Garage Games 2012 - Day 2

September 9, 2012

Garage Games 2012 - Day 2

I slept pretty well after finally falling asleep. I tried so hard to get in bed early, but it just wasnt happening. Once I got there I laid there for about an hour just trying to get myself to relax... even as tired as I was. I still had so much excitement built up for day number two! When the alarm went off I had to hop right into the shower to get myself going. I hurried downstairs and made myself and Hubs some breakfast... yes you read that correctly... I made breakfast! I was very happy to see him walk downstairs after his shower and across the kitchen, yesterday it looked like he was going to need crutches to get around today. As soon as we were done we headed out to meet everyone to drive to Natick again.

The ride there today was still so exciting. We chatted about our soreness... and about the WOD's to come... and how we wanted to do. Different conversation, as I think we were all a little less nervous and more excited since we knew what to expect (kinda). I was pretty pumped up for the first event for women, which was the AMRAP. They had the men doing the run first. I wasnt sure at the moment if I was happier that we were doing it second, but the more I thought about it... yeah, was glad to get the AMRAP done with "fresh" legs.

We all arrived, got ourselves set and were ready to be "re-marked" and have the athletes meeting. They reviewed all the standards and we were set off to get warmed up again. Felt like we all just fell right into the swing of things. I headed up to the warmup room to get some cleans in and warm up my muscles. The weather was a little gloomy, which wound up being a blessing since everything was outdoors today. I was sure to keep my hoodie on once I was outside to keep everything from getting tight. I watched a few heats of the women and than it was my turn. I was sure I was mobile, used the roller, lax ball and PVC in the warmup room in addition to working up my weights gradually to the 135lbs we were using for the event.

This was my favorite WOD. I was ready and excited. I knew I wanted to beat my "practice" score of 3 rounds + 2 at the gym last week. I had struggled at the end of that time with the cleans once I dropped the weight from overhead. I didnt want to get stuck there again. I just had to get the last time out of my mind and do what I could this time. At the GO I turned to the weight and just started working away. My judge was excellent, very encouraging and assuring me that my reps were clean and counted for. I felt like the weight was moving pretty fast and I was doing really well. The next thing I knew I was at the 4th box! Well past the 3+2 at the gym... I had a little less than a minute to go and moved into the 5th round! At this point, I coudlnt see or hear the crowd, I just worked as hard as I could to get the full 5th round completed. Right at the last seconds I was done. There was so much energy in me I couldnt stand it! I was so excited and pumped that I did what I wanted to do. This WOD was the highlight of my weekend!

Right after my heat I fueled up with a protein shake and lined up to watch my fellow CFWers in their heats. This was MUCH easier today as everything happened out doors and right in front of our tent. We could watch the men run past and the women lifting without having to dart across the whole place. I really liked that, as we are all so excited to see each other do well. Its nice to be able to share in someones excitement and be able to push them if they need the push! A cheering section always feels good, I dont care what anyone says!!

I decided to forgo eating until after the run. I did however need a few snacks, I munched on some plantain chips and some mango... not too much, I didnt want to much in there for the run. I continued to be hydrated with lots of coconut water and regular water. I felt like I could drink a ton! Not too long before they were going to start the second heat of women  for the final WOD I headed into the warmup room to ride the bike and get my legs moving again. There were LOTS of guys warming up in there so as soon as I was done I headed down, did some rolling and stretching while I got myself psyched up for the last event! JM and I were in the same heat for this which was a nice change. Up until this one all the women were in separate heats for everything. Eventually it came time to get in line and gear up for the run.

At the bell we were off... right up a hill. I am so glad that I a have been working on my running. I really would have been in rough shape if I havent been putting my time in on Thursday nights running around the field. I kept a decent pace and knew that I could keep up. It just happened that JM and I passed our CFW crowd at the same time... keeping relatively the same pace. I think a few times we were running we were encouraging each other on. Once we got down and back the long hill we picked up the 25lb plates and were headed to tackle the hardest part. The same 900-1000m loop with a 25lb plate on your back/side/head/shoulder... wherever you could put the damn thing!

We stuck together for almost that whole second lap and she pulled ahead of me on our way back up the long hill. I had a good position with the plate on my back with my arms over it (thank you flexible shoulders)... it was pretty "comfortable." The longest and hardest part of this race was by far the last long hill with the plate. It felt like I couldnt pick my feet up anymore. I couldnt help but heel strike while running with the weight and my shins were on fire. Once I had the crowd in sight I knew I was almost to the drop off spot. Finally I pushed up the last portion of the hill, dropped the weight and was literally 25lbs lighter for the final loop. I had JM in my sights through the whole loop. I was trying to keep a strong and steady pace. I wasnt concentrating on anything but finishing strong and keeping her only a few steps a head of me. When we were ascending up that last hill I knew I was so close to being done. I could feel the excitement building and as I kicked in for the last 25 yards I was giving it everything I had all the way down to my toes. I dropped to the ground and was so proud of myself!

We all watched and cheered eachother on for the rest of the afternoon. There was lots of excitement, high fives, smile and even some aggravation... but all in all it was a fantastic showing by CrossFit Wachusett at this years Garage Games!!

I am proud of myself. I am proud of my Husband. I am proud of my team. I am proud of my CFW Family.

After watching the final WOD and witnessing our very own W collect his first place Mens Scaled Division trophy and prizes we were all ready to retreat back to the Burg for some food, Shipyard and of course a little paleo dessert to celebrate the birthday girl (JM's) birthday!!

Congratulations to all who competed! Thank you for your support... and lets go get em!!

WOD#4 "Quest"
1 Round for Time
- 900-1000m Run with Hills
- 900-1000m Run with Hills and a 25lb Plate
- 900-1000m Run with Hills

WOD #5 "AMRAP 4"
 4 Minute AMRAP
- 2 Power Cleans (135 lbs)
- 2 Front Squats (135 lbs)
- 2 Shoulder to Overhead (135 lbs)
(5 Rounds)



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