
Showing posts from November, 2012


November 9, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 9 I am thankful for pumpkin! Why not? Pumpkin is fantastic! Whats not to love about pumpkin!! - You can decorate with it - You can decorate IT - You can carve it - You can cook it - You can puree it - You can bake it - You can eat its seeds - You can make a pie with it - You can make a cake with it - You can make brownies with it - You can make pancakes with it - You can make smoothies with it - You can make martinis with it - You can make chili with it - You can make beer with it - You can make coffee with it - You can burn a candle that smells like it - You can make a planter out of it - You can make THESE for your pumpkin loving husband for his birthday!! <----shhhh its a surprise! I cant let today get by without talking this! I have been thinking a lot about how I am feeling about my workouts and what my mindset is going into and coming out of the g...

Heat and Electricity

November 8, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 8 I am thankful for heat and electricity. We often take for granted things we have... and when we dont have it, we realize how hard life is. In lieu of our recent storm I have been thinking so much of those who were hit hard and are still suffering the aftermath of Sandy. I have friends with no power, still... 10 days after the storm. Slowly watching their FB status updates popping up, so very thankful that their power has been restored and they can take a hot shower... or go back to their house that they had to leave while there was no power. This storm did not his us out where we live to badly, however I was terribly disturbed by the FB posts asking "where the storm was" and saying things such as "is that all you've got mother nature." Seeing these angered me, knowing I have friends and family... and friends who have families... who were slammed with this storm. Some lost more than just heat and electricity,...


November 7, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 7 I am thankful for my mistakes. Every mistake I have ever made in my life has made me the woman I am today. Some made me stronger, some made me smarter, some made me wiser... some were stupid, some were accidental and some were simple and innocent... whatever the mistake, it is a part of my life. I have learned from them and I have never let them defeat me. I have made many and I will make many more mistakes in my lifetime. However each and every one of them have made me, me. Without mistakes I think life would be pretty boring!   WARMUP: Row 500m 3 Rounds - 5 Burpees - 10 Walking Lunges - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 5 Inchworms Group: Burgener Warmup & Toes to Bar  WOD: "Smoke and Mirrors" 21-15-9 - Snatch (55) - Toes to Bar - Handstand Push Up (1 abmat) (15:15) SKILL/STRENGTH Core Circuit 3 rounds not for time - 10 GHD - 10 Hollow Rocks  - 4 Turkish Get-Ups .

Follow Your Dreams

November 6, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 6 I am thankful for following my dreams. Both in and out of the gym I just keep shooting for the next goal, the next dream and the next great thing! Shooting for the stars is nothing new in my life, its was instilled in me at an early age... though time I learned that sometimes you just have to stick your neck out there and go for it. Accepting challenges, setting goals that are not "easy" to achieve and standing behind myself 100% of the way has allowed me to get where I am in my life. You cant get to where you want to be unless you know where you want to be... Just remember, its never, ever, ever too late. Nothing in life is unreachable if you believe in yourself!  WARMUP: 2 X Jump Rope Series - Singles - Left Foor - Right Foor - Skiier - Bell - Double 3 Rounds - 10 Toy Soldiers - 10 Step Ups - 5 Pullups WOD: Take Out 15 Minute AMRAP - 200m Run - 10 Pistols - 15 Med Ball Cleans (20) (5 + 100 Rx) ...

Its the Little Things

November 5, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 5 I am thankful for my DVR. I am going to be honest, this one is pretty petty... but I have to throw it in there. I have a few shows that I love to watch and if it wasnt for my DVR, I would never get to see them. I dont even really know what time or day any of the shows are on that I watch in real time! Its nice to be able to curl up on the couch on a Friday night or Sunday morning and catch up on what I missed. Not to mention I get to watch all the shows Hubs cant stand when he isnt home (thats one thing he is thankful for for sure)!! WARMUP: Run 400m 3 Rounds - 10 Air Squats - 10 Pushups - 10 Ring Rows - 10 Abmat Situps WOD: Dirty 30 for time - 30 Walking Lunges - 30 Knees to Elbow - 30 Push Press (35) - 30 Back Extensions - 30 Wall Balls (14) - 30 Burpees - 30 Double Unders - 30 Box Jumps (20) - 30 Jumping Pullups - 30 KB  Swings (1.5 pd) OLY: Clean 1 on the minute for 7 min 110, 125, 140, 145, 150, 1...

