
Showing posts from October, 2012


October 6, 2012 Today, another fantastic day with Hubs in Killington! While I was looking through the local paper while drinking my coffee we decided it would be fun to take a ride to Rutland for the day and see some of the local attractions. The weather was not to good, but good enough to walk around with just a t-shirt and jeans and alight hoodie. There was a great little farmers market going on that we checked out, but didnt purchase anything since we really didnt have anywhere to keep it till we got home... plus we didnt want to carry it around! But the other cool activity that was going on was called "Art in the Park" right in the square! Art in the Park was pretty cool. We took our time, walked around and checked out the local artists booths. There were some really amazing paintings, watercolors and photographs at a lot of the booths. Of course there were also lots of baked goods, honey and syrup... giant tubs of syrup... and your "usual" craft fair trinke...

Movie Spree

October 5, 2012 Today was a PERFECT day for Hubs and I. We arrived to Killington VT late last night and woke up to a beautiful view, a beautiful sunny day and a great little deck to have our coffee! We did exactly what we wanted to do today... NOTHING. It was a movie marathon day for us. We disconnected from everything. Left our phones were we couldnt see them or hear them, we didnt have our lap tops to go on to... we just had eachother and a bunch of movies! Perfect way to start our Anniversary weekend!! Of course we knew we would have to prepare food-wise for the weekend, so we brought eggs from home, lunch for today, some snacks and of course bacon!! Unfortunately, we totally forgot to take the Against the Grain pizza that we planned to have for dinner tonight out of the freezer at home so we decided to just bite the bullet and go get Pizza for take out. After looking at the map that we found in the lobby we decided to give "Domenic's Upscale Pizzeria" a sho...


October 4, 2012 Today was another WOW day! I saw this go up and needed to do it. It certainly looked like it was going to be a challenge and thats exactly what I needed. Hubs and I are leaving tonight to Killington to Celebrate our Anniversary so I am going to be away from CrossFit for 4 days. We are going to give it a shot to do something while we are there, but of course you get the best workout when you are at the gym. I think I was actually saying the above quote to myself over and over while I was doing this WOD. It was one of those workouts that chips away slowly and once you get over the hump you just have to keep baring down and pushing to the end. At some point it feels like it will never be over and at another point I would think "all I have left is this this and that, I can do this." At no point did I think I was going to quit or wasnt going to be able to finish, I think I have been past that for a while, but I will say that I didnt think some of the elements...

3 X 3

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 21, 2012 WARMUP: Run 400m 3 Rounds - 5 Strict Pullups - 10 Step Ups - 10 Shoulder Dislocates Run 400m WOD: TABATA - Double Unders (148) - Burpee (159) - Shuttle Run (47) - Cal Row (51) (Total 305) *10 Kipping Pullups! <---- PR .

Clean Ladder

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 20, 2012 WARMUP: 500m Row 2 Rounds - 10 Box Jumps - 10 Ring Rows - 10 Inchworms - 10 Mountain Climbers 500m Row WOD: Clean Ladder 30 Sec Work, 10 Sec Rest (145lbs, attempted 155 3x) SKILL/STRENGTH - Deadlift 5-3-1+ 185, 205, 235 (5) -Ab Circuit 10 GHD 10 Toes to Bar 10 Hollow Rock 10 Rollouts .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 19, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 5 Pullups (Strict) - 10 Box Jumps - 15 Shoulder Dislocates Mobility SKILL/STRENGTH - Double Unders 10-20-30-40  - Snatch Practice 3X5 Three Stop (PVC, 15, 35) - 2 Mile Run .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 18, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 200m Run - 1 Rope Climb - 6 Turkish Get-Up - 9 Abmat Situp - 12 Spiderman Group: OH Press WOD: Diane 21-15-9 - Deadlift (155) - HSPU w/Black Bands (3:21) SKILL/STRENGTH Press 5-3-1 65, 70, 75 (8) .

