Show Stopper

February 18, 2012

The WOD on Thursday was titled "Show Stopper." I was in on Thursday night for my skill session and while I was there I had the pleasure of watching some of my fellow CFWers push through what looked to be a pretty intense workout... I actually made a comment to P while I was there, she was also skilling, "that does not look very fun at all!"

I decided after giving it a little thought, that I wanted to do that WOD as my Saturday WOD, rather than a skill session. I really enjoy my skill sessions, but there was something in me that really wanted to do that one and when I talked to Hubs he felt the same. It sort of put itself out there as a challenge, it involved KB swings, toes to bar and wall balls... all things I should be working on anyway. There we had it, we were going to attack it this morning.

I will not lie, this was a hard one. Typically we see 21-15-9 as the ladder for WODs, this one was a 21-18-15-12-9-6-3... my main goal, do as many things as I could unbroken and get every single toes to bar Rx. I didnt have a time goal... I just wanted to give it my all. I worked on toes to bar on Thursday night so I was ready!! After talking to some others who already did it I kinda figured that the hardest part was going to be getting past the 15's.

It was certainly hard... but both hubs and I just kept pushing and pushing. A few others had "Fran-ed" at the same time as us, so they of course were done long before us. It was pretty fun to have so many people watching and cheering. I did all 7 sets of KB swings unbroken, and did the best I could to take small breaks on the wall balls. Every time I let go of the bar on the toes to bar I would hear K yell, "get right back up there..." so.... thats what I did! Eventually I was on the 9's... than the 6's... and finally the 3's and heard everyone start to yell "get under 20 minutes!" I had no idea what the time was at that point so I just went into 5th gear and got er done. Oh... in under 20 minutes... 19:59!!

I continued to cheer on Hubs till he was done and we could breathe easy together!! We did it!! It was a great start to the rest of the day!! Had a massage in the afternoon, where the masseuse said "wow, you have a lot of tension in your shoulders..." but damn, did it feel good!! Finally we closed off the day with our Post-Paleo Challenge gathering. Pizza and beer for everyone!! Yep, we are lucky to have such a fantastic CrossFit Family!!

2 Rounds
- 250m Row
- 10 Walking Sampson
- 10 Grasshopper
- 10 Abmat Situps
2 X Burgerner
2 Minute Couch Stretch
2 Minute Pigeon Stretch

WOD: "Show Stopper" for Time
- KB Swings (1pb)
- Wall Balls (14lbs)
- Toes to Bar
 (My Time 19:59 Rx)



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