Its Progress
September 21, 2012
As if having 1RM day to look forward to today... it was deadlift 1 RM day! Supah! I have had my mind set on this silly number of 300lbs for my deadlift for a while now. Not sure why and not sure what I will do when I get there, but its there and its in my head so thats what I am shooting for. This morning after the warmup and some OLY Group lifting we were off to find our 1RM. I was excited and ready to go. I worked my way up and was very happy when I approached 165lbs and the pull was pretty comfortable and reasonably quick. I skipped right over my previous 1RM and went for 175lbs. Next up a slow, but successful 185lbs lift. I was thrilled! I put on 195, went for the lift and failed it. Not sure if I didnt rest enough, didnt have enough in the tank or I am just not strong enough for it yet... but it is what it is and I am damn proud of my PR and super excited about being one step closer to my goal.
After the deads I was getting ready to WOD when G and TP were heading outside for the WOW (workout of the week) Challenge that M had posted on the wall for this week. Up till this point I was planning to do this WOD on Saturday... than... it happened... the "you wont do it" from the both of them. They asked me to join them and thus the challenge was in front of me. Since we all know I cant not accept a challenge... I had a bar, added 95lbs and was headed out the door for 400m of crazyness.
We had to walk 400m holding this bar (95lbs for me, 135lbs for them) in front rack position. Every 15 steps we had to complete one thruster. If we were to drop the bar at any time, we had to complete 5 burpees on the spot. I have no idea how many burpees I did, how many times I dropped the bar. All I know is that it was a huge challenge and in a MUCH different way from the last WOW (The 7's) that I did last Saturday. This one was more of a mind game and strength challenge. It was all about the stategy of how often you had to do burpees, when you dropped the bar, how long you could go without dropping the bar... all that. It took a lot of focus and was pretty grueling. Not to mention the DPW starts work at 6:30 and the three of us were walking up and down the street with barbells... must have looked like crazy people to these guys who were just on their way to work. Anyway, all three of us completed the challenge. I made it a point to never let myself do less than 2 full sets before dropping the bar and never dropping the bar before the second thruster. I also did about 6 full rounds before dropping the bar the first time.
It was thrilling to finish and it was a great moment when were had all completed it. I really enjoy these weekly challenges. Than again... I enjoy the regular weekly WODs. Something about that feeling of being uncomfortable, pushing as hard as I can, needing to focus with everything inside of me that is just like a drug. There are days I wish I had a faster time, a heavier lift or more reps... but that is to be expected, that is the fuel to make the fire burn for the next goal. A 5lb PR, a 15lb PR... taking a minute off my time for something... sometimes it might be as big a jump as I wanted, but its progress. Every little step is one step closer. Big things await...
2 Minute Double Under Practice (50 in a row!! PR)
3 Rounds
- 5 Strict Pullups
- 10 Pistols
- 10 Abmat Situps
- 20 Walking Lunges
Group OLY:
7 X 2 Jerk
(35, 65, 65, 85, 85, 85, 85)
WOW: "The Walking Dead" for time
400m walk with 95lb bar in front rack position
Every 15 Steps perform 1 thruster
5 Burpee penalty every time you drop the bar
(14:37 Rx)
Deadlift 1 RM
(225, 255, 265, 275, 285 (PR), 295 <--- fail)
As if having 1RM day to look forward to today... it was deadlift 1 RM day! Supah! I have had my mind set on this silly number of 300lbs for my deadlift for a while now. Not sure why and not sure what I will do when I get there, but its there and its in my head so thats what I am shooting for. This morning after the warmup and some OLY Group lifting we were off to find our 1RM. I was excited and ready to go. I worked my way up and was very happy when I approached 165lbs and the pull was pretty comfortable and reasonably quick. I skipped right over my previous 1RM and went for 175lbs. Next up a slow, but successful 185lbs lift. I was thrilled! I put on 195, went for the lift and failed it. Not sure if I didnt rest enough, didnt have enough in the tank or I am just not strong enough for it yet... but it is what it is and I am damn proud of my PR and super excited about being one step closer to my goal.
After the deads I was getting ready to WOD when G and TP were heading outside for the WOW (workout of the week) Challenge that M had posted on the wall for this week. Up till this point I was planning to do this WOD on Saturday... than... it happened... the "you wont do it" from the both of them. They asked me to join them and thus the challenge was in front of me. Since we all know I cant not accept a challenge... I had a bar, added 95lbs and was headed out the door for 400m of crazyness.
We had to walk 400m holding this bar (95lbs for me, 135lbs for them) in front rack position. Every 15 steps we had to complete one thruster. If we were to drop the bar at any time, we had to complete 5 burpees on the spot. I have no idea how many burpees I did, how many times I dropped the bar. All I know is that it was a huge challenge and in a MUCH different way from the last WOW (The 7's) that I did last Saturday. This one was more of a mind game and strength challenge. It was all about the stategy of how often you had to do burpees, when you dropped the bar, how long you could go without dropping the bar... all that. It took a lot of focus and was pretty grueling. Not to mention the DPW starts work at 6:30 and the three of us were walking up and down the street with barbells... must have looked like crazy people to these guys who were just on their way to work. Anyway, all three of us completed the challenge. I made it a point to never let myself do less than 2 full sets before dropping the bar and never dropping the bar before the second thruster. I also did about 6 full rounds before dropping the bar the first time.
It was thrilling to finish and it was a great moment when were had all completed it. I really enjoy these weekly challenges. Than again... I enjoy the regular weekly WODs. Something about that feeling of being uncomfortable, pushing as hard as I can, needing to focus with everything inside of me that is just like a drug. There are days I wish I had a faster time, a heavier lift or more reps... but that is to be expected, that is the fuel to make the fire burn for the next goal. A 5lb PR, a 15lb PR... taking a minute off my time for something... sometimes it might be as big a jump as I wanted, but its progress. Every little step is one step closer. Big things await...
2 Minute Double Under Practice (50 in a row!! PR)
3 Rounds
- 5 Strict Pullups
- 10 Pistols
- 10 Abmat Situps
- 20 Walking Lunges
Group OLY:
7 X 2 Jerk
(35, 65, 65, 85, 85, 85, 85)
WOW: "The Walking Dead" for time
400m walk with 95lb bar in front rack position
Every 15 Steps perform 1 thruster
5 Burpee penalty every time you drop the bar
(14:37 Rx)
Deadlift 1 RM
(225, 255, 265, 275, 285 (PR), 295 <--- fail)
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