The Grass Is Greener

March 7, 2012

Take a minute to think about this... "You may think the grass is greener on the other side. But if you take the time to water our own grass it would be just as green." Again another phrase I could easily apply to both life in general as well as exercise and CrossFit.

Its so common to want to be/have/do something you feel is so far out of reach. When in reality there are very few things (within reason) that you cant be/have/do without giving it your best shot. Of course... if you wish for a million dollars to land in your lap that's one thing... but if you aspire to be a person that you are not and there is a path that can get you to that goal, its never too late. If you want to change your life, do it. If you have a dream or a goal, whats the harm in shooting for the stars.

I have been through quite a bit in my short 31 years on this planet. I know there are other people out there who have been through worse, and the things that I have been through might not seem as bad to them... but for me, my personal life hasnt exactly been an "easy" journey. I made a decision years ago to take a high path for myself. I could have very easily disappeared in a hole somewhere, but thats not me and thats not how my life is laid out. I channeled the pain, sadness, frustration, depression and used it as fuel to be a better, stronger, goal driven, successful person. Sometimes I lose sight of that and have to regroup, take a step back, "water my own grass" and say to myself... this is the hand that I was dealt, I am lucky to have the people in my life that I do have, I am lucky to have the best parents any person could ever ask for, I am lucky that I have people to love, people love me, care about me and most of all, I am lucky that I love and care about myself.

Our lives are in our own control. We can make the changes we need to better ourselves. Believe in yourself... your stronger than you think.

Tonight the 12.3 WOD will be released... I am so excited to see what awaits. I had a kick ass workout this morning that fired me up for the new Opens WOD!! My hip is feeling better and I am ready to rock and roll!!

3 Rounds
- Row 250m
- 10 Grasshoppers
- 10 Back Extensions
- 10 Shoulder Dislocates
Jump Rope Circuit 2X
- 10 Singles
- 10 Each Leg
- 10 Side to Side
- 10 Front to Back
- 10 Crossover
- 10 Double Unders

WOD: "Appertain"
21-15-9 for Time
- Box Jumps (20")
- Deadlift (95lbs)
- KB Swings (1 pood)
(My Time 5:11 Rx)

Rope Climbs
1, 2, & 3 Accents



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