Oh Yay, Running!

February 22, 2012

I heard K say yesterday as she was talking to someone "oh, its going to be warm on Wednesday, I'm thinking an outside WOD." Right away I knew we would be running. Yes, I "ran" track in high school... and yes, I have done WOD's with running before, and yes, I did the Turkey Trot... but none of these things has changed my mind about running. I still do not enjoy it. I think the only thing that I "liked" is that it changes things up a bit, its nice to get outside, and its nice to do something other than rowing... but uggg, running.

What I have to remember is how far I have come. The first few weeks of CF when I had to run a 400 it was horrible! Now I just do it without thinking about it. Like I said, I dont "like" it, but I dont dread it and I dont question it, it will make me better. I know in the long run, (hehehe, no pun intended) its "me against myself."

Crossfit has made me learn to be patient (ok, so I am working on this still, but I have come pretty far with it). I trust the programming and I know that what K and M put together for WOD's and skill/strength sessions are going to work. Why not trust them with the results that I have already seen for myself.

In reality, all I have to do is continue what it is that I am doing. Push hard, work hard, never give up and believe in myself. There is plenty of competition in CrossFit, in fact, we are about to embark on the CrossFit Opens, the largest competition ever (right now there are 60,000 people registered to compete), but really every day is competition with myself. The decisions I make with my food intake in conjunction with my exercise is up to me. Thats what keeps me going. I like the challenge.

Todays WOD was a struggle for me. The running was the start of it, but the pullups were killer. For some reason I was sluggish on them today. I felt like my body weighed so much more than usual. I believe it was from the KB Swings on Saturday... but I just wouldnt give up, I wouldnt let the clock beat me... it never stops ticking so I have to keep pushing. All three rounds were a challenge... BUT, my running was better than I expected. The next time my feet hit the pavement for a run it will be better than the last and thats all I can expect from myself.

Row 500
3 Rounds
- 10 Grasshoppers
- 10 Pushups
- 10 Back Extensions
- 10 Air Squats
Row 500
2 Minute Couch Stretch

WOD: "Helen"
3 Rounds for Time
- 400m Run
- 21 KB Swings (1pd)
- 12 Pullups
(My Time 14:30 Rx)

3 Rounds
- 15 GHD Situps
- 15 Rollouts
- 15 Hollow Rocks



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