
Showing posts from April, 2012

Life is a Game

April 25, 2012 WARMUP: Jog 200m 3 Rounds - 10 Spidermans - 10 Pushups - 10 Back Extensions Group: 9 Fundamental Review WOD: Turbo Charge 15 Min AMRAP - 10 Deadlifts (155lbs) - 15 T2B - 20 Burpees (3 + 25 Rx)  SKILL/STRENGTH OH Press 5-5-5+ 45, 45, 65, 75, 75 .


April 24, 2012  It may not look like it while I am working my butt off sweating from every spot possible to sweat from on my body... but I love every minute of every WOD... It may not look like it when I am laying on the ground trying to catch my breath after however many minutes of work I just performed... but I cant wait to do it again when it is over... It may not look like it when I drop a bar filled with 5 lbs over my 1RM because I havent been able to complete the rep yet... but I have FUN every single workout... The only way to continue to do what I do daily and get out of bed and push through every workout is because I enjoy what I am doing. I am having fun while I am doing it and I love the people that I do it with. No only do I we have FUN while we WOD, but we have great relationships within the gym. We laugh together, we chat, we hang out and we really enjoy each others company. Its really fantastic to have such a great support system and that fac...

Pick Yourself Up

April 23, 2012 Stress is a huge part of most peoples lives. Stress comes in many forms and can be totally self inflicted or set off by things that are out of our control. Like most things (I feel like I say it a lot at least) it is how we handle the stress, how we deal with it that determines the severity of the problem. Personally the way I like to deal with my stress is with the gym (shocker I know). In all honesty when I am there nothing else matters. Its me, the weight or the clock and my mind. I am not focused on marriage, work, friends, family... I am focused on what I am doing and how I can get better at it. Its a place that I can es cape from the everyday stresses in life and there is nothing like it for me. When I have a bad day I look forward to the gym, when I am going to have a stressful day at work I look forward to the gym, when things are going not so good at home, I have a fight with a friend or the whole world seems to be falling apart around me… I look forwar...

Sunday Humor

April 22, 2012 Because I had to spend the whole day at the office this is all I got...


April 21, 2012 Today was my kind of workout. Still loving Saturday mornings at the box, and its so nice that even since the opens have wrapped up there are quite a few people still going. I am back to doing the WOD that I missed on Thursdays since thats my skill session day, on Saturday mornings. Whats nice about that (and different from my weekly routine) is that there are already times and weights on the board from my fellow CFWers. On any given day I am there at 5:30am, therefor we are the first times/weights to get listed. Not that I am "competing" with those who are on the board... or should really focus on that number as long as I am giving it my all... but its nice to have a goal to shoot for and see what others who share my same skill set can do. I honestly debated a skill session after knowing what I saw on Thursday night. I watched a few people complete it while I was skilling... and saw others comments about it on the website. It was going to be a tough one...


April 20, 2012 Open auditions starting today!!  Seriously, if there is one thing I have learned in my life, being myself and staying true to being the person I want to be is by far the most important lesson I have learned. It didn’t come overnight and I didn’t “learn” it from one particular instance. My parents didn’t “teach” it to me, I didn’t read about it… It is all the moments in my life so far rolled up into one tight package. As a child I wasn’t “popular” I had a rough go for a lot of years in school with getting made fun of and even having people throw shit at me (kids can be so crule). I spent years in the nurses office trying to get her to call my mom so that I didn’t have to go back to class. Lots and lots of broken thermometers in the nurses office faking a fever… but she was on to me of course. I couldn’t understand (and still don’t) how I, who didn’t do “anything” do anyone could be treated that way just for being me. I tried hard to get involved, t...

The Less You Give a Damn...

April 19, 2012 Clearly I see a lot of saying and graphics on FB that are motivational both relating to CrossFit as well as life in general. I saw this one and it made me stop and think for a good couple of minutes. Now my first reaction was YES... this is so true. I need to learn to loosen up "relax" and let things roll off my back. If I dont care what happens than I cant be disappointed. But the more I think about it… I am so very happy that I DON’T think with that mentality. How sad to think that if you give up on something it will just go away or that if you don’t care how your actions affect someone, or yourself for that matter that you will be a happier person. That’s not true at all! Seems like it would be an awfully lonely and unrewarding way of life. What makes life so great is the look on someone’s face when you do something that makes their day/week/life… the feeling you have when someone tells you that they love you… the satisfaction you get when you accomp...


April 18, 2012 Today is another prime example as to why I love CrossFit. I have expressed how happy I was after the Open workouts that I was no longer intimidated by the pullup bar, I dont consider it my "weakness" anymore. In fact I look at it now as a way to challenge myself and push even harder to reach my goal (10 kipping pullups without dropping from the bar) by June 30th. This goal just so happens to come in time for The Beast of the East which Hubs and I are planning to compete in. When I saw the WOD I had that sinking "oh god this is going to be really hard" feeling in my stomach. It was 40 double unders and 20 pullups for 4 rounds. This could (and has) been one of the most frustrating combinations of exercises I have ever done. My doubs come and go and my pullups... well, they are getting stronger as I said... I just have to keep at them. The saving grace for this morning was the group instruction that M gave before the WOD. It was well needed and ...


