
Showing posts from September, 2012

Love What You Do!

September 28, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Lunges - 10 Inchworms - 10 Around the World - 5 Pullups - 5 Handstand Kick Ups GROUP OLY: 5X3 Split Jerks 35, 85 (4) WOD: Pressure 12 Minute AMRAP - 5 Box Jump Overs - 50' Sprint - 5 Box Jump Overs - 15 Toes to Bar - 15 KB Swings (1pd) (4 + 4 Rx) STRENGTH/SKILL - Speed Deadlifts 10X2 @ 225lbs (in 10 minutes) - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 19) .

No Vision

September 27, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Run 200m - 9 Fundamentals (pvc, 15, 45) SKILL/STRENGTH - 5X5 Good Morning 35, 85, 95, 95, 105 - 3 Stop Cleans 3X5 @ 85lbs - 3 Stop Snatch 3X5 @ 65 - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 18) .


September 26, 2012 WARMUP: Row 500m 3 Rounds - 5 Ring Rows - 10 Spiderman - 5 Medball Clean - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 5 Pistols Row 250m WOD: TABATA HSPU - 14 Pullup - 40 Back Extension - 75 Situps - 91 SKILL/STRENGTH: - 3X3 Rope Climbs - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 17) .

"Remarkably Good"

September 25, 2012 WARMUP: Run 400m 3 Rounds - 5 Inchworms - 10 Abmat Situps - 15 Air Squats GROUP OLY: 7X2 High Hang Clean 35, 55, 85 (3), 95 (2) WOD: "Egregiorus" 3 Rounds for Time - 20 Barbell Lunges (65lbs) - 20 Bar Facing Burpees (8:08 Rx) STRENGTH/SKILL: - Back Squat (1RM 230) 3X5 @ 70% - 165 2X5 @ 78% - 175 - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 16) .

Did I hear a Niner?

September 24, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Row 250m - 10 Pushups - 10 Good Mornings - 10 Air Squats GROUP OLY: 7X2 Snatch from High Hang 65 (2), 75 (5) WOD: 49er 4 Rounds for Time - 50 Double Unders (first round unbroken) - 10 Push Jerks (95lbs) Rest One Minute - Max Chest to Bars (4, 5, 3, 3) (11:55-13 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH: - 5X3 Push Press 85, 105, 125, 130, 135 - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 15) .

Dont Quit

September 23, 2012 SKILL/STRENGTH - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 14)

Its an Oly Saturday

September 22, 2012 WARMUP: 2 Minutes of Double Unders (60 in a Row PR!!) 3 Rounds - 5 Strict Pullups - 10 Pistols - 15 Abmat Situps SKILL/STRENGTH: - 7X1 Snatch 65, 85, 95, 105, 115, 120 (f), 120 (PR) - 7X1 Clean 105, 125, 135, 145, 155, 160 (PR), 165 (f) - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 13) .

Its Progress

September 21, 2012 As if having 1RM day to look forward to today... it was deadlift 1 RM day! Supah! I have had my mind set on this silly number of 300lbs for my deadlift for a while now. Not sure why and not sure what I will do when I get there, but its there and its in my head so thats what I am shooting for. This morning after the warmup and some OLY Group lifting we were off to find our 1RM. I was excited and ready to go. I worked my way up and was very happy when I approached 165lbs and the pull was pretty comfortable and reasonably quick. I skipped right over my previous 1RM and went for 175lbs. Next up a slow, but successful 185lbs lift. I was thrilled! I put on 195, went for the lift and failed it. Not sure if I didnt rest enough, didnt have enough in the tank or I am just not strong enough for it yet... but it is what it is and I am damn proud of my PR and super excited about being one step closer to my goal. After the deads I was getting ready to WOD when G and TP were he...

Excuses will Always Be There

September 20, 2012 Whats that old saying... "excuses are like assholes, everybodys got one." Dosent it seem like that sometimes. I hear it so much especially when I talk about the paleo way of life. I dont really talk about it much anymore unless prompted and sometimes people notice that I might not eat what everyone else is eating or what not... but when the ask and I tell them that I dont eat bread, I dont eat grains, I dont eat dairy and I dont eat sugar their first response is usually that epic line "I could never give up my XYZ." Than you have the people that load up on the excuses... They could never get up that early because there is no way they could get to bed early enough. They cant make it to the gym because they dont get out of work until whatever time and they have to go home and cook dinner for their husbands. They have too much to do with their kids. They dont have the time, they dont have the money... of course you also hear the good old, I have ...

