New Life

February 6, 2012

There are so many different personalities in this world. In fact I would go as far to say that there are no two personalities that are the same. Thats what makes life and being an individual so great. Sure, people try to classify personality types, but in reality I think that everyone has multiple personalities. We all act differently in different situations and you cant honestly say that you know exactly how you would react in any given situation.

Life is amazing. Life is short and we should embrace every moment that we have in it. Today was a very special day for me. I was able to meet a little lady who before I even got to see her face, kiss her little cheeks and feel her soft little head of hair I was totally in love. My best friends wife gave birth to their first baby girl on the 1st of the month, today I held her in my arms and told her that I loved her with  my own voice for the first time (first of many I might add).

To look at a baby, less than a week old, its such a beautiful thing. She has only just begun on this earth but she is packed with personalities to last her an entire lifetime. I look around at her parents and think maybe she will be a little of this from him, and a little of that from her... and the real beauty is that no one knows at this point what the "correct" answer is to that. Maybe when she is a little girl she will like dresses, bows and butterflies... and at the same time enjoy sitting on the couch with her daddy on Sundays watching football. Maybe as a teenager she will play hockey... but maybe she will dance... or maybe she will enjoy writing or be on the debate team. As an adult she becomes a school teacher or maybe a scientist... she drinks her coffee black, or she (gasp) dosent like coffee at all. She could be quiet, she could be talkative... right now, no one knows. She is the beginning of a work of art, that takes a lifetime to complete. Whatever she chooses to be, she is perfect in every way.

Life is art.

2 Rounds
- Row 250m
- 10 Spiderman
- 10 Shoulder Dislocates
- 10 GHDs
2 X 9 Fundamentals
2 Minute Shoulder Opener on Wall

WOD: "The Hype"
21-15-9 for Time
- OH Squat (95lbs)
- Pullups
(My Time 15:31)

Front Squat 5-5-5
135, 146, 155 (PR)

WEEK 5, DAY 1: Paleo Challenge
Post Workout Shake - 2 Scoops Protein
Morning Tea
Morning Snack - 2 Egg Muffins with Mushrooms, Onion, Tomato
Lunch - Leftover Chicken Topped with Crispy Prosciutto
Afternoon Snack - Lara Bar
Afternoon Tea
Dinner - Apple and Onion Pork Chops


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