Food for your Brain
January 31, 2012 Holy crap, where did the month of January go?! When I arrived to work this morning after a great 5:30am ass whooping, I opened up my email and was greeted with a fantastic message. Within this message was a quote... now... I was more than flattered that this person read the quote and thought of me, but in addition to that, it couldnt have been a more perfect morning to receive it. “Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top ups." How true is that. It basically sums up the emotions and thoughts I have on motivation in two sentences. Its human nature to crave things that make you feel good. When you get that feeling, that "high" from doing something, anything... from something as simple as making someone laugh, to lifting a personal record weight, you just cant wait to get back in and do it again. I have talked before about habit and starting something, keeping...