Growing Family

December 21, 2011

I know I have talked before about our Crossfit Wachusett Family... but I am so excited to see that 2012 brings to us all. We are changing, we are learning, we are building friendships and we are growing!! Its so exciting and it brings a smile to my face. It really makes me happy to know that M and K have such a great thing going with CFW and the fact that we are all succeeding is a tribute to them and their programming, their support and their coaching!

I keep thinking of where I was just a few short months ago... August 8th is the first entry in my journal... The things I have been able to do, the things I never thought I could do and the drive I have to get better has been amazing. It feels like the first day I did crossfit I took an oath that I was going to throw myself into this 100% and nothing was going to get in my way. I now find my time at CFW the best and most rewarding part of my day. As hard as it is to get up some mornings, as tired as I am the night before, there is nothing I look forward to more than the feeling I have at the end of a WOD that I just tore apart.

Todays WOD was a perfect example of pushing and pushing beyond where you think you could ever get. "Normally" if someone was to do this, once they hit a point of being uncomfortable, they quit. Admittedly, if I was to have done something like this at a traditional gym back in September, when my body said STOP, I would have stopped. Now, the tables have turned... my mind wont let my body stop. When doing a WOD like this (or the filthy fifty) you really have to let you mind do the work... push yourself like you never have before and you will totally surprise yourself. Just when you think there is not another air squat in your legs, or GHD Situp in your abs... you will do it. You will achieve your goal and you will feel better that you pushed yourself to beat the previous rounds number...

Put it all on the line. What have you got to lose? You can only get THERE, from HERE...

200m Jog
3 Rounds
- 10 Jumping Pullups
- 10 Hand Release Pushups
- 10 Spiderman
- 10 Hollow Rocks
10 Shoulder Dislocates
Shoulder Mobility

WOD: "Some Version of Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds, 1 Min Each Station AMRAP
- OH Walking Lunges (25lbs)
- SDHP (65lbs)
- GHD Situps
- Air Squats
- Calorie Row
- 1 Min Rest
(Total Reps 305)

Double Under Practice 


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