Think About It

November 4, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 4 I am thankful for my positive energy. Simply stated, your thoughts can change everything and anything about your life. How you look at something, how you handle something, how you approach something... pretty much ANYTHING in your life can be controlled by the way you think about it. I am thankful I have learned to translate even the negative into the positive, look at the "bright side" and really try to turn my life around. .


November 3, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 3 I am thankful for my support system. What better feeling is it when you have someone cheering you on? When the going gets rough and you have someone standing by pushing you, believing in you and encouraging you to finish. Sometimes it takes that little extra umph to help cross the line of where you feel like you just cant go on... When working out at a CrossFit gym that is an experience that is more frequent than you would imagine in any other circumstance. This morning I had decided I wanted to face the WOW... the Lumberjack 20. This is a tough WOD, a long one, which requires focus and a lot of push to keep on going. I have done others like this one, a Hero WOD, usually long and pretty grueling. I asked around for someone to accompany me and understandably those who did not complete Fran yesterday wanted to do that. So I was on my own... but really... I knew I wasnt on my own. Its like that on a daily basis at CF. Whether its yo...

I am worth it

November 2, 2012 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 2 I am thankful for my determination and drive. When I think about where I was a year ago, I just cant believe it. I am extremely aware of the changes that have happened physically, mentally and emotionally in myself and I am beyond proud that I did not give up, give in or get frustrated when times were tough. Through my life I was taught how to set goals, push for them and reach for the stars. I have realized how important it is to keep MYSELF happy. That if I am unhappy, it will show in all aspects of my life. When there is something that I feel should change, I have to make the choice to change it. When I have a problem, I have to address it. A little over a year ago my negative attitude was keeping me from being the person I wanted to be, the person I really am. It was bringing me down, and worse, it was bringing the people around me down. I have learned to love myself again. I take pride in what I have done and where I am goin...


November 1, 2012 Last year every day of November leading to Thanksgiving I decided to keep a list of the things I am thankful of. I am going to attempt that again this year as I think it really made me think about the things that were important to me and how they affect my life. My challenge... not to repeat myself from last years list!! 22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 1 I am thankful for my ability to give. Today I was invited after work with my boss and some other co-workers to an event to benefit The Shine Initiative. "The SHINE Initiative develops funding and strategic alliances to improve public awareness and understanding of mental health issues, research and treatment." - The Shine Initiative was brought to our attention by the folks at Fidelity Bank as my office has designed (and are still in the process of designing) a few of their locations and have established a respectful relationship with them. I was honored to be invited to repre...

Happy Halloween

October 31, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Run 200m - 10 Step Ups - 10 Abmat Situps - 5 Pullups - 5 Inchworms Pigeon Stretch WOD: Goblin 12 Minute AMRAP - 6 OH Squat (65) - 9 Toes to Bar - 12 Burpees (6 Rx) OLY: 1 RM Clean 10 minutes 95, 125, 145, 155, 165 .

The Calm

October 30, 2012 WARMUP: 2 X Jump Rope Series 3 Rounds - 10 Scorpion - 10 Toy Soldiers - 10 Ring Row WOD: The Calm for Time - Row 500m - TABATA    - 50 HR Pushups    - 50 Bottom to Bottom Squats - Row 500m (8:54 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH: Back Squat 2 on the min for 7 minutes up weight 5-10lbs each time 185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215 .


October 29, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Row 250m - 5 Pullups - 10 Pistols - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 5 Burpees Group: Snatch Practice WOD: Sandy 15-12-9-6-3 - 2 for 1 Wall Balls (14) - SDHP (65) (5:25 Rx) OLY: Snatch 1Rm 110, 115, 125, 130 (F) .

I Own It

October 28, 2012

Challenge Accepted

October 27, 2012 I dont know if this is a "problem" or if its a good thing... but I just cant say no to a challenge! Hubs and I were on our way to the gym this morning and we were talking about what we were going to do. I had said that I wasnt really interested in doing the WOW, so I thought I would work on some skills... still unclear of what I wanted we arrived at the gym and were ready to get moving. I started to warm up and was approached by one of my fine CFW Ladies... she says "want to do the WOW with me" and I respond "no." She was getting warmup up and fired up for it, and as I am familiar with, wanted some company. The next thing you know she asks JM if she wanted in and she accepted. Well... they only had to look at me the right way (ok they just had to look at me any way) and I was in. Before I knew it I was setting up my weights getting ready to start a pretty grueling WOW. I was happy I did it... it was a lot of work, a challenge for ...