Lesson Learned

September 19, 2012 In my short 31.75 years of life (not 32 yet!) I have learned many lessons. They started as a baby, when my parents “tried” to teach me “NO,” and continued through my childhood when I was taught right from wrong, good from bad, the difference between tattle tailing and telling what needed to be told and the famous treat others as you want to be treated. Of course there have been many, many more lessons learned (never play leapfrog with a unicorn and don’t eat yellow snow being some more of the “wiser” lessons) through my life, far too many to list or even recall at one time in one sitting. I can say that some lessons I had to learn the hard way, some were drilled into my head so I didn’t ever have to think twice about them and some I just developed on my own. The lessons that I learned the hard way seem to be the ones that have had the most impact on my life. Maybe that’s because whatever it was that I experienced to cause the burn or teach me the lesson is so...

I've Learned

September 18, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Lunges - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 10 Air Squats - 10 Inchworms - 10 Abmat Situps GROUP OLY: 5 X 2 High Hang + 2 Jerk (35, 65, 85, 95, 95) WOD: "Incomplete" 4 Rounds for Time - 150m Shuttle Run - 20 Hand Release Pushups - 50 Double Unders (11:27 Rx) STRENGTH/SKILL - 1 RM Back Squat (205, 215, 225, 230 PR) - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 9) .


September 17, 2012 WARMUP: Row 500m 3 Rounds - 10 Step Ups - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 10 Pushups Row 250m GROUP OLY: 5 X 2 High Hang Snatch (35, 55, 85, 95, 95) WOD: "Judgement" for time - 5 Muscle Ups/15 Chest to Bars - 100m Run - 4 Muscle Ups/12 Chest to Bars - 200m Run - 3 Muscle Ups/9 Chest to Bars - 300m Run - 2 Muscle Ups/6 Chest to Bars - 400m Run- 1 Muscle Ups/3 Chest to Bars - 500m Run (12:19 Chest to Bars) SKILL/STRENGTH: - 1 RM OH Press (85, 95 PR, 100F, 100F) - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 8) . 


September 16, 2012 SKILL/STRENGTH: 50 Hollow Rocks (day 7) .

The 7's

September 15, 2012 Ahhhh, Saturdays. I love Saturday mornings at the gym. I usually get a little more sleep than normal, I get to have a little coffee and "awake" time before heading over and since I dont have a time constraint (most of the time) so its a totally different feeling than 5:30am. On Thursday night M had posted a "challenge" on the board. He, K and another CFWer had completed it and when I was looking at it on the board he posed the challenge to me as well. Told him that I would go for it on Saturday... so today was the day! I woke up thinking about "The 7's" and I knew that I was not going to back away from this challenge. For some reason, I was nervous about this one. I think I was just letting it get the best of me. I knew after talking to K and M that it was pretty deceiving the way it is written on the board. I mean you look at it and think, well, that cant be THAT bad. Than you quickly remember that when a CrossFit workout doesnt...


September 14, 2012 I stayed home from work on Monday for a recovery day. While I was home I was watching some reruns of How I Met Your Mother. One of the seasons they had randomly worked a doppelganger into some of the episodes for each of the main characters. A doppelganger, in case you dont know, is basically a "look-a-like" of someone, someone who bares so much resemblance to the person its uncanny. Its pretty common for people to ask on FB or other social media types who your "famous" doppelganger is. I have been told that mine is Jessica Biel (which certainly makes Hubs happy since she is his "freebee"). So, whats my point. Well, the common reaction... and my own reaction as well, is "I wish" when someone says that I look like her. I realize now that we all spend a whole lot of time in our lives trying to be someone we are not. Trying to mold ourselves into a vision that we have, and less living in the moment, accepting what we are an...

I know what I want

September 13, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Step Ups - 10 Around the Worlds - 10 Spiderman - 10 Inchworm - 10 Abmat Situps SKILL/STRENGTH: 5 X 3 Handstand Push Ups (with Rx Standards) 5 X 5 Three Stop Snatch (65lbs) 5 X 5 Three Stop Cleans (65lbs) 5 X 5 Snatch Balance (65lbs) 50 Hollow Rocks (day 4) .

Enjoy It

September 12, 2012 One of the most amazing things I witnessed (and was a part of) at the Garage Games is the positive energy and determination that oozes out of every crossfit athlete. It is pretty well known amongst the crossfit community that the "last one to finish gets the most applause" and yes, that is the case... but until you are there in that environment and you can actually see and feel the emotion surrounding that person that is being cheered on, or are in fact THAT person... you have no idea. If you have ever played a sport, danced in a recital, made a presentation in school, spoke in front of a crowd you can understand the butterfly feeling that you get right before the "performance." If you can remember the first time you did any of those things... it heightens that feeling by 1000 %.  I can remember my first competition, which was the Garage Games Team Throwdown in CT last year with Hubs, KP and T. This past weekend I was thrilled for all of my CF...


