Attack of the 50 Foot Burpee
October 4, 2011
This mornings workout was fantastic and really would have NEVER been able to happen at the garage... let me give you three reasons. One, you need 50' for travel distance. While we would have been ok down the driveway, if there were more than two people WODing together there would have been a problem, especially if there was a car parked in the driveway. Two, because the people across the street (and even more so P&T who sleep above the garage) would have gone bonkers at 5:30 in the morning with T and I dropping 75lbs and 95lbs a million times while clean and pressing... and most importantly... Three, because it was POURING rain! Ahhh the joy of being indoors, and the new gym is still exciting to walk into every morning.
I woke up to the rain last night. Usually... 99.9 percent of the time actually, I am not a fan of the rain. I am terrified (yes, I am almost 31 and I am still terrified) of thunder and lightning. But last night when I woke up somewhere around 1:00am and heard the rain it was remarkably peaceful. There was no thunder and lighting, which I am sure helped with the calmness... but I just laid there and listened to it for a few minutes. I cant even explain what I was hearing in the rain, or why I didnt just fall back asleep, but it was pretty cool. I clearly fell back asleep and slept soundly the rest of the night, otherwise it would have been an ugly morning.
When the alarm went off I was right out of bed again. I again, cant explain the motivation that crossfitting gives me. I hate the mornings, yet have no problem getting up at 4:45 and driving to Fitchburg for a 5:30 crossfit session before working a 8 hour plus day. I still come home and have energy to do more around the house and what not and dont really have intentions of stopping. I had a talk with K one day, we were discussing how hard it is to explain to someone how much crossfit changes your life. How you actually take the "rules" of crossfit and apply them to everything in life. Suddenly you can never let yourself fail at anything, give everything 110%, look at things in a positive manner and fight to never let yourself down. You learn to take your head out of the game and just focus on getting the task at hand done. Its amazing. Crossfit has really changed my life in 8 short weeks...
This Tuesday morning started just like the others,T and I arrived at almost the same time and got right into the warmup. Thank god I had misread the website when I peeked real quick from my phone. I thought it was 3 rounds with 50 burpees... not 50 foot burpees. I was thinking "wow, 50 burpees for three rounds, thats a lot," Luckily K clarified while we were warming up when she started talking about what a 50 foot burpee was. Basically, its a burpee.... than you "leapfrog" ahead and do another burpee, than leapfrog and so on... until you move 50 feet. Ok, dosent seem so bad. Than you add in the 10 clean and presses into it... phew, tougher than I thought!
T and I lined up and started. Its really fun to have someone else with me in the mornings sometimes. When you have someone doing the WOD with you it pushes you to do more faster and push harder. When we started we were on opposite ends of the gym. Apparently he has some inner long jumping ability I didnt know about... three burpees and three jumps and he was on the other side of the gym. What the... I was only half way to the half way point!
It was enough to keep us both going. As soon as I made it to the clean and jerks I was good to go. With the help of K's encouragement I was quick through them and back onto the burpees in no time catching up to T as we started the second round together. All three sets were strong. I felt good with the Rx weight and pushed to keep going without stopping. I dropped the weight between each rep because it was too much energy to bring it back to my chest than to the ground which I think helped to speed things up a bit. I finished the WOD at 7:00 even.
For skill we worked on another step of the muscle up. I am so frustrated that I cant seem to lift my body weight. Pulling is a problem... pushing not so much. So with ring rows I was having a hard time getting my chest to the rings. I was doing it, but it was a lot of work... this is something I need to work on, its the same sensation I get when I do pull ups. I look at women (and men) do them and they look so easy. I will conquer the pull! You wait!!
Update on how things are going... well I made a matrix of my weight and body measurements from day one week one till now, the start of week nine. In the eight weeks of CF training I have lost a total of 10.2 lbs and over 9 inches! Whoot Whoot!!/photo.php?fbid=257113084331396&set=a.152811358094903.27226.152560524786653&type=1&theater
3 Rounds
- 20 Walking Lunges
- 10 Scorpions
- 5 Pullups
2 X 9 Fundamentals
Hip Mobility
"Burpee What?"
