Reclaiming March

A new year. A new look. A new title. A new mission. A new adventure.

On this day, one year ago March 13, 2020... our lives, pretty much as we knew it, came to a screeching halt. At 5:00pm, I was getting my things together to leave work for the weekend and I was told "bring everything you need and don't come back until we tell you it is 'safe' to do so... we will be working remote until further notice." I nervously picked up my son from pre-k and headed home thinking to myself that this "whole thing" was crazy and being blown way out of proportion. As most of us assumed, we would be back to business as usual in a week or two after it all blew over. 

... we were all REALLY, REALLY wrong. 

Anyway, I will absolutely spare you the recap of the year that followed, in the traditional sense. We all know what happened (is happening). We all know how we felt/feel. Its pretty safe to assume that no one ever thought they would live to see the day that here in America we would be walking around in public wearing surgical masks giving side eyes to anyone who sneezed or stood closer then 6ft to us. So, I will leave it at that and get into the good stuff.

Prior to the pandemic, my office started a "Well-Being" initiative. During our quartly and annual reviews we are encouraged to use Zig Ziglar's "Wheel of Life." Filling out the wheel assists in identifying how we distribute our time, what we focus most on daily and where we need to set some goals to improve and create a balance in life. My first encounter with the wheel was January 2020, for my 9 year review. This also happens to be right before the craziest year began. I cant even explain how coincidental the timing was and how much it helped to set me us for success through a very challenging year. 

I've been working on my personal well-being for many years, never knowing what to call the process. This wheel (along with other methods that I will get into in future posts) helped me to develop S.M.A.R.T goals relative to each of the 8 segments of the wheel. It was very clear which areas in my life needed more attention once it was on paper. I started to chunk down each of those areas and set Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Relative-Time Based goals to improve and create balance as needed. Though this process was very difficult, it was extremely helpful and also quite humbling. Long story short, if you want something to improve in your life, you actually have to work on it for it to do so. 
"When you change your thinking, you change you actions. When you change your actions, you change your future." - Zig Ziglar 
As a result of my goal setting, I have realized how beneficial it is for me to write, therapeutic almost. I have always enjoyed writing, blogging and journaling. I enjoy sharing my thoughts (both in writing and in spoken word), if you know me in person... you are nodding your head. What really makes me happy is helping others with my words and experiences. Though I have continued my personal journaling daily through the pandemic, those are my inner thoughts that most of the time, I like to keep private. If bringing this blog back to life helps just one person, Id be a happy woman. 

Dont mis-understand me. There have certainly been (and currently are) moments of frustration, pain, hiccups and crazyness in my life. My life is far from perfect and I absolutely lose my cool at times... I mean, if you told me a year ago I would suddenly be a work from home Mom who home schools my 6 year old in Kindergarten three days a week on top of my regular full time job... Id tell you you were nuts. Alas, here we are, my life in all its glory. There are good days and bad days, high days and low days... However... Id like to think, with how much I have put into my personal well-being, I have come out of the last year a stronger person both mentally and physically than I could have imagined (note: have no fear, the new title has WOD in it... so the CrossFit aspect of this blog is not lost).

I hope this has encouraged you, as a reader, to follow me again... I'll be sharing topics based on the pursuit of a well balanced life, life as a macro-counter and crossfitter, life as a mom of a crazy 6 year old, things we have done around our home... and pretty much anything else that gets thrown my way. Id love to know if there is anything that I can include you would enjoy, or struggle with. Please feel free to comment... Even just to know you are reading!! I'm looking forward to sharing again!! 


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