October 26, 2012 Why is it that women find the need to treat Halloween as an excuse to slutify EVERYTHING. For crying out loud. I went looking for a costume and Hubs and I couldnt believe what we were seeing. First off... they have everything from skanky police officer (get original at least) to Finding Nem-ohhhhh (I kid you not, I actually saw a slutty finding Nemo costume). I mean I get it, people like to show off... and Halloween is a night you can "show" but holy bageezuz, if you are looking for something that covers your ass you cant even be Harry Potter, because somehow He is a prostitute too... What The Crap! I did find pieces of a costume... and I am pretty happy because I get to wear my gym clothes with it! Hubs also got one. Not his favorite holiday by a long shot... but we have two parties to get to and he is required to dress up! We will have a good time!! Mark this down... I swear to god... if I ever have a teenage girl, I will have some major issues come H...

Apple Bottom

October 25, 2012 WARMUP: 1K Row 2  X 25 Double Unders SKILL/STRENGTH 10 Unassisted Ring Dips 3 X 5 Snatch Balance (75) .

Machine Head

October 24, 2012 WARMUP: 400m Run 3 Rounds - 10 Incoworms - 10 Step Ups - 10 Ring Rows - 10 Air Squats 200m Run WOD: "Machine Head" 15 Minute AMRAP - Row 250m - 20 Hand Release Pushups - 20 Box Jumps (20) (4 + 265 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH 3 Rounds not for Time - 10 Hollow Rocks - 10 GHD - 10 Toes to Bar .

Back Squat

October 23, 2012 Elisabeth Akinwale... my hero. Seriously. I love her. I would love to meet her, train with her and just talk to her. Here she is doing a 325lb Back Squat... maybe someday I will be able to do this. My 1 RM is 230... you have to start somewhere!  WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Row 250m - 10 Spiderman - 5 Pullups - 10 Back Extensions - 10 Around the World WOD: "Gold Mine" 3 Rounds for Time - 10 Squat Cleans (95) - 50 Double Unders - 1 Minute Rest- - 1 Min Burpees (ax)  (6:27 + 19 Burpees Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH Back Squat 5 X 1 195, 200, 210, 215, 225 .

I'm Back

October 22, 2012 I am back this morning and ready to go! Its time to sit down and re-evaluate my goals, set new ones and work on the skills that I need to improve upon for the Open! WARMUP: 2X Jumprope Series (5 ea) - Singles - Left Foot - Right Foot - Bell - Ski - Doubles 3 Rounds - 10 Squats - 10 Pushups - 10 Hollow Rocks OLY: 7 X 2 Snatch (7 minutes on the minute) 95 (3), 105 (2), 95 (2) WOD: Escape 1 Round for Time - 400m Run - 100 Push Press (with TABATA clock) 55lbs - 400m Run (8:40 Rx) .

Barbells for Boobs

October 21, 2012 Today was a really beautiful day. Last year I talked about it, this year I was able to participate in it. An even called Barbells for Boobs. " Barbells for Boobs is an extremely popular charity event in the CrossFit community. The money raised is donated to "Mammograms In Action (MIA) which is a  501(c)3 non-profit breast cancer organization  with the mission to provide funding for qualified low-income and uninsured women and men who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures in the prevention of breast cancer." CrossFit EXP, in Leominster put out some information that they were going to be hosting a Barbells for Boobs event and of course all of us at CFW were more than happy to participate. K and M posted the information at the gym and lots of us expressed interest. The event is basically an open back to back running of "Grace" which is one of our benchmark girl WODs. Grace is 30 clean and jerks at either 95lbs or 135lbs. I was o...