- 50' Burpee Jump
- 10 Clean and Jerk (75lbs)
(My time 7:00 Rx)
Ring Rows 10-10-10
6:30am: Post Workout Shake
8:00am: Banana
8:30am: Green Tea
10:00am: Egg Muffin
12:45pm: Sweet Potato and Sausage with green onion
1:00pm: Paleo Brownie
3:00pm: Paleo Brownie
8:00pm: Three Eggs and Bacon
This mornings workout was fantastic and really would have NEVER been able to happen at the garage... let me give you three reasons. One, you need 50' for travel distance. While we would have been ok down the driveway, if there were more than two people WODing together there would have been a problem, especially if there was a car parked in the driveway. Two, because the people across the street (and even more so P&T who sleep above the garage) would have gone bonkers at 5:30 in the morning with T and I dropping 75lbs and 95lbs a million times while clean and pressing... and most importantly... Three, because it was POURING rain! Ahhh the joy of being indoors, and the new gym is still exciting to walk into every morning.
I woke up to the rain last night. Usually... 99.9 percent of the time actually, I am not a fan of the rain. I am terrified (yes, I am almost 31 and I am still terrified) of thunder and lightning. But last night when I woke up somewhere around 1:00am and heard the rain it was remarkably peaceful. There was no thunder and lighting, which I am sure helped with the calmness... but I just laid there and listened to it for a few minutes. I cant even explain what I was hearing in the rain, or why I didnt just fall back asleep, but it was pretty cool. I clearly fell back asleep and slept soundly the rest of the night, otherwise it would have been an ugly morning.
When the alarm went off I was right out of bed again. I again, cant explain the motivation that crossfitting gives me. I hate the mornings, yet have no problem getting up at 4:45 and driving to Fitchburg for a 5:30 crossfit session before working a 8 hour plus day. I still come home and have energy to do more around the house and what not and dont really have intentions of stopping. I had a talk with K one day, we were discussing how hard it is to explain to someone how much crossfit changes your life. How you actually take the "rules" of crossfit and apply them to everything in life. Suddenly you can never let yourself fail at anything, give everything 110%, look at things in a positive manner and fight to never let yourself down. You learn to take your head out of the game and just focus on getting the task at hand done. Its amazing. Crossfit has really changed my life in 8 short weeks...
This Tuesday morning started just like the others,T and I arrived at almost the same time and got right into the warmup. Thank god I had misread the website when I peeked real quick from my phone. I thought it was 3 rounds with 50 burpees... not 50 foot burpees. I was thinking "wow, 50 burpees for three rounds, thats a lot," Luckily K clarified while we were warming up when she started talking about what a 50 foot burpee was. Basically, its a burpee.... than you "leapfrog" ahead and do another burpee, than leapfrog and so on... until you move 50 feet. Ok, dosent seem so bad. Than you add in the 10 clean and presses into it... phew, tougher than I thought!
T and I lined up and started. Its really fun to have someone else with me in the mornings sometimes. When you have someone doing the WOD with you it pushes you to do more faster and push harder. When we started we were on opposite ends of the gym. Apparently he has some inner long jumping ability I didnt know about... three burpees and three jumps and he was on the other side of the gym. What the... I was only half way to the half way point!
It was enough to keep us both going. As soon as I made it to the clean and jerks I was good to go. With the help of K's encouragement I was quick through them and back onto the burpees in no time catching up to T as we started the second round together. All three sets were strong. I felt good with the Rx weight and pushed to keep going without stopping. I dropped the weight between each rep because it was too much energy to bring it back to my chest than to the ground which I think helped to speed things up a bit. I finished the WOD at 7:00 even.
For skill we worked on another step of the muscle up. I am so frustrated that I cant seem to lift my body weight. Pulling is a problem... pushing not so much. So with ring rows I was having a hard time getting my chest to the rings. I was doing it, but it was a lot of work... this is something I need to work on, its the same sensation I get when I do pull ups. I look at women (and men) do them and they look so easy. I will conquer the pull! You wait!!
Update on how things are going... well I made a matrix of my weight and body measurements from day one week one till now, the start of week nine. In the eight weeks of CF training I have lost a total of 10.2 lbs and over 9 inches! Whoot Whoot!!/photo.php?fbid=257113084331396&set=a.152811358094903.27226.152560524786653&type=1&theater
3 Rounds
- 20 Walking Lunges
- 10 Scorpions
- 5 Pullups
2 X 9 Fundamentals
Hip Mobility
"Burpee What?"
- 50' Burpee Jump
- 10 Clean and Jerk (75lbs)
(My time 7:00 Rx)
Ring Rows 10-10-10
6:30am: Post Workout Shake
8:00am: Banana
8:30am: Green Tea
10:00am: Egg Muffin
12:45pm: Sweet Potato and Sausage with green onion
1:00pm: Paleo Brownie
3:00pm: Paleo Brownie
8:00pm: Three Eggs and Bacon
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