Hunt or Gather?

October 11, 2011

Good Monday... eerrr Tuesday morning! It feels good after a long weekend to be back at work. I know that sounds so odd to say, but I am ready for a new week and feeling great today. Hubs and I had a great Anniversary weekend and it was topped off with great workouts with out CFW family on Saturday and again last night. It was a good boost for the next few weeks leading me into my least favorite time of year (the winter) when its harder to get out of bed, harder to resist the temptations that surround the gatherings, parties and holidays and just plain overrun by commercialism.

Dont get me wrong. I love the fall and I love love love Thanksgiving. Its my favorite season and time of year. I am going to soak it up while I can and enjoy every minute of the pumpkin pie scent... and cool air, changing leaves and FOOTBALL!

This morning I saw an article on FB that caught my eye... you can find it HERE. Its from the CBS San Fransisco website and it is titled "HealthWatch: Doctors Warming To Caveman Diet Trend." I was actually taken aback by it at first... "trend" I didnt realize it was a trend... but ok. Than I read the article. It dosent really get too much into the specifics of the Paleo way of life, but it does talk about the positive stats and changes in overall health due to the Paleo lifestyle. I found it interesting and I hope that the series that they are airing (“Live Like a Caveman” is a 5-part series, beginning Monday October 10th, only on CBS 5 Eyewitness News.) that I am hoping I could find on line will open some more peoples eyes to the lifestyle I now choose to live.

When my alarm went off this morning I was ready to go. I looked at the WOD last night and since I love cleaning (makes me feel strong) I was looking forward to the hard work that was to come. I knew T was coming too so we were going to be able to push eachother. When I got there I started the warmup and realized how sore I actually was... those wall balls (all 210 of them...) and those abmat situps (all 210 of them too...) were clear as I did 20 walking lunges three times during the warmup. When I got down to do my hip flexibility I was so comfortable I could have stayed there all day!

First up was skill. Today it was overhead press. The annoying thing about the OH press is that you are not suppose to use any leg. This is purely an upper body movement. Its really hard to mentally push weight over your head without giving it a little dip drive (as I have heard K say 1000 times) to help it up. I did a set of 5 with the empty bar than went for it with 75lbs. It was hard. I got all three reps in, but was having trouble getting the weight down to my chest and back up. When I did the next two sets I stuck at 81lbs... which was actually my 1RM a few weeks ago when we started. So at least I know that went up. K was reminding me to hold my core in and "squeeze my butt" which eliminates the sticking out of the but and arching of the back that I do sometimes.

I decided to attempt 85lbs for a set, ummm... unsuccessful. I couldnt even budge it. Maybe its because of the previous sets... not sure. But I took it down, took off 10lbs and did the last set of three with 75lbs again. Not a complete failure, but no progression really. K said this is one of the movements that is similar to the pullup... it dosent improve quickly and takes work. So, with that... I will work on it.

We loaded up the bars for the WOD. I can clean 85lbs, but I feel like its been a while since I have done actual cleans, vs power cleans. I have a tendency to squat a bit on my power cleans as it is, so I was happily going into this WOD with a smile! K had the clock ticking down from 10 minutes and we were off. I feel so strong doing cleans. I am pretty sure I had an interesting "lifting face" going on... my hamstrings and back from yesterdays workout were screaming! The first few reps of back extensions were tough, but I stuck through it all and kept going.

I had to chalk up (and breathe) going into my 4th round... but I kept cleaning away... I wanted to do it without rest. I would drop the weight between reps to get myself set for the next one. I took the GHD as a time to control my breathing and get geared up for the next round of cleans. The 5th round was even harder, but I knew I had over 3 minutes left so I wanted to at least get the cleans in for the 6th round. I did that... and more. I was able to complete a full 6th round of cleans and back extensions. So I was happy.

Another successful day at CFW.

3 Rounds
- 10 Double Unders
- 20 Walking Lunges
- 5 Pullups (green band)
2 X Burgener
Hip Mobility (2 min each leg)

10 Min AMRAP
- 5 Cleans (85lbs)
- 10 Back Extensions
(6 Rounds Rx)

OH Press 3-3-3-3
(75lbs, 80lbs, 80lbs, 75lbs)

6:30am: Post Workout Shake
8:30am: Green Tea
9:30am: Egg Muffins
12:00pm: Last Night Crock Pot Pork with Mushrooms, Squash, Onions and Carrots
3:00pm: Asian Pear
7:00pm: Three Eggs and Bacon


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