Saving My Life...

February 13, 2012

... one WOD at at time.

This statement is so true... and so often I get asked the question (especially during the paleo challenge)... "when are you doing this until." Not to mention the infamous "you dont need to lose any more weight," and dont forget the "I could never do that." What people dont understand is that this is not a temporary solution. I have decided to make a lifestyle change with the objective of adding years to my life, quality years.

Over the years I have tried many different styles of working out. They never "stuck" they never appeared to work... or maybe they just didnt work fast enough for me that I going discouraged and gave up. But one thing is for sure, no matter what the workout was, I would do it for 2 weeks and feel the same every day. Yeah sure I might have been a little sore if I added weight that day... or I may be a little more pumped up for a workout because I had a bad day or something, but it was always the same. I finished the workout, packed up my stuff and went on with my day. The first 2 weeks were great... I would get further into it, get bored... start to slack, be afraid to add weight... and the next thing I know I am back where I started... making excuses not to go to the gym.

Today, now, the last six months have been anything but boring. I cant wait to see what the next day is going to bring, what the next challenge is and how fast I can reach a new PR or beat my last time. Its a contagious attitude in a CrossFit box. I have not missed a scheduled workout day in the last 6 months and I have no intentions of doing so in the future. I am not doing this to "lose weight" or "get skinny..." I am doing this so that I dont "get skinny..." how about that!! I am doing this so when I look into the mirror I can know that I worked hard to add years back to my life that were drowning in my own sadness that I let my body go. Check out THIS article!! Love it!!

I think the misconception about "bragging" and "trying to impress" comes from how much "we" as crossfitters talk about crossfit. Yes, its true... you put more than two crossfitters in a room together with a third that dosent crossfit... more often than not, the third will be bored to tears of the crossfit conversation. You get 10-15 crossfitters in the same room.... FORGET IT! All crossfit talk, all the time. Why?? Well we are proud, we are excited and we all love to share in eachothers accomplishments.

I think the most aggravating statement is "I could never do that." First and foremost... the reason why "you" could never do this... well thats because you already told yourself you couldnt. Enough said.

The "when does it end" comment... well... never. At least thats my plan. This is my life, this is the lifestlye that I live. No, I dont miss the things I "cant have." No, I am not going to "never have pizza again." Yes, I love getting up at 4:00 in the morning. Yes, I love sweating my ass off and laying on the floor trying to catch my breath after a WOD. Yes, I love my callouses... and most of all... YES, I AM HAPPY.

2 Rounds
- Row 250m
- 10 Shoulder Dislocates
- 10 Abmat Situps
- 10 Spiderman
2 X 9 Fundamentals
2 Minute Pigeon Stretch

WOD: "Ceaseless"
12 Minute AMRAP
- 15 Box Jumps (20")
- 15 HR Pushups
( 7 Rounds + 2 Rx)

Thrusters 3-3-3-3
85, 95, 105, 115

WEEK 6, DAY 1: Paleo Challenge
Post Workout Shake - 2 Scoops Protein
Morning Tea
Morning Snack - 2 Egg Muffins with Mushrooms, Onion, Tomato
Lunch - Leftover Chicken Topped with Crispy Prosciutto and Banana Muffin
Afternoon Snack - Lara Bar
Dinner - Apple and Onion Pork Chops


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