September 11, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 250m Row - 10 Lunges - 10 Back Extensions - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 10 Grasshoppers Group: Kipping Instruction WOD: "Tie Break" 12 Minute AMRAP - 10 Alternating Pistols - 10 Pullups - 10 KB Swings (35lbs/1pd) (6 +13 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH: - Partner Death By Ring Dips (Red Band) W/JM, Made it to 10 - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 2) .

Be Proud

September 10, 2012 Recovery day today. Slept from 9:00 last night until 6:30 this morning! Well needed rest and 7:30 mobility session at CFW with the Birthday Girl! Left the gym went to the bank, BJ's and Hannaford... not much relaxation as we need to get the things done today that we typically do on Sundays for the week. Hubs is feeling a bit better, but not going to walk around a grocery store! I am feeling good and ready to WOD tomorrow morning! Some quick updates... today started our 30 day Hollow Rock Challenge at CFW. That is 50 hollow rocks a day for the next 30 days. K and M have been asked what the "prize" is by many... their answer? "A stronger core, heavier lifts... and maybe a 6 pack (even if its under a protective layer)!!" Last year when we started at CFW I remember the hollow rock challenge happening. I was overwhelmed and just getting into the program so I didnt participate. This year, I am in. Day one.. today. Check! Second update is th...

Garage Games 2012 - Day 2

September 9, 2012 Garage Games 2012 - Day 2 I slept pretty well after finally falling asleep. I tried so hard to get in bed early, but it just wasnt happening. Once I got there I laid there for about an hour just trying to get myself to relax... even as tired as I was. I still had so much excitement built up for day number two! When the alarm went off I had to hop right into the shower to get myself going. I hurried downstairs and made myself and Hubs some breakfast... yes you read that correctly... I made breakfast! I was very happy to see him walk downstairs after his shower and across the kitchen, yesterday it looked like he was going to need crutches to get around today. As soon as we were done we headed out to meet everyone to drive to Natick again. The ride there today was still so exciting. We chatted about our soreness... and about the WOD's to come... and how we wanted to do. Different conversation, as I think we were all a little less nervous and more excited since ...

Garage Games 2012 - Day 1

September 8, 2012 Garage Games Day 1... Wow, what a day! It was filled with all sorts of emotions and excitement... and a little bit of not so good excitement as well, Ill get to that. It all started off with getting up dark and early (because it was everything BUT bright at 5:00 in the morning). Hubs and I had a little breakfast, some coffee and got everything loaded into the truck to get to our meeting spot to hook up with our fellow CFWers. My stomach was doing its usual nervous flip flop. I know I really had nothing to be "nervous" about, I think it was just the whole buildup to the day that was getting to me. I was all chatty on the way down and just overall ready to get the day going! When we arrived we unloaded set up our tents and as the rest of the CFW Team arrived we all got more and more excited! We checked in, got out numbers and awaited the athletes meeting. I can remember looking around when people were showing up thinking "I remember that girl,"...

Garage Games Eve

September 7, 2012 On the eve of the Garage Games I have so many emotions! I am so excited, I am so nervous, I am so anxious, I am so... EXCITED!! I got home from work today and it was time to get focused for tomorrow. I am such a planner, I went downstairs and grabbed one of my camping tupperware containers so we could keep everything we bring together! I remembered last year that they ran out of toilet paper so I just had to include a roll of TP and some paper towels (because you never know!)!! I of course threw in the forever wonderful foam roller and the best invention ever "the stick" for sore muscles and mobility. In the backpack I included my notebook, tape, grips, wrist wraps, band-aids (spider-man ones too), neosporin and a few pairs of socks, a shirt and an extra pair of shorts... you never know what you are going to need!! Than, it was onto food. Hubs and I have our food all planned out so it was just a matter of assembling some chicken salad, that we have dec...

Love Your Body

September 6, 2012 Why is it that "we" as women have such a complex about our bodies? Were does it come from and who started it? Thats what I want to know. Why is it that we have this mindset that to be "perfect" you have to look a certain way, have your body shaped a certain way and have a certain hair/eye/skin color? Its extreamly frustrating and honestly it can be pretty annoying. I have been on both sides of the fence. When I was young I was a bean pole. I always had large legs that I developed early on in dancing. As I developed into a teen and young adult, hips all of a sudden came into play. I was still "thin" but of course started to realize that I wasnt "ideal" I didnt have any boobs, I had a big butt, my thighs rubbed when I walked and my tummy was certainly never flat.  Eventually as time went on I started to put on more weight and until rock bottom (March 2011) I really didnt do anything about it. I have always been heavy... but wh...