Hello Nicole

October 2, 2012

Meet Nicole... again...

This is a dual purpose image today. One, because the woman in the image is cleaning. She is clearly showing the 3 stops for the 3 stop clean that we worked today for the Oly session. Two... and even better, the woman in the image is "The" Nicole that the WOD we did today is named for. CrossFits very own Nicole Carroll, one of the original nasty girls.

We did Nicole a while back in July and I can clearly remember the day. I remember struggling through the pullups and switching (with M's instruction) from the bar with tape to the bar with no tape. I wad determined today to perform better than before and have a consistent amount of reps unbroken for the pullups. I had it in my head through the whole WOD and would not let go of that bar until I hit 10 reps each round. Next time I just have to run a little faster, or hang on longer and get that number up again! Overall, very happy with my 3rd meeting with Nicole.

2 Minutes Double Under Practice
3 Rounds
- 5 Inchworms
- 10 Spidermans
- 15 Abmat Situps
2 Min Squat Sit

3 Stop Clean 5X2

WOD: Nicole
20 Minute AMRAP
- Run 400m
- ME Pullups
(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 = 60 Rx)

- Back Squat
2X5 (155) 1X5 (185) 2X3 (195)
- 50 Hollow Rocks (day 23)



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