Hope (again)
**Had to post some of the few dates I missed back in June/July for my archive**
July 7, 2012
Last morning with my friends at NEPA! Thanks for letting us WOD with you guys!
3 Laps (400m ea)
3 Rounds
- 20 Squats
- 10 HR Pushups
WOD: Hope
July 7, 2012
Last morning with my friends at NEPA! Thanks for letting us WOD with you guys!
3 Laps (400m ea)
3 Rounds
- 20 Squats
- 10 HR Pushups
WOD: Hope
3 Rounds for Time
-Power Snatch (75)
-Power Snatch (75)
-Box Jump (24)
-Thruster (75)
-Chest to bar Pull-ups
-Thruster (75)
-Chest to bar Pull-ups
-1 min of rest
(one minute at each station keeping consecutive count of
reps at each, final score is total reps for all three rounds)
(206 Rx) .
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