CrossFit for Hope

June 9, 2012

Today I was thrilled and honored to participate in a world wide CrossFit even called CrossFit for Hope. This is one of the perfect examples of why I love being a part of such a wonderful community. Anyone who wanted to participate could, all skill levels. The event continues through the whole month of June however June 9th is the “official” CrossFit for Hope day. K and M planned to run two heats at the gym and we all arrived to participate!

The workout was three rounds:
75 pound Power snatch
Box jump, 24" box
75 pound Thruster
Chest to bar Pull-ups
1 min of rest
(one minute at each station keeping consecutive count of reps at each, final score is total reps for all three rounds)

I had sent out a sponsor page two days ago and was THRILLED with the responses and generosity of the donations! Anyone who wanted to donate could link right to my page and donate a flat rate or per rep! I had set a pretty high goal for myself at 200 reps. Not sure if I would even come close to it! All of the money raised goes directly to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital which according to the CF For Hope website opened in 1962 and was founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas. Its mission is to find cures for children with cancer and other deadly diseases through research and treatment.

When we arrived we saw that 5 of our fellow CFWers had completed their heat already. I got a little intimidated and started to question my goal of 200 reps as I talked to them all. I had based my number (per the suggestion of the CF for Hope Website) off of my Fight Gone Bad. They said it would be “less” but didn’t say how much! My FGB is 256 so I just guessed and went with 200. Eventually I started to calm myself and figured all I could do was my best and that was enough. I just had to push through, work hard and if I didn’t hit 200 than that’s ok too.

It was HARD, not going to lie! I did feel really good during the first round. I powered through the burpees and power snatches and when I got to the box jumps I realized that my goal of 200 was do-able if I kept the pace I was at. I did everything I could to control my breathing and not get overwhelmed while still pushing as hard as I could. By the time the first 1 minute rest came around I was feeling fantastic… and by that I mean I was panting and wondering how I just did what I did and trying to strategize how I would do it again! I called out my number to P who was taking them all down and before we knew it, back working on the burpees.

The next two rounds seemed to both fly by and take forever at the same time. I really stayed focused and just concentrated on keeping a good pace. Sometimes I get worked up and speed up than lose steam for the next portion of the WOD. I know what my strengths are so I used them to get more reps. Once I knew I passed the 200 mark in the third round I was so excited! The last set of chest to bars were just “extra” reps… and that was ok with me!

I finished with a total of 219 reps and raised a total of $366 for St Jude!  Thank you everyone who supported me and either donated or wished me well with the workout! I really appropriate it more than you know! 


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