
Showing posts from May, 2012


May 21, 2012 There is almost nothing more satisfying than reaching a goal... what comes a close second is "almost" reaching it! Proving to yourself that the commitment, dedication, practice and hard work is paying off! Of all people, I know how frustrating it can be to work at something for hours and hours and see no improvement. Its hard when you actually understand what it is you are doing wrong but cant seem to correct the problem. I have been struggling with double unders for a while. When I started CF 9 months ago the thought of getting the rope around twice on one jump was a far far far fetched goal. Finally after a few weeks I was able to get one here or there, and eventually I could link a few together. All of a sudden it ended, I was frustrated beyond belief that my double unders were gone. I had no idea what happened. Every workout with them in them I was pissed by the time I was done with them and the more frustrated I got, the harder it was for me to relax and...


May 20, 2012 Sunday Funday!!

Open Gym

May 19, 2012 Saturday at the gym are used as "open gym" we are able to complete a WOD that we missed during the week or we can work on our skills. I know that I have plenty of work to do on skills so I opted out of my make up WOD. This isnt really like me, as I typically do what I missed, but with the comp coming up I need to take as many opportunities as I have to work on my goats and skills. I am glad that I did too. I did a round of "death by pullups" which has pretty much been my staple for working my pullups. I set my timer for 10 minutes and do 1 pullup the first minute, 2 pullups the second minute, 3 the third and so on... the idea is to get as far as you can in the minute so if you can get 12 pullups in a minute you keep going. I am right at the 1 minute mark getting 10 pullups in, so this is something I need to get going on seeing as how there is a 15-12-9 of pullups and cleans in the competition... with a 5 minute cap... so it would be nice to get the ...


March 18, 2012 One of the most important lessons I have learned while crossfitting is the importance in focusing 100% on the task at hand. It is not enough to just go to the gym, or perform a WOD, work on a skill or go for a jog here and there. You have to submerge yourself in whatever it is you are working on and give 100% if you want 100% results. We all know the common "its not working" excuse that a lot of people have. I had it too at one point in my life, it really wasnt that long ago... but it feels like a lifetime ago. The problem was, I was going to the gym, but I wasnt giving my 100% all the time. I was going through the motions, but not committing. I had a problem saying "no" to cakes, cookies and take out... when I knew it was going to hinder my performance and progress. I would "kind of" do a workout and if I was "tired" I would let it take over. I didnt push, I didnt really want it... I am not saying that there is not time f...

Practice Practice Practice

May 17, 2012 Well Hubs and I are officially signed up for the EUROPA Get Fit & Sports Expo, Beast of the East Qualifier! We are very excited and as expected a little nervous. Besides the small throwdown I went to at a local gym before the Garage Games last year I have not even attempted to compete as an individual in a competition like this! We did do the Team Comp so we have an idea of what to expect, but man... when I signed up for an individual woman in the Rx division... I think I about fainted! Look where I have come from and look where I am going! Its empowering to know that I have come to the point where I feel I can hold my own in a competition. It helps that they have listed the WOD's that we will be doing at the comp on the website so we can train and be as prepared as possible. I am certainly not one to give up a challenge, so Hubs and I heading down to CT for this competition! Its going to be some major excitement and probably a little anxiety driven at the sa...

Wow, She is HEAVY!

May 16, 2012 Damn... Fran got heavy overnight! Fran is pretty much THE crossfit staple WOD. Its the "how much do you bench" between crossfit athletes. Its not a "hard" WOD, its not a lot of movements or complicated movements... but its pretty much the benchmark for your progression in crossfit. I read somewhere the following quote... "One of the most anticipated events at the olympics is the 100m dash and the final lasts less than 10 seconds. Fran is crossfit's 100m dash." So, today CrossFit Wachusett put a special "twist" on Fran. Today we did Fran before she became a crossfit athlete... before she dropped the weight. We did HEAVY Fran! Typically Fran is a 21-15-9 with 65lbs thrusters (for women) and pullups. When modified to be Heavy Fran we did a 15-12-9 with 95lb thrusters (for women) and had to do either weighted pullups or chest to bar pullups... I opted for the chest to bars. Wow, what a workout! I am a huge fan of lifting ...

