Skill Day
February 2, 2012
I knew I wasnt going to be able to stay away from Thursdays for long... especially with Hubs getting up early to skill Thursday mornings. So, I decided to go today and work on some things that I "suck" at. Totally worth it... even if I couldnt get my double unders (still) but at least I am working on them. I can say that!! I also set up some weights for regulation pushups and banged out 10 sets of 5 of those.
Not going to lie, going to CFW and not doing the daily WOD and Skill... I had no idea what it was going to be like. I did do the warmup with everyone, but than came the hardest part... deadlifts. My absolute favorite, they were the skill for today. Bummed that I had to hold back. I do understand that I shouldnt over train and its important to have a day of no weights. I just wish it wasnt deadlift day!!
The WOD itself, well lets just say... I watched T, KP and a new CFWer take care of that WOD and wow... it didnt look fun at all!!
On another note, A posted this on Facebook and I had to share it, it was too funny not to!!
Row 500m
2 Rounds
- 10 Leg Swings, each leg
- 10 Around the Worlds with PVC
- 10 Back Extensions
Row 500m
2 X 9 Fundamentals
Stretch Hamstrings/Hips
1 Rope Climb
20 Minutes of Double Unders
10 X 5 Pushups (chest to floor on weights)
Afternoon Tea
Dinner - Crock Pot Chicken with Sauce, Mushrooms, Onion and Spaghetti Squash
I knew I wasnt going to be able to stay away from Thursdays for long... especially with Hubs getting up early to skill Thursday mornings. So, I decided to go today and work on some things that I "suck" at. Totally worth it... even if I couldnt get my double unders (still) but at least I am working on them. I can say that!! I also set up some weights for regulation pushups and banged out 10 sets of 5 of those.
Not going to lie, going to CFW and not doing the daily WOD and Skill... I had no idea what it was going to be like. I did do the warmup with everyone, but than came the hardest part... deadlifts. My absolute favorite, they were the skill for today. Bummed that I had to hold back. I do understand that I shouldnt over train and its important to have a day of no weights. I just wish it wasnt deadlift day!!
The WOD itself, well lets just say... I watched T, KP and a new CFWer take care of that WOD and wow... it didnt look fun at all!!
On another note, A posted this on Facebook and I had to share it, it was too funny not to!!
If you are a Crossfitter, you will laugh... if you are not a Crossfitter, well... join up and see... these are perfect!! WARMUP:
Row 500m
2 Rounds
- 10 Leg Swings, each leg
- 10 Around the Worlds with PVC
- 10 Back Extensions
Row 500m
2 X 9 Fundamentals
Stretch Hamstrings/Hips
1 Rope Climb
20 Minutes of Double Unders
10 X 5 Pushups (chest to floor on weights)
WEEK 4, DAY 4: Paleo Challenge
Post Workout Shake - 2 Scoops Protein
Morning Tea
Morning Snack - 2 Egg Muffins with Mushrooms, Onion, Tomato
Lunch - Leftover Flank Steak and Brussel Sprouts
Afternoon Snack - Lara BarPost Workout Shake - 2 Scoops Protein
Morning Tea
Morning Snack - 2 Egg Muffins with Mushrooms, Onion, Tomato
Lunch - Leftover Flank Steak and Brussel Sprouts
Afternoon Tea
Dinner - Crock Pot Chicken with Sauce, Mushrooms, Onion and Spaghetti Squash
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