core and walking with my arms. I was scared I was going to fall on my face, and I was out of breath but I was going to finish. I worked through all 10 minutes and K was awesome in keeping me moving and reminding me to keep my core tight. 

All in all I had 3 mods and 12 additional box jumps in 10 min... so pretty good for me. I was exhausted when I was finished.

Would you look at that... I survived my 2nd week of CrossFit!!

1K Row
9 Principals
- 1 with PVC
- 1 with 15lb Training Bar
10 Shoulder Rotations
10 Walking Sampson Stretches

10 Min AMRAP
- 15 Box Jumps
- 5 Wall Walks
(Total of 3 mods + 12 Box Jumps)

Squats 3-3-3
(155lbs, 165lbs, 175lbs)


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