Change Up
February 9, 2012
Last week I decided that I was going to start going to work some skills on Thursdays... today I decided to really change things up and go at night rather than the morning. Wow... what a difference. In so many ways. First off I was still able to get a little extra sleep in the morning which was nice. One day a week its nice to be able to sleep till 6:30. I was able to get up, take my time, have a little longer shower and take clothes out of my closet to get ready for work rather than my gym bag. The oddity was packing my gym bag the night before with workout clothes... rather than my work clothes!
I was at work all day thinking about the gym. I was actually starting to get a little concerned about my energy level towards the end of the day wondering if I was going to be able to get through a skill set when I got there. I hear 100 times a day "I could NEVER work out that early" which always makes me laugh, because more often than not whoever is saying it have never tried it... and honestly, it works for me, so thats what I do. Not to mention, one of the most common excuses for not working out is that there is no time to work out, well... I want it, I have to make time for it. The time I make for it is at 5:30am, and there you have it. If its for you, its for you... if not, thats fine too.
As I was saying, I was worried about my energy level... but when 5:00 rolled around I ran out the door from work. I never know if I am going to be working late, so doing this every day wont work... but once I week I think I can get away with. I headed right to the gym and when I pulled up I was so surprised to see how many cars were there! It was great. I went in, washed my face (because who wants to work out in makeup) and was ready to go. I was surprised at how quickly I gained strength and energy and was more than excited for my skills.
The energy is different at night of course than it is in the morning. I think for me it was so different because I dont typically see those who were there at night, it was great to see what goes on and I plan to do this again next week. K handed me a list of "coach approved" skill day exercises for me. This is really going to help me. She understands what I need to work on and what will benefit me the most, so I am all for it. I like being told what I should be doing... leaves the thinking out of it for me... even if they are the things that I suck at!
I had a lot of help from R in getting my double unders. I was extremely excited to get 40 in a row!! I kept working on them and am definitly getting more comfortable with them. Hubs was there as well so we did two progression WODs together, on with pullups and one with pushups. Both were 10 minute workouts, 1 rep the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third and so on... for all 10 minutes. The funny thing, I did these pullup and pushup progression WOD's 6 months ago... yikes, they were both brutal back than!! At that point I was using the large black pullup band and doing pushups from my knees... today I am kipping and using proper chest to floor pushup form... Love it!
The change was good... I cant wait to do it again next week!!
Afternoon Tea
Dinner - Crock Pot Balsamic Roast
Last week I decided that I was going to start going to work some skills on Thursdays... today I decided to really change things up and go at night rather than the morning. Wow... what a difference. In so many ways. First off I was still able to get a little extra sleep in the morning which was nice. One day a week its nice to be able to sleep till 6:30. I was able to get up, take my time, have a little longer shower and take clothes out of my closet to get ready for work rather than my gym bag. The oddity was packing my gym bag the night before with workout clothes... rather than my work clothes!
I was at work all day thinking about the gym. I was actually starting to get a little concerned about my energy level towards the end of the day wondering if I was going to be able to get through a skill set when I got there. I hear 100 times a day "I could NEVER work out that early" which always makes me laugh, because more often than not whoever is saying it have never tried it... and honestly, it works for me, so thats what I do. Not to mention, one of the most common excuses for not working out is that there is no time to work out, well... I want it, I have to make time for it. The time I make for it is at 5:30am, and there you have it. If its for you, its for you... if not, thats fine too.
As I was saying, I was worried about my energy level... but when 5:00 rolled around I ran out the door from work. I never know if I am going to be working late, so doing this every day wont work... but once I week I think I can get away with. I headed right to the gym and when I pulled up I was so surprised to see how many cars were there! It was great. I went in, washed my face (because who wants to work out in makeup) and was ready to go. I was surprised at how quickly I gained strength and energy and was more than excited for my skills.
The energy is different at night of course than it is in the morning. I think for me it was so different because I dont typically see those who were there at night, it was great to see what goes on and I plan to do this again next week. K handed me a list of "coach approved" skill day exercises for me. This is really going to help me. She understands what I need to work on and what will benefit me the most, so I am all for it. I like being told what I should be doing... leaves the thinking out of it for me... even if they are the things that I suck at!
I had a lot of help from R in getting my double unders. I was extremely excited to get 40 in a row!! I kept working on them and am definitly getting more comfortable with them. Hubs was there as well so we did two progression WODs together, on with pullups and one with pushups. Both were 10 minute workouts, 1 rep the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third and so on... for all 10 minutes. The funny thing, I did these pullup and pushup progression WOD's 6 months ago... yikes, they were both brutal back than!! At that point I was using the large black pullup band and doing pushups from my knees... today I am kipping and using proper chest to floor pushup form... Love it!
The change was good... I cant wait to do it again next week!!
Jump Rope Circuit 2X
- 10 Singles
- 10 Each Leg
- 10 Side to Side
- 10 Front to Back
- 10 Crossover
- 10 Double Unders
- 10 Singles
- 10 Each Leg
- 10 Side to Side
- 10 Front to Back
- 10 Crossover
- 10 Double Unders
2 X 9 Burgner
Double Unders 20 Minutes
10 Min Pullup Progression WOD
10 Min Pushup Progression WOD
Double Unders 15 Minutes
WEEK 5, DAY 4: Paleo Challenge
Post Workout Shake - 2 Scoops Protein
Morning Tea
Morning Snack - 2 Egg Muffins with Mushrooms, Onion, Tomato
Lunch - Leftover Flank Steak and Brussel Sprouts
Afternoon Snack - Lara BarPost Workout Shake - 2 Scoops Protein
Morning Tea
Morning Snack - 2 Egg Muffins with Mushrooms, Onion, Tomato
Lunch - Leftover Flank Steak and Brussel Sprouts
Afternoon Tea
Dinner - Crock Pot Balsamic Roast
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