5K Hunger Run

October 20, 2012 Today I participated in a 5K Hunger Run for Loaves and Fishes in Devens Ma. Loaves and Fishes provides food and temporary support to residents of Ayer, Devens, Groton, Harvard, Littleton and Shirley MA. My company has become more and more aware of things we can do within the community to donate our time, money or services to help those in need and this is one of the organizations we have hooked up with. Last year at Thanksgiving I was able to volunteer to help out at the food pantry and work the day they had the doors open for Thanksgiving pickup. This year I will be away for that, but I was thrilled when my boss asked who wanted to participate in the 5K to raise money for the food pantry!! As we all lined up at the starting line, Patricia (Patty) Stern spoke over the intercom reminding us all who and what we were raising  money for. She reminded us that the people who use the pantry could be any one of us, or any one of the people that we know in our lives. Th...

Must Deadlift

October 19, 2012 Last day of my mobility week... but I cant resist a good deadlift session! WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Double Unders (30-20-10) - 10 Spiderman - 10 Toy Solider - 10 Ring Row 1 Minute Pigeon Stretch Each Leg SKILL/STRENGTH Speed Deadlift 10X2 (On the Min, 10 Minutes) (235lbs) .


October 18. 2012 WARMUP/MOBILITY Row 1K 3 Rounds - 10 Air Squats - 10 Around the World - 10 Grasshopper Lax Ball Rolling Mobility .

The Cape

October 17, 2012 So, I am probubly one of the few people who live in Massachusetts who have visited Cape Cod fewer times than I can count on one hand. However, I am pretty lucky... I work for a great company with a great boss who owns property on the cape. He invited my whole company (about 20 employees) to his place for an overnight retreat. His neighbors rent their property as well, so we were able to all sleep in our own beds. It was pretty fantastic! I got up in the morning and took advantage of the beautiful weather. I went for a run, did some mobility and stretching and of course I had brought my own food along for breakfast. We had a morning work session (with a beautiful view) followed by a great lunch. After lunch we were introduced to a woman from an organization called "Room to Dream" ( They are a  Boston-based non-profit organization dedicated to creating healing environments for children and adolescents suffering from ch...

Can you eat here?

October 16, 2012 Today I experienced a classic example of what drives me NUTS about people and "dieting." I have been living the paleo life for quite a while now. I understand what I eat and honestly, 99% of the time it doesnt phase me in the least what other people are eating and I dont get jealous of people eating things I choose not to eat. What I cant understand is why people think that it DOES bother me. Why people feel the need to justify what they are eating around me "oh I am just going to have this one small piece of bread" or "its just a few calories" are things I often hear when I am out to eat with some people. Honestly, I dont care. I make the choices that I make, I am confident in them and yes, I can stand to be at a bar with people and not have a drink... or I can sit next to someone eating pizza and choose a healthier option. Apparently that is hard for some people to understand. Its almost like they feel guilty that they are eating som...

Rest and Mobility

October 15, 2012 These... ... are my best friends today! I am actually not nearly as sore as I had expected to be post Beast. I do have some bumps and brusies on my legs and my ankle is pretty torn up from the "pistols" in the last WOD... but overall I am feeling great. The feeling of competing and just taking part in the Beast of the East is incredible. Such an amazing weekend where we saw and we part of such amazing talent and skill. We had so much support from all of our CFW family from home... and especially Hubs, A and T who were with us all weekend. Its perfect timing for me to take a week off from WODing and mobilize. I will start off on Monday ready for the next step in training! I am ready to sit down re-evaluate my goals and see where I have come since I set my last set. I also want to look at all the things I need to work on and really set up a training schedule to maximize my time training my weaknesses and keeping up my strength at the same time. H...

Beast of the East - Day 3

October 14, 2012 WOD#6 30-20-10 Hang Power Clean 185/115 Chest-to-Bar Pullups Pistols 1 Male/Female Working Same Time 12 Minute Cap (Guys, 5:53 - Gals 7:57, Total 13:50)   We had a BLAST!! What a great weekend!! We took 6th place overall of 42 teams!! Really looking forward to the future with CFW!!

Beast of the East - Day 2

October 13, 2012 WOD#3 Teams 2k Row All team members rowing at the same time Score is total sum of all 4 athletes (Personal PR, 2K 7:37 - Team Total 29:36:00) WOD#4 Establish team 1 rep max snatch- 10 minute cap Score equals highest score of each athlete combined (Total 650lbs) WOD#5 30 Deadlifts (15 each) 275/185 400m Hill Sprint 30 Deadlifts (15 each) 275/185 (women start deadlift when men take off for run) 10 min time cap (4:57)