Whats for Dinner - Vol 7

May 3, 2013

Whats on the menu? Chicken Spinach and Prosciutto Bundles (find it HERE) with Spinach, Strawberry and Avocado Salad (find it HERE)

How easy was it to make?  I have realized why people eat chicken so much... because its pretty easy to cook (after you get over the touching raw chicken thing, which I am doing really well at). I think now is the time to point out how NOT boring eating Paleo is. Now we could slap chicken and beef on a plate every day, but WHY?! There are so many great recipes out there. Give some of them a shot, one or two days a week make something out of the norm. Too many and you might get overwhelmed, but just TRY it sometimes. You wont be sorry (most of the time).

Now, back to the question, it was pretty easy. I cut the fat off the boneless skinless chicken breasts and arranged them on the wax paper first, than did the mushrooms. I was trying to figure out hot to minimize the amount of times I had to touch the chicken and wash my hands. I am paranoid when I handle chicken. It worked our really well and the kitchen smelled amazing just from the garlic and mushrooms.

I used more prosciutto than recommended because I used whole chicken breasts and not small pieces. So it took quite a few pieces to wrap around and hold the spinach in tightly. The rest of the prep was also pretty easy. Than into the oven it went.

The salad... WOW. I will absolutely make this one again this summer. Just a year ago I was totally against putting any type of fruit in my salad... and thought nuts belonged in dessert only. I am so glad I made the choice to give it a shot! In so many ways, in so many recipes, it is delicious!

In wanted something light and fresh for a side and this was perfect. I am not a huge kale fan, especially raw, so I subbed with baby spinach. The prep was a piece of cake. 

So... how was it? I really liked both the salad and the chicken. I think next time I might add a little less chicken stock and a little more lemon and vinegar to the mushroom mixture on the chicken. Otherwise perfect! The dressing for the salad can be used for many salads. Perfect mixture of salty and sweet.

Will I make it again? Totally. Together or separate, they were great. One thing, if you dont eat all the salad the first time and refrigerate it overnight the dressing does sort of harden up, so you will have to leave it out a bit to "thaw." Still tasted amazing, but if you are going make it for a party or something keep that in  mind. Its better fresh.

3 Rounds
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Pushups
- 10 Toy Soldiers
- 10 Back Extensions
- 5 Broad Jumps
Lat Stretch with Band

15 Minute Handstand Work
- Nose and Toes
- Handstand Walks (made it one mat!)

WOD: "Stone Throw"
- 5 HSPU
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 15 Squats
(5 + 5 Rx)
*very happy with my handstand pushups today! All 6 rounds of 5 unbroken!

4 X 400 Run with 1:1 Rest



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