Pistol Pistol Pistol

March 26, 2013

Oh lovely day! I was pumped to get to the gym this morning to do this WOD. My kind of WOD. Just the right length, nice heavy weight, mix of skill (that isnt bar work or double unders... aka PISTOLS) and rowing! I like this kind of match up!

This is one of my favorite pics of K from the Regional competition last year... she was doing this workout.

I am still so pumped for the remainder of the open! Personally I couldnt be more proud of myself and the rest of CrossFit Wachusett... individuals, team, whatever way you want to look at it. There are people inspiring people left and right. There are PR's there are goals set, goals met and goals shattered!! Its such an exciting time of year to be around such amazing people!!

3 Rounds
- 20 Double Unders
- 5 Pullups
- 10 Inchworms
- 10 Jumping Squats
- 10 Scorpions
2 Minute Squat Sit

STRENGTH: Front Squat
2 X 5 @ 80% - 175lbs
2 X 3 @ 90% - 195lbs

WOD: 2012 Regional WOD #2
15 Minute Time Cap
- 2K Row
- 50 Pistols
- 30 Hang Cleans (135)
(12 Hang Cleans Rx)



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