April 17, 2012 Lets face it, we have all been hurt. We have all either been dumped and heartbroken, had to be the person to do the heart breaking, had a friend stab us behind the back, trusted someone who we shouldnt have, been let down by someone we love and trust... I would actually feel bad for a person who hasnt had those experiences. It is those things in life that make us the person we are today. The way you handle those situations will result in how you will handle the next one. Each outcome and each attempt, failure or success will teach you what do do the next time the situation arises. The question arises though, if you should ever forgive the person that hurt you, or if you the "crime" was too big to ever let go or "forget". I think, like a lot of things, time helps to heal. There are some things that seem like the most horrible thing in the world while it is happening, but soon enough you cant remember what it was that set you off... you just remem...

I got Lucky Today!

April 16, 2012 Well well well... I am such a liar. I was around for a week and than it was mass chaos again! I have been busy at work so the blog fell to the wayside unfortunately. I just didnt have it in me to come home and write... but I did think about it every day, honestly. I really said "oh I want to write about xyz" to myself every day, but I was so tired and since aside form work, going to crossfit is super important to get through my days I needed my sleep! So that came first. Than I had a fun fulled weekend jam packed with so many fun things that until tonight I didnt get a chance to sit down, unwind and focus on the blog. Alas, here I am, writing and in a great mood ready for the rest of the week! Today was a milestone that I will not forget. I had quite the breakthrough... I went shopping. You can ask my mom, you can ask Hubs and you could even ask a few of my girlfriends... pant shopping with me... NEVER a good time. You see, I have a huge problem buying pant...

Enjoy It

April 15, 2012

CrossFit Total

April 14, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Walking Lunges - 10 Around The Worlds - 10 Leg Swings - 10 Hollow Rocks - 10 Squats 2 Min Squat Sit at Rack WOD: CrossFit Total - Deadlift 185, 225, 255, 265, 270 <----PR - OH Press 75, 80, 85, 90 <---PR - Back Squat 175, 185, 205, 215 <---PR TOTAL  = 575 lbs .


April 13, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 20 Double Unders - 10 Grasshoppers - 10 Back Extensions 2 X 9 Fundamentals 2 Min Pigeon Stretch WOD: "Mash Up" 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 for Time Squat Clean (75 lbs) Burpees (7:23 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH: Rope Climbs 3X3 .

Dont Give Up

April 12, 2012

Love Me Some Squats!

April 11, 2012 WARMUP: 2 Rounds - 10 Spiderman - 10 Squat Lands - 10 Burpees - 5 Pullups - 5 Shoulder Dislocates 2 X Burgerner WOD: "Amped" 10 Minute AMRAP - 30 Double Unders - 10 Snatches (65lbs) - 10 Walking Lunges (3+39 R) SKILL/STRENGTH: Front Squat 3-3-3-1-1 115, 125, 135, 155, 175 <---PR! .

Fight Gone Bad

April 10, 2012 WARMUP: Fire Hydrant Jog 2 Rounds - 10 Abmat Situps - 10 Back Extensions - 10 Inchworms 2 X 9 Fundamentals 2 Min Mobility WOD: Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds - Total Reps 1 Min Wall Balls (14lbs) 1 Min SDHP (50lbs) 1 Min Box Jumps (20") 1 Min Push Press (50lbs) 1 Min Cal Row 1 Min Rest (259 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH: TABATA L-Sit Hang .


April 9, 2012 WARMUP: Jump Rope Circuit 2X - 10 Singles - 10 Each Leg - 10 Side to Side - 10 Front to Back - 10 Crossover - 10 Double Unders 2 X 9 Fundamentals Lax Ball Mobility WOD: Thruster Ladder 3 thrusters on the min, every min Start with 65lbs add 5 lbs each min until failure 65-115 (got 120 for 1) SKILL/STRENGTH 4 X 250m Row w/1 min rest (56, 53, 51, 53) .

Some Bunny

April 8, 2012 HAPPY EASTER!!

My Favorite

April 7, 2012 This is me... when I was 7 or 8... in my dance costume. Yep I was a skinny little thing back than but as you can see even as a little girl I have always had pretty muscular legs. This was after 6 years of tap dancing, which continued on until I was into my 20's. I also took others styles of dance lessons, ran track, played basketball, softball and anything else I could get involved in that had to do with athletics. Of course I pay no attention to my diet at all and ate cookies and cake for breakfast and my favorite food were smores pop tarts... but thats besides the point! I went through some odd times as all teenagers do with their bodies, but there was always one thing I could be proud of and that was my legs! Long, strong, lean and muscular. As I got older (and let some things go) the strength was always there, but the appearance... well, lets just say I wouldnt be caught in shorts outside of my house and was pretty self conscious in a bathing suit. Its ...

Do Something Today

April 6, 2012 Its Friday... it should feel like a relaxing day heading into a weekend of "Spring" with Easter being this Sunday. However today I am starting to feel the pressure. I have a lot going on and nows one of those times I have to use what I learned in crossfit as a benefit to my life outside of the gym. I again will note, that there is never a better way to start the day than a WOD at CrossFit Wachusett! Today in particular worked out well because it was all about mental toughness for me. I knew I was perfectly capable of doing everything prescribed, but it was how fast I was able to complete it, with little mistake, while maintaining composure to get through the whole thing... that was the trick. In life there are days we breeze through things without even thinking, most days are on repeat. Of course work wouldnt be called "work" if it didnt have its sucky days (not unlike crossfit)... but what makes it great is the challenge (at least that is what m...