Refreshed and Ready to Go!

October 19, 2014

What an amazing weekend! Hubs and I had a fantastic time in Lenox, MA to celebrate our anniversary! This was all him... planning and everything and I coudnt have been happier with the outcome! We had a beautiful room in a little hotel with a hot tub and fire place! What isnt there to love about a weekend filled with alpacas, dessert for lunch, the Pats game from the hot tub, Mass MOCA, the best steak ever, ice cream while walking around downtown and takeout night to just be together alone. The BEST highlight of the weekend was Hubs feeling the baby move... perfect cap to a perfect weekend!


Sad to come home... 

The week at the gym was short for me, but I came back refreshed and really well rested. Yesterday at the oly session I was able to hit 125 for my heavy single snatch and 175 for my heavy single clean and jerk. I also hit all my percentages for each of those lifts. I must have really needed that break. Back squat and push jerk were also on par with my pre-pregnancy 1 rep maxes... so, all in all it was a great day!

Our first day back we did Elizabeth. I usually struggle with the dips (the workout is 21-15-9 of ring dips and 95lb cleans). I decided that I wanted to be sure I was getting full movement out of the dips and since I feel like I dont do that with a band on the rings, I used the GHD handles and did my dips strict with no band between two of those. Worked out really well... and boy am I paying for it on a soreness level! I love it! Havent felt that one in a while!

So far, this week was the first time I "passed" on something because of being pregnant. Friday had a max height box jump programmed and I thought maybe for the safety of myself and the Little Monster that it wouldnt be a great idea at 23 weeks to do that. I trust myself and I know I wouldnt do anything that would hurt either of us... but why risk missing the box or slipping off. I just know it would have been in my head the whole time. So, I spent the time doing a little extra  mobility and got ready for the workout.

Next week... 6 months!! WHAT?!


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