Push Each Other

May 15, 2012 This morning was another classic example of how the dynamic of a crossfit workout can push you to new limits. Not only is working out with a group of people fantastic because you feed of of other peoples energy but I am lucky enough to have someone at my box that as soon as the timer buzzes the pure push of working together is enough to get us both to do things we never thought we could do. KP and I have a certain way...its not a "competition" is not about "who can do it faster" or "who is stronger" but the fact is when we are WODing... if one of us is right on the tail of the other, we will do everything in our power to push to keep up with them... and if one of us is just ahead of the other... we will do everything in our power to stay in that position. We both have different body types, we both have different strengths and weaknesses... and in the 9 months we have been working out together we know what "pushes each others butto...


May 14, 2012 I have this new thing I do every morning when the alarm goes off. I open my eyes think about the day and go at it full force. I make myself understand "today is a new day" and try to leave behind the thoughts of yesterday. I dont want to loose myself in this as to which I dont pay mind to the things that affect me emotionally, so I still think of all of those "things" but try to approach it with a fresh mindset. Todays WOD was great. It was something different from what we are used to. It was a typical WOD, a 21-15-9 however with the TABATA clock running we we forced to work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds through the entire WOD. I really enjoyed doing something a little different, if sort made me rethink my strategy of how to complete the work. My strategy was work work work. Get as much work done in the 20 seconds on, dont stop, push as hard as I can and use the 10 seconds rest for what its intended. I felt like I was on FIRE, I plowed...

Mothers Day

May 13, 2012 Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers and mother figures in the world. My mom taught me more lessons than you could even imagine... she still teaches me more and more to this day and I am the luckiest woman in the world to have her in my life as my mother, my best friend, my guide, my rock. If there is one thing that has hammered home for years and years... never be afraid to be yourself, you can do anything you put your mind to... and never try to be anything you are not. I love you Mom!! You are my inspiration.


May 12, 2012 Set a goal... go after it! Every day is a great day for a challenge and today was no different. Hubs and I both too active rest days on the day CFW posted "Bradshaw" as the workout. We agreed that this was one challenge that we could not resist. It was going to be hard, it was going to be a lot of work, it was going to be tiring, but we knew how much satisfaction we will have when we complete it. I gave up my "negativity" so I wasnt even in the "this is going to suck" mindset. I was in the "I am going to kick this workouts ASS mindset" when I got up this morning. I was pumped and ready to go when I got to the gym! Couldnt wait to face the WOD head on. I warmed up and was very happy that it seemed to be a "double under day" and what I mean by that is... I could actually string them together. M has been remarkable with helping me with these week after week reminding me to relax, jump higher, use less arm... whateve...


May 11, 2012 Ahhhh, you know... I just wrote about strength being not just about being able to lift a lot of weight... but there are days that it in fact IS about that! Those are the days at CFW that make my heart skip a beat! I am a huge fan of strength days as they happen to be my "strength" at the gym. I am not going to say I am the strongest person in the world, as I still have plenty of work to do and I still have gains to make, but there is something about reaching a goal or passing a previous PR with weight lifting that gives me a lot of joy! Putting weight over my head or squatting, snatching, pushing a massive amount of weight gives me a feeling I cant describe! The great thing is that I still have a lot to learn. I am lucky to have great coaching with M, K and Hubs. They know the ques that help me to succeed, they know what to tell me to make me a better athlete. They have patience and will work with me through my struggles... I will be a better athlete with ...

Too Short

May 10, 2012 Wake up every morning and think to yourself "how do I want today to go." You are in control. If you want to smile, smile, if you want to be sad, be sad... but remember... you never know what life is going to throw your way. Its simply how you handle the chaos, changes, challenges that gives you the quality of life you want. There are days where sadness and frustration happens, its unrealistic to think that you have to be "happy" all the time... however you have to remember that its up to you to turn that around and live the life you want to live.   Life is yours to live. Every day is a second chance to turn the things around that you want to change. Challenge yourself to be positive... challenge yourself to look for the "bright side." I have been working on this myself and honestly... have become a much happier person all around. Its contagious. Watch out... I'm coming to get you! WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 400m Run - 1 Minute Double...

