Goal Day

October 8, 2011

Today is my first "goal day" it was easy to choose and easy to remember, as it is also my and Hub's 6th wedding anniversary. So hard to believe that 6 years ago I was at the hairdressers at this very moment with my cousin who was my MOH standing by my side with tears in her eyes (blaming it on the pregnancy hormones) while my friend/hairdresser put the finishing touches on my hair by adding my veil. I chose my dress, hair, makeup and jewelery to be certain that I looked like "me" on my wedding day. I didnt want to be uncomfortable and the last thing I wanted was to get to the end of the aisle and have Hubs say "whos that?" Alas, mission was accomplished...

So, why is this my "goal day" as well. Well, in those 6 years both Hubs and I have yo-yo'ed our weight and size significantly. As I said before in one of my earlier posts, at the time of our wedding we were both probably in the best shape our of adult lives. I was feeling so confident in my workouts at the time and the results showed in my body. We went our honeymoon to Jamaica and when I looked at those pictures just a year later it was unbelievable the changes... we let ourselves go and the "body" that I had was gone... These are some Jamaica pictures...

Not long after I was embarrassed of my body and things just went up and down from there. I am going to spare you the "in between" and "now" pictures till we get a little further along, but I will say this. I was determined to hit my "wedding weight" by today. I am about 2lbs away from it... BUT, I am totally ok with it. I know my weight is still dropping, but I also know that I am the same size and measurements I was 6 years ago. I also know that weight isnt the only factor and I have gained quite a bit of muscle weight while losing fat, so more than likely I have hit my goal in fat loss.

I am looking forward to what next years anniversary will look like, and all the years to come. We lead a paleo and crossfit life now. So, when I think about my vows... I think about that happy and healthy life that we promiced each other 6 years ago, that this lifestyle will lead us there together. I dont care what we look like, but I am happy that we are on our way to bettering ourselves on the inside and out.

Today we had a "anniversary" crossfit workout! Of course having it be our anniversary wasnt going to stop us from hitting the gym! Actually its the first time in weeks we were able to work out at the same time. We didnt do the same work out, as I missed Thursday and thats what I was heading in to do... but we did get to spend the time together.

My warmup was tough, my back is still hurting. I knew the GHD's were going to be bad. I wanted to do them because I wanted to see if it would help stretch it out and warm it up. K was egging me on during my double unders to get me to attempt them without the small hop in the middle. I can get 15 or so with the hop but I get myself too excited when I attempt them in a row that I get all tripped up. I am still working on it.

I set up the bar for thrusters, and grabbed the black band for my pull ups. Both Hubs and K watched me do a practice pull up and pretty much at the same time said "green band..." So, I took the black band (my security blanket) and switched it out for the green one. Yes, I was intimidated, but I was going to do it.

K set the clock and today I had her, A and Hubs cheering me on along the way. It was pretty cool. I am so used to being one on one with K so adding in a little peer motivation helps sometimes. When I started the row I was on a roll. I had my pace around 1:45 for 500m. K was encouraging me to keep it under 2 minutes. I slipped up a few times, but as she reminded me to push through my heels and keep a tight core I would pick it up. She also at one point pointed out my weakness which is speeding through the return of the row. Once I got that under control I was able to finish 1000m strong.

Onto the thrusters, of which the first 15 feel wonderful... there was 35 more to follow that were a lot harder than I expected. I didnt want to to stop. I took my first short break at 25. I knew I was halfway there. After 10 more I wanted to break again but I didnt want to put the weight down. It wasnt heavy, it was the cardio that was killing me. I held the weight than popped it back up to my chest, jerked it up and did 10 more. I had to put it down after that. I only had 5 left. I shook out my arms got back in and finished them up.

The pull ups... my arch nemesis. Seriously, nothing is more frustrating to me than not having the strength to pull myself up. I struggled through the green band. I didnt want to stop and I wasnt going to quit. It was tough... why oh why can I not do a pull up? So frustrating.

I finished my 30 pullups and completed the WOD with a time of 11:09. Not too bad, not great... but at least I did it. Again, I was trying not to use my back as an excuse. I really wanted to get in there and try to forget about the pain. I think I did pretty good.

Skill Thursday was GHD situp holds, these were hard on my back, but again... I didnt want any excuses. I took out my watch and timed my own 20 second holds. I did all of them and while it was a little painful it wasnt too bad. I was very warm and pretty loose. Felt good to accomplish another workout.

Tonight Hubs and I will celebrate 6 years of marriage. We are looking forward to it and couldnt have started the day any better!! Enjoy your weekend everyone! Its beautiful out there!!

25 Double Unders
2 Rounds
- 10 Spidermans
- 10 GHD Sit-Ups
- 10 Squat Lands
25 Double Unders
2 X 9 Fundamentals

"Jackie" for Time
- Row 1000m
- 50 Thrusters
- 30 Pullups
(My time 11:09 with green band)

GHD Situp Holds
3 X 20 Second Holds

11:00am: 2 Paleo Brownies
12:00pm: Post Workout Shake with Organic While Milk


  1. Again, late on my reading, but love it! I can't wait to see what you're next anniversary brings too, you two have been working there is still so much more to come (like CrossFit games, pull-ups, double unders...tons!)


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