
December 28, 2011

Wow, when I looked at todays WOD last night and got excited! It was titled "Yooouuuuu" and seriously, couldnt have been more "me!" K, T were there with me and I think we were all pretty excited to get the WOD started. These are the kinds of WOD's that really suit me, a good mix of strength and cardio, but certainly still a challenge.

When we got going I just kept pushing forward. I had my back to the clock (it was a 15 minute AMRAP) so I couldnt see how much time was left. My goal was to keep moving, dig right into the clean and jerks as soon as I got to the bar and have no rest at all. My mission was accomplished. I finished the 15 minutes with 5 rounds and 21 reps. It felt awesome.

After the WOD I decided to skip the skill and work in my biggest "goat." Yesterday I did two dead hang pullups, now I have to get the kip. M helped me to work on it and I started to get it!! I still dont have the kip into the pullup, but I am so close! I will keep working and keep pushing!! I can do this!! 

I face every day at CrossFit with the same attitude. The same positive "I can do it" attitude. Some days I "luck out" and get one of these WODs that feel like it was programmed for me... and some days I am faced with something that really pushes me so far out of my comfort zone. BUT, each day is a challenge, each day I work as hard as I can. Thats how it should be. If its something I am comfortable with I push myself to be better than I thought. If it includes something that is a "goat" of mine, I have to push myself to get through it, and work on that goat! Today was no exception.

Jump Rope Circuit X 2 (10 each)
- Single
- Left Leg
- Right Leg
- Skiier
- Bell
- Cross
- Double Unders
2 Rounds
- 5 Wall Balls
- 5 Med Ball Cleans
- 10 Walking Lunges
- 5 Back Extensions

WOD: "Yooouuuuu"
15 Minute AMRAP
- 20 Ambat Situps
- 10 Clean and Jerks (95lbs)
(5 Rounds + 21)

Work on Kipping


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