Good Friends

May 9, 2012 There is so much comfort in knowing that I have made the right decisions in my life as far as who to let in, who to let go of and who to hang on to with all my might. When I think about my friends, there are certainly people (like we all have) who we were the best friends in the world with through a certain time of our lives and suddenly we look back and think "what happened." There are also people that I have been friends with in the past and thought... "why is this so much work?" There comes a point where you just have to let go sometimes. When I was young I didnt have a lot of friends. In fact when I was in 5 and 6th grade when the wonderful world of "bullying" became a part of my life. I was approached at least once a week with some asshat saying "you dont have any friends do you..." and when I said "yes I do" and told them who she was they would laugh and say "she would never be friends with you." I w...

I'm Positive!

May 8, 2012 I have to say... even though I just posted about it yesterday, the change in attitude started the middle of last week. I was given some pretty horrible news, as I mentioned and my mind filled with many thoughts. Mostly about the person who the news was about... when I think about this person I can not help but see her bright shining smile and the twinkle in her eye right away in my mind. She is one of the most influential women in my life, ranks right up there with my mom. Always always there for any person who comes to her... never turning her back on a friend when they need her, giving, loving, compassionate, caring. I have many wonderful thoughts filled with her and she has been there for most of the milestones in my life. My proms, my graduations (from all three schools), arguments with friends when I need an ear to talk to, a good laugh and a smile at a cookout, a family Easter dinner, Thanksgivings, Christmas parties, my wedding... and she is always gathering togeth...

Maintain That Feeling

May 7, 2012 First off, I have had strict instructions that I need to keep up with my blogging! So for those who read daily I am sorry for the massive bulk publishing yesterday! I hope you enjoy catching up with the new posts (grab a cup of coffee and catch up!). I know (judging by my FB page) that there quite a few readers out there, and lots of new ones, so I just want to say thank you for your support! I started this blog to be a place where I can literally dump my thoughts about my new adventure with CrossFit. Soon after, it turned into something that really means a lot to me, where I try to be as open and honest as I can, so if I can be even a small amount of inspiration to anyone out there just by doing what I love... well thats just perfect! Please feel free to comment either here or on FB and if you have any inspirational material I would love to hear from you! I have also been contacted by a few different places for product reviews and give a ways... so stay tuned!! I have ...

The Best Day

May 6, 2012

Andele! Arriba! Arriba!

May 5, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Row 250 - 5 Pushups - 10 Walking Lunges SKILL/STRENGTH - 10 Min Double Unders (they are coming along great) - Death By Pullups (kipping) - 60 GHD Situps - 50 Abmat Situps .

Feeling Filthy... Again

May 4, 2012 How soon we forget... THIS is the last time I was fortunate enough to do the Filthy Fifty... hey at least it didnt snow this morning! I can say this with certainty... I actually enjoyed this today! The anxiety was there but it was more abut pushing harder than the last time to get through it. I knew my improvements from last time. I know my weaknesses and I know where I need to push harder to get through. I was not going to let it overcome me! The filthy fifty starts with box jumps, thank god. The box jumps are typically one of the hard parts for me in a WOD. I have to say with the skills we have been working and our group sessions after the warmup, I have improved on them with huge leaps and bounds (no pun intended). I am quick off my feet, I dont waste time on the ground and I know to rest at the top. Its much more efficient and before I knew it I was done all 50. Onto the jumping pullups which seem to feel so "funny" after working so hard to not push o...


May 3, 2012 Strength is not only about how much you can lift, fast you can run or amount you can push... ... strength is in your body, your mind, your soul. I have been faced with quite a few things in my life that have made me ask the question WHY... and yet again in my short 31.5 years I am faced with that thought today. I am reminded how short life is, how lucky I am to have the things that I have, the people that I have and the live that I live. If you knew what I have gone through you might ask me if I would change anything... the answer is no. I was given this life. I am who I am because of this life. I am strong from my losses and struggles. If you knew the wonderful lives and strong amazing people that I have had the privilege and blessing to know and love... whether it was a short time or a long time, whether it was cut short or long and lasting. I wouldn't trade any moment of my life, this is MY life, those are MY memories. Cherish every moment... WARMUP:...