2012 Games Chipper

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 17, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 20 Double Unders - 5 Wall Balls - 10 Walking Lunges - 15 PVC Good Mornings Couch Stretch WOD: 2012 Games Chipper - 10 OH Squats (95) - 10 Box Jumps (20) - 10 Thrusters (95) - 10 Cleans (125) - 10 Toes to Bar - 10 Burpee Pullups - 10 Toes to Bar - 10 Cleans (125) - 10 Thrusters (95) - 10 Box Jumps (20) - 10 OH Squats (95) (13:55 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH Back Squat 5, 3, 1+ 175, 185, 210 (4) .

Masters WOD

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 16, 2012 WARMUP: 400m Run 3 Rounds - 5 Pushups - 10 Ring Rows - 15 Air Squats 400m Run Group:Clean WOD: Masters WOD - Row 1K - 30 Cleans (65) (Row 3:30, 5:56 total Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH - MU Transitions 5 X 5 From Floor - Rope Climbs 3 X 3 . 


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 15, 2012


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 14, 2012 WARMUP: 400m Run 3 Rounds - 10 Step Ups - 10 Toes Through Rings - 10 Squats - 10 Around the World WOD: Annie 50-40-30-20-10 - Double Unders - Abmat Situps (8:11 Rx) .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 13, 2012 WARMUP: 4 Rounds - Row 250m - 10 Ring Rows - 10 Wall Balls - 10 Grasshoppers - 10 Pushups Group: Pigeon, Frog and Squat Sit WOD: Loose Change 3-5 minute AMRAP with 1 Min Rest Between - 10 Burpees - 10 Lunges - 10 Ring Dips (used GHD) (3-3-3 = 9) SKILL/STRENGTH Squat 3-3-3+ 150, 160, 170 (7) .

Happy Birthday Mama

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 12, 2012 Today is my Moms's 60th Birthday! She is the most amazing, inspiring, wonderful, fantastic, loving, caring, unselfish woman I have ever met in my life and I am so lucky she is my Mama! This was taken at the surprise party I threw her while we were in PA! oxoxoxo Love You Mama!! WARMUP: 400m Run 3 Rounds - 10 Step Ups - 10 Toes Through Rings - 10 Deep Squats - 10 Around the World 400m Run SKILL/STRENGTH Work on Snatch and Clean Technique  Used PVC/35lb Bar .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 11, 2012 WARMUP: Row 500m 4 Rounds - 10 Spiderman - 5 Toes to Bar - 10 Squats - 5 Ring Dips Row 500m Couch Stretch 2 Min Group: Clean and Jerk WOD: Grace 30 Clean and Jerk (95) (3:15 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH HSPU - Kipping 5 X 5 2 X 10 .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 10, 2012 WARMUP: 2 Rounds - 20 Double Unders - 15 Hollow Rocks - 10 Back Extensions - 5 HR Pushups - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 20 Lunges 2 Minute Pigeon Stretch Group: Deadlift WOD: Helen 3 Rounds for Time - 400m Run - 21 KB Swings (1 pd) - 12 Pullups (13:49 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH Deadlift 3-3-3+ 180, 190, 200 (7) .

Home Sweet Home

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 9, 2012 So happy to be home and back at CFW with my family! WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 200m Run - 5 Pullups - 10 GHD - 10 Spiderman - 5 Burpees 2 Minute Squat Sit Group: Clean/Pistols WOD: Taken 2 Rounds for Time - 10 Hang Cleans (115) - 20 Pistols (8:23 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH Press 3-3-3+ 65, 75, 85 (5) .

Road Trip

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 8, 2012 Time to head home...

Hope (again)

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 7, 2012 Last morning with my friends at NEPA! Thanks for letting us WOD with you guys! WARMUP: 3 Laps (400m ea) 3 Rounds - 20 Squats - 10 HR Pushups WOD: Hope 3 Rounds for Time -Burpees -Power Snatch (75) -Box Jump (24) -Thruster (75) -Chest to bar Pull-ups -1 min of rest (one minute at each station keeping consecutive count of reps at each, final score is total reps for all three rounds) (206 Rx) .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 6, 2012 Back to CrossFit NEPA for a sweet strength session! WARMUP: 20 Squats Mobility SKILL/STRENGTH OH Squat 3 (max) 115, 3 135, 3 135, 2 135, 3 145, 2 (failed both) .

