Let it Go

March 14, 2012

Sometimes you just have to "let it go."

Let go of all the crap that bothers you. Let go of all the dead weight in your life. When something bothers you... figure out why and if its not worth it, let it go. Relationships that are strenuous and constant battles... let them go or learn to live with them the way they are without having any crazy expectations. Money issues, family issues, work issues whatever it may be... its all about learning how to deal with the issue and not letting it get to you. When something happens that it out of your control sometimes you just have to grin and bear it and sometimes you have to just.. say it with me now... LET IT GO...

Yes, this is me... the mother of all "hold it all in and use it as fuel for later." I am trying to teach myself to follow the above advice. I have to... there is no time in life for unhappiness. There is no sense in "settling." There is to much good and to much life left to be upset/unhappy over anything that I can not control... and those things that I can control... well, its time to take action and make them how I want them. More often than not there are far worse things that could be happening to me at the time. I need to... you guessed it... LET IT GO...

I suppose I will feel a lot lighter when I can do that! One day at a time I am changing my life.

2 Rounds
- 200m Run
- 10 Inchworms
- 10 Hollow Rocks
- 10 Around the Worlds
2 X 9 Fundamentals

WOD: "Stringy"
21-15-9 for Time
- Burpee <---- oh yay I forgot about burpees... haha!!
- Ring Row
(my time 6:02)

OH Press: 75lbs, 80lbs, 80lbs, 80lbs (stuck here to work on form)
Push Press: 100lbs, 105lbs, 110lbs, 115lbs
Push Jerk: 120lbs, 125lbs, 130lbs, 135lbs <--- failed, but maybe would have got it up if I didnt do all the others!



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