Where has the Time Gone?

October 26, 2014

SIX MONTHS!! Where has the time gone?! I also have a bone to pick with whoever started the rumor that pregnancy was only 9 months long. If it was and I was 6 months, I would have only 3 left. Im due February 13... that would be 4 months from now. Ahhh right, 40 weeks is not 9 months, its 10!! All a bunch of liars!! Actually... I shouldnt complain, I CANT complain. The last 24 weeks have been better than I could have ever expected my first pregnancy to be. I feel great, I have had no sickness, swelling, aches, pains or anything to complain about really. My workouts have not suffered, I have been sleeping just as well as I was before pregnancy. All is good and its a wonderful feeling.

Here I am, 6 months pregnant after a full work day, embracing the bump in my sweater for the first time. Still in non maternity clothes but finally feeling like I am looking pregnant. I know, give it a few more weeks, kiddo is growing fast and furious for the next few weeks!! Grow Little Monster...grow! Mama wants you to be big and strong (just not too big!)

This week was great again... man I feel like a broken record. I am happy about that though because I dont want to be a pinball of emotion! Feeling great keeps me going and one things for sure, if I slow down I am going to have trouble speeding back up... not to mention, life is not going to slow down any time soon!

It was a de-load week, so the percentages were lighter for all my lifting and most of the workouts were fairly light. Sometimes I feel worse during a de-load, where I just feel sluggish, not sure why that happens. This week was not like that. I have had the ability to slow down most of my oly lifts and really focus on form. This is working wonders for my snatch form... and my clean pull from the floor. Both have had vast improvements and while it will be a few months, I cant wait to get back at it after I have the baby!

We had a 2K row on Monday. I really love rowing and honestly, while I didnt come close to my PR, I was very happy with my row. I feel really good while rowing and I am able to keep a strong pace, with strong pulls and control my breathing. Not hitting my pre-pregnancy numbers and times has gotten easier over time... not to say I am "ok" with it... but I have to be. I have something far more important to worry about right now, my back squat PR can come after the Little Monsters arrival!

Movements are all still as prescribed. I havent modified anything, even burpees are still to the floor, I just dont drop it like its hot, I walk it to the floor. I do lie flat with my chest on the floor and I can feel the little bugger in there more and more... but I get it done. Toes to bar are getting a little harder, just because of the kip, I cant seem to connect more than 2 anymore. My core is suffering (clearly). I still havent modified any weights from what has been prescribed to me in workouts... but I dont feel like they have been too much of a struggle to get through... so I just keep going. Again, I will talk to my Dr next week at my apointment, but since I am still completing the task at hand, I dont see it as a problem. I am keeping hydrated and making sure I am comfortable with everything. All is good!

The holidays are quickly approaching... hold on to your socks... here comes the hoopla! 


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