Living on the Edge

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 5, 2012 If you look closely you can see me!! Hershey Park, Fahrenheit Roller Coaster, Front row! 90 degree incline and 200 ft drop straight down! Fantastic! Thats really me up there with my cousin M in the front seat!   Took the day off to enjoy Hershey and my family (and some pizza)!! . 

Good Genes

 **Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 4, 2012 I got me some good genes! These are 3 of my Great Aunts. My Papa (mom's dad) had 7 sisters and one brother. These three are amazing women and have such wonderful young souls! I am so happy to have them in my life! This is a smidgen of what I get to take part in when I see my PA family! I love every minute and look forward to all the laughs, smiles, story telling and did I mention LAUGHS when we get together!! Travel WOD with Hubs WARMUP: 2 Rounds - 400m Run - 30 Double Unders 2 X 9 Fundamentals WOD: 20 Minute AMRAP - 5 Pushups - 10 Squats - 15 Abmat Situps (16 Rounds) SKILL/STRENGTH Aviator (got to 40) .

CrossFit NEPA

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 3, 2012 Hubs and I decided to check out CrossFit NEPA in Wilkes Barre PA today! What a great time! We met some really great people and got our asses kicked doing Fight Gone Bad with them! Very cool!  WARMUP: 400m Run 2 Rounds - 10 KB Swings - 10 Pullups - 10 Squat Jumps 400m Run WOD: Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds - Total Reps 1 Min Wall Balls (14lbs) 1 Min SDHP (50lbs) 1 Min Box Jumps (20") 1 Min Push Press (50lbs) 1 Min Cal Row 1 Min Rest (296 Rx) <--- PR .

Travel WOD

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 2, 2012 Travel WOD WARMUP: 400m Run 3 Rounds - 10 Inchworms - 10 Spiderman - 10 Air Squats 400m Run 2 X 9 Fundamentals Rolling/Lax 5 Minute Squat Sit WOD: 3 Rounds 20 Double Unders 25 Abmat Situps SKILL/STRENGTH Death by Pushups (10) .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** July 1, 2012 I have a GIGANTIC family in PA. We get together every year for the 4th of July to EAT see each other... and have been doing this for year and years and years... This year, Hubs, my cousin M and her fiance S took control of some of the meals. If we are going to eat as much as we do we all wanted some healthier options. Worked out really well all week... however I am afraid now they are spoiled and are going expect us "kids" to cook for them every year! Ok... we will!! .

Europa Qualifier

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 30, 2012 Hubs and I were both competing as individuals. This was going to be a first for both of us. Rx... individuals! So exciting and also so nerve wracking! We had no idea what to expect, as we know the Best of the East is a pretty large competition. This was the "qualifier" because the first place individual man, individual woman and team were automatically given a spot (without paying) for the real "Beast" in October. When we got there I was pretty intimidated. I started to look around and see faces that I recognize from various competitions we have been to. We were alone so we hooked up with our friends at CrossFit Exp for "camping out." The exhibition hall was pretty packed with all of the various activities they had going on; from jujitsu to arm wrestling... and strongman to figure competitions.... flooded down the middle by all sorts of vendors. Pretty crazy...

