Inhale - Exhale

May 1, 2012

Ahhhhhhh, how did it get to be MAY?! Where did the first 4 months of 2012 go? I think we got a little spoiled with the few 80+ degree weather days we had a few weeks ago. At least I know I did! I am craving a bright sunny 80 degree day where I can sit outside and take in some sunshine!

Now is the time of year that I like to take a deep breath. Try to think of the new life that is budding on the trees the spring air that is surrounding me and the summer that is to come. Things are clearly different for me this year. Since I started CF my life has changed drastically. I have really taken control of the things that are controllable, and begun to let go of those things that I really have no choice about. I have be working on myself a lot and am pleased with the outcome.

Its nice to finally not enter into every month, season, day and think "next week I will start XYZ." I know that I owe the clarity that I have found to CrossFit... but I dont owe my success to anyone/anything but myself. I have said it from the beginning, you can give anyone the tools to be successful, but until you make the choice, dedicate yourself and commit to making a change, wanting something bad enough... there will be no change.

There are no "simple" answers. Life is work... its just the way it is. We have to work at everything that is important to us. Everything from love and friendships to our career, schooling and fitness level. Its your choice to control how happy you are in any of those situations. The harder you work, the better those things become.

I made the choice to improve my physical heath. I have committed 100% to it. If that means that I dont drink at a social event, or choose not to have birthday cake thats ok. Yes, people judge and think things and say things about this, but I know what I need to do to be successful. I want to think that sometimes people wish that they could be that dedicated to something and not cave into the fact that "when you are at a bar you have to have a drink." I have to push aside the negative comments and keep in mind that this is what I want and what I want is all that matters in this situation.

I am strong, I am dedicated and I am more proud of that than I could put in words.

3 Rounds
- 20 Walking Lunges
- 10 Pushups
- 10 Back Extensions
Group: Burgerner Warmup

WOD: "Decemvirate"
10 Min AMRAP
- 10 Wall Balls (14)
- 10 Snatches (55)
(7 Rounds + 1 R)

Front Squat 3-3-3+
120, 135, 155 (5)



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