It takes "Two to Tussle"
April 28, 2013
Yesterday CFW was represented well at CrossFit Nashua for their
“Two to Tussle” pairs competition! There were 10 of us competing and we were
ready to go!
What a great day it was. I have to give it up to CrossFit
Nashua for hosting such a great competition. The location was great for the
amount of people they allowed to register and they have a beautiful facility.
We were able to find a great spot outside of their overhead door to camp out on
and debut the brand new CFW Pop up Tent! As I said we had 10 competitors, but
we wouldn’t have been near complete without our fellow CFW-ers who weren’t competing
but wanted to come along to cheer us on and of course the “fans” who wanted to come
check us out and give a good yell!
My teammate W and I were ready to go. Pumped up and anxious
to get started right upon arrival! Most of us started warming up right away as
the ladies clean ladder was to kick off the event! The day flew by with tons of
excitement! There was an unbelievable 20lb PR by our very own M on the clean
ladder which was just amazing to be there to see in person! I made it through
almost all my double unders without tripping up and surprised myself on the
burpees, wall walks and even the thrusters. Some matched their previous PR’s on
the cleans and we all pushed through rope climbs, heavy thrusters, rope climbs,
rowing, wall walks, burpee box jump
overs, goblet squats, kettle bells swings and even sand bag runs! It was a
great great day!
The icing on the cake was watching K and M compete in the
final workout where they merged ahead from 2nd place to 1st
and took home the big WIN for CrossFit Wachusett!!
Of course the most wonderful thing about competing with our
crew and even the strangers at a crossfit competition, is the energy and
motivation that comes from the crowd! Our teams were all spread out in
different heats and there was never a moment where one, two and even more,
people were standing by pushing, cheering and encouraging each of us to dig as
deep as we could to power through the event. There were lots of smiles, lots of high fives
and some really really happy athletes!
I have to say, I am honored to be a part of such an great
gym. Lets keep going!!
Whoooo Raaaaaa CFW!!
WOD #1 - Clean Ladder
w/ Double Unders
1 Minute at each station:
RX: (185/115),(205/135),(225/145),(245/155) (265/165),(285/175),
(305/185) (315/195)
* 20 Double-unders then perform the clean
(Our Score – Me 165, W 205)
WOD #2 - “Jackyll and
Rx: For time w/ 10min cut-off:
500M Row each while partner suspends a KB (2/1.5)
25 Thrusters each (135/95) while partner holds Plate O/H
15 Pull-ups each (C2B/chin) while partner hangs on bar
(Our Score – 168, we got 18 pull-ups and ran out of time)
WOD #3 - 12 Min AMRAP
Rx: 5 Rope Climbs
10 Wallclimbs
20 Burpee Box Jump overs, (24”)
30 KB Swings (2/1.5)
40 Goblet Squats (2/1.5)
200M Sandbag Run (100/50)
(Our Score – 168, 1 Round + 28 KB Swings)
Overall Standings:
M & K – 1st
ML & C – 10th
Me & W – 11th
J & JM – 13th
S & N – 16th
R & S – 18th
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