June 6, 2012 A few weeks ago I started really honing in on resting during a WOD. When I had my talk with M I realized a few things. Lets start with the negative (because its always fun to end on a positive note). My biggest problem is mental block that I have, I have had it my whole life and once I get inside my own head I have a really hard time getting out of it. This goes for all things in life, not just WODing… but I will obviously apply it to WODing here. So I get started and I am off like a rocket, I work hard and push myself as hard as I can, but once I sense myself hitting a wall specifically when it comes to exercises that I seem to struggle with most (usually more on the gymnastics side, pushups, dips, pullups) my confidence lowers and I let myself take a break. In my head I know I can go on, but my mind seems to block it. Thinking about it now, it seems like whenever I have to do something that I can not do “unbroken” that’s when the breaks start to come lon...