
May 2, 2012

Failure has never been an option for me. I have always strived to be the best at what I do in as short of time it takes me to get there. Than once I get where I am happy I am usually pretty content. So that is one of my many challenges with CrossFit. You are never content... and if you are, there is a problem! Its the best and the worst part about it. Once something gets easier, you add more weight, you shoot to do it faster, you reduce the band size when you scale... there is always room for improvement and it never gets any "easier." What does take the edge off is how willing to accept that that is the way it is... and thats a tough pill to swallow sometimes.

I have a tendency to want to skip the middle. I want to get to the end before passing through. Throw me in the deep end without swimming lessons and I will figure it out. Give me something to assemble and take away the directions, I will get it built. Thats just how my mind works. The challenge with CF is that you cant do that... you have to work up in weights, you have to build stamina, you have to learn how to hit all the spots on a lift and in pullups, muscle ups and other body weight things... if you didnt go through the learning "suck", you would be a miracle... and even those who do have all of those skills, they work on them daily to improve.

Coming to terms with this has been a struggle over the last few months. Of course when I first started I understood that I needed to learn... I caught on pretty well and struggled where most people do, but than I wanted more. Thats when I had to remember what I want to get out of CrossFit. I really want to be a competitor, I really want to get "good" and I really want to learn all that I can. This means there are times I have to step away from the clock, swallow my ego and scale something to do it correctly focusing on my form and not necessarily how heavy the weight is or how fast I can do it. I am trying to use this new fangled thing called "patience..." what a concept...

What I can say is that I know its working. I have developed a spreadsheet with my strength days written out (yep thats the OCD in me)... and I can quickly look and reference weights from previous workouts. Having M back and the gym full time has been excellent. It gives both M and K time that they dont have to be at the gym to recharge and I feel like when they are with us they are really focused on making us better at everything we do. I have also been working on being more patient with Hubs when he gives me advice and direction... he is a saint to deal with my crazy ass!

I am focused, I am ready to go and I am really looking forward to thing things that are to come at CrossFit Wachusett and in my life in the next few months.

500m Row
3 Rounds
- 10 Inchworms
- 10 Ring Rows
- 10 Hollow Rocks
2 Rounds
- Junkyard Dog
Group: Deadlift, Push Jerk

WOD: Viente
3 Rounds for Time
- 20 Box Jumps (20)
- 20 Push Jerks (75)
- 20 Pullups (blue band)
(my time 12:37)

Deadlift 3-3-3
135 (warmup), 185, 205, 225



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