May 2, 2012 Failure has never been an option for me. I have always strived to be the best at what I do in as short of time it takes me to get there. Than once I get where I am happy I am usually pretty content. So that is one of my many challenges with CrossFit. You are never content... and if you are, there is a problem! Its the best and the worst part about it. Once something gets easier, you add more weight, you shoot to do it faster, you reduce the band size when you scale... there is always room for improvement and it never gets any "easier." What does take the edge off is how willing to accept that that is the way it is... and thats a tough pill to swallow sometimes. I have a tendency to want to skip the middle. I want to get to the end before passing through. Throw me in the deep end without swimming lessons and I will figure it out. Give me something to assemble and take away the directions, I will get it built. Thats just how my mind works. The challenge with CF ...

Inhale - Exhale

May 1, 2012 Ahhhhhhh, how did it get to be MAY?! Where did the first 4 months of 2012 go? I think we got a little spoiled with the few 80+ degree weather days we had a few weeks ago. At least I know I did! I am craving a bright sunny 80 degree day where I can sit outside and take in some sunshine! Now is the time of year that I like to take a deep breath. Try to think of the new life that is budding on the trees the spring air that is surrounding me and the summer that is to come. Things are clearly different for me this year. Since I started CF my life has changed drastically. I have really taken control of the things that are controllable, and begun to let go of those things that I really have no choice about. I have be working on myself a lot and am pleased with the outcome. Its nice to finally not enter into every month, season, day and think "next week I will start XYZ." I know that I owe the clarity that I have found to CrossFit... but I dont owe my success to any...

Push It

April 30, 2012 For me, when I first started CF there was always a moment in a workout where I just didn't think I could finish. There was a breaking point where either my arms were burning, my legs were sore, my hands couldn't hold on any longer or my lungs felt like no matter what I couldn't catch my breath. I never gave up. I just kept on pushing. Those WOD's might have been slower than I wanted them to be... maybe they didnt have the "best" times, but for me... just finishing them was enough of a goal for myself. That is one of the most important lessons that I have learned with CrossFit. There is this energy in a CF Box that you really cant understand unless you have been to one yourself. The encouragement, drive and emotions that come out from the coaches and other athletes is indescribable... this isnt just at large competitions or during the Opens, its every day, every 5:30am class, every Saturday afternoon. We are all there pushing, cheering, shari...

Lighten Up

April 29, 2012

Statistics LIE!

April 28, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Row 250m - 10 Hollow Rocks - 10 Leg Swings 2 Min Squat Sit 2 X 9 Fundamentals WOD: "Chop" 400m Run 21-15-9 - Front Squat (95) - Ring Dips (small blue band) 400m Run (My Time 10:10) .

Oh what a feeling!

April 27, 2012 Today was a fun day at the gym. Fridays have been pretty uplifting lately! Its funny because at 5:30am when we all arrive its quite quiet and we start into the warmup with not much of a word. Eventually we open up and there is laughter and talking. Usually Fridays the chatter starts a little sooner than other mornings. Today I was lucky enough to not have to go to work after the gym so I was a little more relaxed than usual. I was ready to "flip" into the WOD! I am very excited that my hip has been feeling great so working speed squats was not painful at all. I am really happy that I was able to recover this injury on my own. M has been great when it comes to pinning down the techniques that I need to improve on. I have been really stressing my form and trying to improve as much as I can. It gets harder every day to improve. I knew eventually this was going to happen. After the gym I came home and had a nice few hours on my couch doing NOTHING. Its bee...

Life is a Daring Adventure

April 26, 2012 Today I was lucky enough to have been invited to an event with one of the furniture companies that I am working with on a job. When the invitation came over I was excited not only to be able to attend a fantastic breakfast conference where I would be able to network with some vendors and co-workers, but included in the invitation was a bio for the speaker that would be highlighting the event. "Dr. J.P. Pawliw-Fry is an author and performance coach to Olympic athletes and business leaders. He melds innovative research with powerful inspiration to create thought-provoking and moving keynote presentations. An expert in emotional intelligence, he is one of the world’s most highly sought-after speakers on the topic. Using cutting edge research and personal stories from the world of sports and business, Dr. Pawliw-Fry teaches his audiences the principles of emot...