
November 9, 2012

22 Days of Thanks 2012 - Day 9
I am thankful for pumpkin!

Why not? Pumpkin is fantastic! Whats not to love about pumpkin!!

- You can decorate with it
- You can decorate IT
- You can carve it
- You can cook it
- You can puree it
- You can bake it
- You can eat its seeds
- You can make a pie with it
- You can make a cake with it
- You can make brownies with it
- You can make pancakes with it
- You can make smoothies with it
- You can make martinis with it
- You can make chili with it
- You can make beer with it
- You can make coffee with it
- You can burn a candle that smells like it
- You can make a planter out of it
- You can make THESE for your pumpkin loving husband for his birthday!! <----shhhh its a surprise!

I cant let today get by without talking this! I have been thinking a lot about how I am feeling about my workouts and what my mindset is going into and coming out of the gym. One things for sure… I have never felt better about myself. I know that every single time I walk into that gym I am giving my 100%. I have yet to have a day that I drag myself there and just “go through the motions.” I really enjoy what it is doing for my body and mind… and honestly, the people that are there are amazing, so spending time with everyone is a pretty kick ass “prize” that comes with the deal.

The amazing thing about CrossFit is how much of a community is formed just by one simple thing we all have in common. All of a sudden a group of people who may or may not have anything else in common can just get together and stand behind each other, encourage each other and really make everyone feel like they belong. Every person that walks in there checks their ego at the door. There is no room for that in CrossFit. Every days battle is with yourself. Your goals, your accomplishments… they come about when you challenge yourself. You know that in that environment its ok to fail, its ok to push to that extent because with every failure you are one step closer to succeeding.   

I have made some amazing friends at CrossFit Wachusett. We have a great time together, we laugh together, challenge each other, compete with each other and most of all we support each other. I love that I have found that. I hope that everyone who experiences CrossFit, and especially those at CFW, feel that same “love.”

3 Rounds
- Row 250m
- 10 Inchworms
- 10 Ring Rows
- 5 Back Extensions
- 5 Med Ball Cleans

WOD: Unstuck
3 Rounds for Time
- 10 KB Swings (1.5 pd)
- 10 Deadlifts (155lbs)
- 10 Abmat Situps
(3:27 Rx)

Front Squat
5 X 2 (heavy as possible)
135, 155, 175, 195 (PR), 215 (Fail)



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