Vacation Time

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 29, 2012 Conversation between Hubs and I a few months ago... Me: Hey look the Best of the East Eurpoa Qualifier is on June 30th, we should look into doing it. Hubs: Um, arent we leaving for vacation to Pennsylvania on June 30th? Me: Why yes... we are... BUT... Hubs: But what? Me: The competition is in Hartford Connecticut... Hubs: Yeah Me: So.... we have to drive right past the Hartford Civic Center on the way to Pennsylvania... Hubs: Oh God... Yes, so that is how it went... the next day we registered and we took off for Hartford a day early so we could spend the night, get a good night sleep and be rested up for our competition! After the competition the plan was to head back to the car and finish the ride to my family in Berwick PA.   WARMUP: Mobility Stretching  

Its Nice

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 28, 2012

Mr Joshua

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June, 27 2012 SO1 Joshua Thomas Harris, 36, drowned during combat operations, August 30th 2008 in Afghanistan. WARMUP: - 20 Walking Lunges - 10 Ring Row - 5 Handstand Kickups - 10 Toy Soldiers - 20 Hollow Rocks Group: Mobility WOD: Mr Joshua 5 Rounds for Time - 400m Run - 30 GHD - 10 Deadlifts (165) (26:40 Rx) .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 26, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 200m Run - 15 Squats - 10 Back Extensions - 10 Grasshopper - 15 Situps Double Under Practice Group: Squat Cleans WOD: Freakshow 10 Minute AMRAP - 5 Squats (from floor) 95 - 10 Pullups - 20 Double Unders (4 + 28 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH Squat Cleans 3 X 3 (95lbs) .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 25, 2012 WARMUP: Row 500m 3 Rounds - 10 Inchworms - 10 Pullups - 10 Spiderman - 10 Pushups Pigeon Stretch 2 Min Ea Leg Group: Toes to Bar WOD: Chipper - 10 Toes to Bar - 20 Air Squats - 30 HR Pushups - 40 Walking Lunges - 50 Box Jumps (5:02 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH Death by Ring Rows 12 Min w/Becca .

Hero - Recovery

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive**  June 24, 2012 .

Everyday Heros

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 23, 2012 Everyday Heros was a comeptition held at CrossFit Route 1. "EveryDay Heroes is a local nonprofit organization founded by Kendra, Mark and Francine Cecieta in honor of their father and husband William Cecieta, a fallen firefighter from Saugus.  EDH provides resources and educational programs for civil servants that actively serve their communities as police, fire, EMTs, and military personnel. The EDH emergency fund’s goal is to provide financial assistance programs to support families and individuals in times of crisis, who have experienced financial turmoil due to the loss of life or a life-changing disabling injury that was sustained in the line of duty while serving their community. Financial assistance ranges from helping with basic living expenses to covering unanticipated expenses due to the loss or injury." Seeing as how my family has been directly a...


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 22, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - Row 200m - 5 Ring Dips - 10 Squats - 15 Back Extensions - 10 Step Ups - 5 Pushups Group: Burpee Efficiency SKILL/STRENGTH Mobility Stretching 4X250m Row sprints .

Good Morning

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 21, 2012 WARMUP: Row 500m 3 Rounds - 5 Handstand Kickups - 10 Scorpions - 15 Squats - 20 Good Morning SKILL/STRENGTH Mobility Stretching .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 20, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 30 Double Unders - 10 Ring Rows - 10 Inchworms - 10 Spiderman 2X9 Fundamentals Group: GHD WOD: Stick Run 400m 18-15-12-9-6-3 - GHD - KB Swing (1.5 pd) (11:39 Rx) STRENGTH/SKILL: OH Press 5-3-1 70 (5), 80 (3), 90 (1) .


June 19, 2012 WARMUP: Run 400m 3 Rounds - 4 Turkish Get-Ups - 8 Pistols - 12 Toes to Bar - 16 Grass Hoppers Run 400m Group: KB Shoulder Stretch Burgerner Warmup WOD: Alienator 3 Rounds for Time - 10 Snatches (65) - 10 OH Squats (65) - 20 HR Pushups (6:33 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH Death By Cleans - 11 Minutes (95lbs) .

4000m Row

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 18, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 10 Burpees - 10 Pullups - 10 Back Extensions - 10 Wall Squats Group: Junkyard Dog 2X3 9 Fundamentals w/PVC WOD: 4000m Row for time w/partner - 250m ea *no partner 8, 250m Intervals w/1 min intervals (14:40) SKILL/STRENGTH Back Squat 5-3-1 160 (5), 180 (3), 200 (2) .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 17, 2012 Sunday Rest Day .


**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 16, 2012 WARMUP: Run 400m 3 Rounds - 5 Pushups - 10 Shoulder Dislocates - 20 Walking Lunges SKILL/STRENGTH: - Turkish Getup 3X10 - Clean      High Hang 3X5 (65)      Hang 3X5 (65)      Clean 3X5 (65) - Clean/Jerk/OH Squat (105, 125, 135) X1 .

Black Betty

**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive** June 15, 2012 WARMUP: 3 Rounds - 20 Double Unders - 10 Grasshoppers - 5 Pullups - 10 Burpees - 20 Squats 1 Min Pigeon Stretch Each Leg Group: Row Progression WOD: "Black Betty" 4 Rounds - Row 250m - 20 Wall Balls (unbroken) (9:20 Rx) SKILL/STRENGTH: Deadlift 3-3-3+ 175, 205, 230 .


October 3, 2010 WARMUP: 4 Rounds - Row 250m - 10 Man Makers - 10 Back Extensions - 10 Ring Rows - 10 Med Ball Cleans WOD: Elizabeth 21-15-9 - Power Cleans (95) - Ring Dips (GHD Dips) (8:28) STRENGTH/SKILL: - Rope Climbs 3X3 - 50 Hollow Rocks (day 24) .

Hello Nicole

October 2, 2012 Meet Nicole... again... This is a dual purpose image today. One, because the woman in the image is cleaning. She is clearly showing the 3 stops for the 3 stop clean that we worked today for the Oly session. Two... and even better, the woman in the image is "The" Nicole that the WOD we did today is named for. CrossFits very own Nicole Carroll, one of the original nasty girls. We did Nicole a while back in July and I can clearly remember the day. I remember struggling through the pullups and switching (with M's instruction) from the bar with tape to the bar with no tape. I wad determined today to perform better than before and have a consistent amount of reps unbroken for the pullups. I had it in my head through the whole WOD and would not let go of that bar until I hit 10 reps each round. Next time I just have to run a little faster, or hang on longer and get that number up again! Overall, very happy with my 3rd meeting with Nicole. WARMUP: 2 Mi...

OH I love to Squat!

October 1, 2012 I have been really happy with all the Oly lifting that I have been doing lately. I typically have my skill sessions on Thursday nights and Saturdays where I work Oly, but M has been adding a lot of group oly every day and there has been quite a bit incorporated into the WODs. I feel like my technique is improving and with M and K able to watch us as we break down the movements slowly it has really been helping a lot. Today we worked 3 stop snatches again. I have been trying to creep up my weight for the skill session slowly than go at the heavier weight during my skill session on other days. I want to be sure to get the technique perfect before going too heavy and not being able to turn back. It always makes me a happy lady to see OH squats in a workout. I realize that probably makes me pretty strange amongst most people. OH squatting isnt really a "favorite" for many. Todays WOD was pretty heavy weight for them, but I was determined to Rx it and I was det...

Cheese Food?

September 30, 2012 SKILL/STRENGTH 50 Hollow Rocks (day 21) .

Must Lift

September 29, 2012 Man oh man was I excited to get my package in the mail at work today!! Right away I got so excited for my first lifting session that I could wear them for! I knew it was going to happen today!! I have been wanting to get some lifting shoes for a while now and have talked to Hubs about it. When we went to Garage Games, Again Faster was there as a vendor. They had their new lifting shoes on display and they caught my eye... ok, I will admit, it was a little because they had green and grey shoes out there... but also because of the craftsmanship and the price. They looked to be pretty close to the Rizzo Olys that a few of the ladies have at CFW. They are really happy with them so I thought if these were made similar than I would be golden with the price. So I inquired with Again Faster and come to find out they are actually made by the same people that make Rizzos. They are all hand made and hand crafted... so they are also the same quality. The major plus is the fact...